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Took the ACT today :,) 4 hours of torture on a Saturday morning.

The kids behind me coughed a lot, I've been around sick people all week. Now, I have a headache, my throat hurts and I feel like crap.

Cried a lot this week haha I'm a dumb bitch. I told my old crush that I liked him Sunday, he replied with "I liked you a lot too :)" and we have been getting closer since then. >.> don't think we're going to be together because ya girl don't want a relationship. I'm happy being single.

Finished some plans with my wonderful lover Drew DrewMcBeggar for this coming up Valentine's Day!! We're going on a double date ;) sorry Levi, I'm stealing her for the day~

Follow me on Instagram: Bloomatea and Anime_fondness

Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Bloomatea


Levi gathered his friends as they made their way to the park. Aiden and Peter had to go home, soon it was just the trio: Levi, Landon, and Drew.

As they walked towards the playground they noticed the new kids, Luke kept his word.

"Hey man" Levi greeted as Luke looked at him without smiling.

He really has changed, right reader?

"Alright" Levi trailed of, "not much of a talker, I get that" Landon laughed as Levi rubbed the back of his neck. How awkward could this meet up be?

"Well" Landon began, "I'm Landon" he put his arm around Levi, "I'm this guys bestfriend- if you got beff with him then you got beff with me" his smile showed kindness, but his eyes screamed danger. He was like the devil in disguise- that's Landon for you.

Levi chuckled as he shook his friends arm off of his shoulder.

"Don't mind him, he's just protective—"

"—Damn right!" Landon intersected as Levi sighed a bit. Drew decided to speak up as the new kids seemed unamused.

"I'm Drew McGeese" she smiled as the new kids eyes were fixed on her. Xavier was the first to talk from their group.

"I'm Xavier" he held his hand out for Drew to shake, "Xavier Nile, it's a pleasure to meet you" Drew graciously shook his hand as Xavier's mouth twitched up into a small smirk.

Levi stayed silent, watching the action unfold in-front of him. He wasn't exactly jealous, but who does that? He brushed it off as that's just how the new kid greets people.

"Hmm I'm Bella Dawn" Bella had her arms crossed as she semi-glared at the trio before her. Her brother stood next to her, slouched with his hands in his pockets.

"I'm Luke Dawn, not like you need to know" he mumbled the last part as Landon and his two friends took a weary glance at one another.

Bella then began to speak up a bit more, "I couldn't help be noticed you have the same last name as this girl in one of my classes called Luna- perhaps you're her sister Drew?" She asked as Drew was caught off guard from the girls boldness and observation.

"Uh yes" Drew stuttered, "my older step sister" Bella snorted.

"Figures" she began, her medium blonde hair flowing in the soft breeze as she kept her arms crossed over her somewhat large chest.

"No offense but you two don't seem like biological sisters" she started, "How do I put this nicely?" She openly asked herself as Xavier shot her a glare to keep quiet, but she brushed it off.

"You're just" She trailed off a bit looking towards the ground, smiling a little, "undesirable to say the least." She brought one of her hands to cover her mouth as she giggled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Drew asked, despite knowing fully well what it meant.

"Oh you know, she just had the looks and bod that society deemed quote on quote pretty" Xavier looked away as Luke snickered beside his sister as she laughed a bit. Drew's mouth hung slightly opened, not fully registering what just happened.

Landon and Levi were shocked someone would say something so boldly, especially meeting someone for the first time.

Drew's eyes stung from the upcoming tears but, managed to push it away before nervously laughing.

"That's fair" she spoke as she tried to dismiss the feeling of dejection.

"No it's not" Levi intervened as all eyes were on him, he was pissed.

"How dare you speak to my girlfriend that way" he was already in-front of Drew, protectively while glaring at the blonde bimbo.

"Girlfriend?" The three said in unison as Levi crossed his arms, clearly pissed.

"Apologize" the fire in his eyes were something of the unknown. The way a shadow danced across his face- giving off a terrible vibe. However, the blonde wasn't so quick to adhere to the boy.

"No way, I'm only stating the facts- it's not illegal to voice my opinion—"

"—it's called common human decency, learn it" Levi spat as the blonde girl was clearly annoyed, her face started to turn red.

"Shut up you dumb bitch! You're lucky you're actually decent looking or else I wouldn't hesitate to beat you" Bella yelled as the two were head to head angry with one another.

"Go ahead you dumb blonde, hit me. See what happens" he threatened as his eyes dilated into a Murderous look. Xavier and Luke quickly took action upon seeing this, grabbing Bella's arms, holding her in place. Before Bella could spout out some comeback, Xavier started to speak.

"Who's your parents?" He asked as he helped Luke restrain Bella. Levi was still aggravated but managed to comply with the question.

"Sam and Julia" Xavier took a quick glance towards Luke as their eyes locked with one another before Luke spoke up.

"No. Who's your birth parents?"

Levi, still heated, complied once more.

"Liu Woods and (y/n) (l/n)" Xavier's eyes widen as he subconsciously let go of Bella's arm, who was no longer trying to rip Levi's throat out, but rather shocked.

"That can't be" Bella mumbled completely over the situation beforehand- well, for the most part.

"She never had a kid, right?" Bella asked Xavier as Luke was still somewhat upset with talking about (y/n). Xavier wasn't complete over her either, but hearing this? This crushed him.

"I didn't know she had kids" Xavier mumbled, "but it explains a lot" he countered back as Bella seemed to agree with Xavier. Drew and Landon just stood there, not really grasping anything.

"I came for answers" Levi mumbled, "clearly I was wrong, please excuse my bestfriend, my girlfriend, and I." With that, he turned around, gently taking ahold of his girlfriends hand and walking away as Landon walked beside the seething Levi.

"Definitely has her temper" Luke mumbled.


Hope you enjoyed. I'm going to take a nap or something.

Felt like trash for the last few days over trivial things. Heh.

Love you all

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