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Have soooo much work to do but I don't want to do it ;-; I have a 15 page essay for this one class, 10 googles slides (while making a poster board and three page essay over the work) for this other class, and a worksheet. I procrastinate a lot lmao fuck.

Follow me on Instagram: Bloomatea and Anime_fondness

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       Drew cried as Landon held her back. There's no way he would let her go after him, especially with that lunatic boy next to him.

"Get ahold of yourself Drew, he's not the same boy" Landon stated as the rest of the people got to their feet. Toby ticked as he threw his other hatchet, grazing Landon's arm. Landon sucked in his breath as he lost hold of Drew who was now running full speed towards Levi.

"DREW NO" Landon screamed as she ignored his please to come back. She was close, so close into grabbing him as she stretched her arms out.

It all came crashing down as Levi ducked from her embrace and embedded the knife in her stomach.

Everyone stopped in horror as Drew was in shock. As time ticked by silently, the pain started up.

She screamed as she fell to the floor clutching her open wound as Levi had successfully pulled the knife out and pushed her screaming body over to the ground.

Toby congratulated him as Levi's cold green eyes glazed over the poor, terrified girl. His heart stung though, as he watched her cry but still held her hand out for him to take.

He shook his head as his attention directed towards the group. Drew used her other hand to apply pressure on the wound as more blood seeped through her clothes. Her energy was draining by the second as she felt the wave of nausea sweep over her.

She felt tired and cold as she could barely focus on Levi's form as he charged at the group with his partner in crime.

What was to come of this?

Is this the end?

She couldn't feel anything, the pain was being overplayed by the feeling of numbness.

She felt her heartbeat slow down as the silent tears ran down her pale face.

She smiled through it all, happy to see Levi was alive.

But was she going to stay alive now?

It's like she was trading places with him, death needs a suitor and life needs the other.

Perhaps this was her way of saying thank you to her lovable boyfriend that brought her great joy. The boy who sheltered her, who protected her, who loved her, who cherished her, who gave his life for her.

This was her way of saying thank you, taking his place in deaths arms.

She smiled at the thought of doing him this one last favor.

Her lips trembled as she barely got out three small words.

"I love you" then her world went dark.

     Somethings not right, the uneasiness was there as Ben paced back and forth in his room.

He felt like the universe has shifted in an unfortunate way.

He called up Jeff and Liu from the other room as he quickly dialed Landon's number.

He would check on them from time to time but somehow he felt the urge to talk to him.

What was this feeling?

"The number you are trying to call—"  Ben hung up as he sat the phone on the floor and told his two buddies that they need to follow him.

Jeff, being annoying, rejected the offer as he had 'important plans' to deal with but without a warning Ben took ahold of Liu's and Jeff's hand and jumped into the phone.

Jeff screamed in anger as Liu stayed quiet until their bodies hit the ground.

Quickly they got to their feet as Ben and Liu landed on a soft blanket while Jeff landed on the dirt trail, he was pissed.

His anger though, slowly turned into confusion as the boys watched the scene infront of them.

There they saw teens fighting off Toby and Levi.

Liu's eyes widened a tad bit as he saw his son stabbing his best friends shoulder.

He did not know his son was capable of doing such deeds.

Quickly; Liu and Jeff got their knives out and raced towards the ground and successfully tackled the ticking boy.

"Toby you fucking—"

"—awww it's Jeffrey, come to play?"

"You wish you stupid bi—"

"That's not nice" Toby mumbled as he gripped his hatchet and swung at Jeffry's head who barley had time to grab his wrist as he pinned his arms above Toby's head as Liu held his other hand down.

"Uh Levi, imma need some help" Toby spoke as Levi turned towards them, dismissing his early targets and tackled his uncle to the ground. This left Toby's free hand with his hatchet free as he swung it once more, grazing Liu's shoulder— cutting his jacket.

Liu let go of the boys hand as he got to his feet, pulling out his knife in the process.

"You're out numbered Toby, give it up" Liu threatened as Toby cackled.

"You think you scare me, scarf boy? You are nothing but a pathetic, fuck, coward" his head twitched as he slowly rose to his feet. "You let the love of your life die, and you want to know something?" He laughed, "She was absolutely beautiful and I had the honor to decapitate her beautiful head— oh if you only could here her screams, I bet she was amazing in bed too, right pal?" Liu's eyes started to change as he felt his kind succumb to the darkness that was slowly growing with anger.

Liu's eyes narrowed as Toby laughed.

"Don't talk about her like that" Liu's voice changed as Toby went on.

"The best part of it all is you lost your very own son, I bet (y/n) would be sooo proud of you" his head twitched to the side as Liu fucking lost it.

He charged as the boy who only smiled behind his mouth guard as he gripped his hatchet in hand.

"Just like that, come to me pretty boy" with that said, Toby swung towards Liu's figure who ducked and slid under his arm. He stabbed Toby's leg which his response as kicking Liu in the face sending his body a few meters back.

"I can't feel a thing" he laughed as they continued to fight, unaware of someone watching them with sorrowful eyes from the tree line that stood beside Drew's dying body.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Stay tuned for next week :D

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