67 (final chapter)

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Sorry for the time-skip at the end, it needed to be done.

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It's been about a little over decade now. Drew laughed as she spun her three year old daughter in her arms. She just turned three about a week ago. It was mid May, school was out and the family was enjoying their country side view.

Their house was gated in as their land could be seen for miles. They were on a hill, the house was fairly large as to accompany their three children and them. They had an outdoor pool in the back as well as a large kitchen to see in the backyard— the backyard was endless as well. Green grass everywhere as well as a lot of healthy trees. Not a lot near their house but enough of the trees to be deemed as a forest that seemed to be endless next to the meadow, since their house was on a hill- it was a nice view. They loved the outside, as much as their kids loved it.

"Hey sweetie, lets go find your father and siblings" Drew mumbled to her giggling three year old as they went out in the backyard to find the rest of their family swimming and playing.

Levi noticed his wife and waved towards them in the pool, just as he did his son jumped on his back sending them two under the water. Their other daughter giggled from the side as she happily kicked her feet back and forth in the pool as she sat on the edge.

Levi and his son emerged from the water gasping for air and laughing as Drew called them all over for lunch.

Immediately, the two oldest kids emerged from the pool area and raced inside. Drew chuckled as Levi came out from the water and gave Drew and his youngest child a hug. Immediately; Drew and Sophia cringed as the cold water came in contact with their skin.

"Daddy no" Sophia wailed as she angrily pushed Levi away, it didn't do much but Levi raised his hands in defeat.

"Sorry pumpkin, I just wanted to hug you and mama" he teased as Sophia shook her little head. Her dark brown soft hair (Drew's hair) flowing in the wind as her green eyes (Levi's eyes) narrowed towards her father. She cuddled into Drew's chest as she wrapped her tiny arms around her neck while still glaring at her father.

"She's such a mama's girl" Levi mumbled as Drew chuckled. The three went inside to find their 8 year old son and 7 year old daughter arguing over who's super hero is better. Drew rolled her eyes and gave a playful smirk towards her husband as he sighed. It was his turn to break up the little argument as he made his way over to them.

Drew sat Sophia down in her chair as she prepared the plates for lunch. Soon the three emerged from the living room and sat down, eagerly waiting for food.

"Well well well, it seems the argument has stopped" Drew commented playfully as she put the salad bowl out and other various foods.

"Dad said we get to have ice cream if we stopped!" Their daughter, Skylar said as her brown eyes (Drew's eyes) lit up from the agreement as her shoulder length, light brown hair (Levi's hair) was drying up from the water.

"Yeah, he also said we could go on a walk!" Their son, Landon (yeah they named their son after their bestfriend) stated as his appearance resembled Levi's.

"Oh is that so?" Drew hummed as Levi grinned, "it is, my dear. We all should go out and have some bonding time anyways" he chuckled as Sophia clapped her hands upon hearing the whole thing. She wanted the ice-cream.

"Alright, that should be fun. Let's eat up now" the family enjoyed their meals as time ticked on.

They soon came back from their walk and shopping, they had to pick up some stuff. The kids got their ice cream and before anyone knew it- it was night time. Levi made some dinner as Drew accompanied the kids, getting them washed up and in their pajamas. As they finished up, they made their way downstairs and into the kitchen. They all ate happily while talking about their day out.

Soon the kids went upstairs and brushed their teeth, Sophia got help from Drew as she then tucked them all in and helped them to rest.

Levi was cleaning up as drew made her way downstairs, exhausted.

Levi finished and sat with Drew on their couch and snuggled up next to her while they watched some show.

"I looked at the journal again today" Drew mumbled as she hugged Levi who only hummed in response. He had his arm around her as his eyes glance towards his loving wife.

"I still can't believe he knew all this time, how he protected us and everything. I miss him so much ya know" she mumbled as Levi rubbed his hand up and down her arm, comforting her.

"He really was like a big brother, I know he's still watching out for us and our kids" Levi commented as Drew stayed silent.

"You still have the necklace?" Levi asked as she nodded, "it's in his journal, he was good at picking out jewelry" she smiled as he smiled too.

The two stayed and cuddled for the rest of the night as their little family grew over the years.

Many years passed as the two became grandparents and soon great grandparents.

Levi was on his death bed as his final days was coming to an end. The beeping noise of his heart monitor was next to him as his family was as well. Drew passed away a little while ago, it was finally his time.

He couldn't stop his aging like his real father because he wasn't apart of the group nor did he want to be apart of it. He was happy to live his life like his mother and best friend wanted.

His children, grandchildren and even some great children cried as he slowly handed the journal and necklace he kept for all these years to his favorite great grandchild (he had favorites like everyone else).

"Take good care of it" Levi mumbled, his breathing getting harder because of old age. "Once you're ready, pass it on" he closed his eyes as he smiled for the last time, then his heart monitor went flat.


Third book will be coming

Hope you enjoyed this book!!

Love you all

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