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        Drew looked over towards Levi as her face fell into a concerning one. Why was he looking at them? Why is his face all upset?

Random questions popped into Drew's head as she followed Levi's gaze towards the new students.

"Levi" Drew mumbled as the other people around the table kept talking to one another about the new kids, "why are you looking at the new kids like that?" Her eyes held worry as Levi's gaze shifted towards his girlfriend, he smiled a bit.

"It's nothing" he replied in a whisper, making sure the others didn't hear, "I just have some déjà vu, that's all" he gave her a heart warming smile as her worries seemed to go away.

"Well, why don't we go say hi after school or something" Drew suggested, "it could help them ease their way into high school easier" she announced as Levi contemplated this. It could help get him close with them, but he couldn't shake this uneasy feeling. But, he would be a damn fool to not take up his girlfriends offer.

"Alright, sounds good love" Drew's cheeks started to heat up as she looked away from Levi's smirking face.

"I hate you" she mumbled as Levi chuckled beside her.

"I love you too" he replied as him and Drew joined in with theirs friends random conversation.

      Later that day school had ended. Levi went to gather his friend group before the new kids could leave. As he emerged from the bathroom to go look for the others he ran into one of the new kids.

Luke Dawn.

"Oh hey" Levi spoke, giving a warm smile to the kid in town. Luke, however, didn't smile back. His whole demeanor seemed so frightening. He only frowned as he pushed past Levi to get a drink of water from the fountain that was next to the bathroom.

Levi internally groaned as he realized he's one of those new student. There was nothing wrong with it, it's just going to be more difficult to get information.

"So" Levi trailed off, "I was wondering if you want to be friends" Luke was already done getting a sip of water and was now starring at Levi with a bored look.

"No" he flat out said as he tried to leave though Levi got in the way.

"Come on, I'm not a bad guy ya know" Levi began, "I would be more than happy to show you around" Levi finished as Luke crossed his arms. He was starting to get irritated with Levi.

"Look man, leave me alone. I don't want anything to do with you" Luke stated as Levi's smile seemed to fall a bit, but managed to keep it up- he wasn't about to back down.

"Why are you so insistent on not being my friend?" Levi argued as Luke looked towards the side, almost glaring at the wall.

"It's none of your business, I just don't want to have friends- I don't any" he mumbled as his eyes glazed over, he held back his tears as memories flashed through his head.

"Friends are great to have though" Levi countered, "it's like having a family that loves you and cares for you" Luke looked up at Levi as Levi smiled.

That smile.

He knew that smile.

An image of (y/n) flashed through Luke's eyes.

God how he wished she was still alive.

He would give anything to go back in time to see her. Hell, if would be more than happy to never speak to her again if it meant that she was alive and well.

But you can't change the past.

"Friends are just people who will leave you, they all do" he whispered as he left, silent tears started to fall from his eyes.

He missed her.

He really did.

"Please wait, I'm sorry, but I would like to be friends- we don't have to be friends, we can be acquaintances" Levi begged as he walked over to Luke, "I just need to keep in contact and ask you about some things, some things dealing with (y/n) (l/n)" the moment those words escaped his lips Luke turned around.

Tears littered his face as Levi examined his expression.

"How do you know her?" Luke asked as Levi looked around the school, there were still a lot of kids around. There was no need to make a big scene.

"I'll tell you more if you agree to come with my friends and I somewhere that's more private, you can bring your friends if you like" Levi suggested as Luke contemplated this, but agreed nonetheless.

"Friday, 7:00 pm (19:00) sharp by the playground not to far from here" Luke told him as Levi quickly agreed.

"Alright, sounds like a plan" Levi smiled, "I'll see you around then" with that Levi left to find his friends.

"Yeah, I'll see you around"

Wow, not the like What you're used too huh.

Time had changed Luke.

Just want to say, Xavier, Luke and Bella are my OC's.

Ghost of lacy will be in here as well!! My OC.

Love you all

Love of Levi (second book) Where stories live. Discover now