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"The names Candy Pop~" the jester beamed as the crowed clapped and cheered. More smoke appeared as the jester waved his hand- forming an egg. Soon there were three. He began to juggle as the kids laughed and clapped. The jester grinned as he walked around the stadium juggling, more eggs appeared.

It was amazing to see the eggs appearing out of thin air, but why does Levi feel uncomfortable. His girlfriend, on the other hand, smiled as her eyes were transfixed on the juggling jester.

Soon he threw the eggs in the air and waved his hand once more, a hat appeared as the eggs started to come down. Holding his new hat out, the eggs disappeared within it. Smiling; the hat vanished. The jester put his hands up as the crowed went wild with cheers. During this time, Levi slipped his phone to his girlfriend so she can hold onto it for he needed to use the restroom. That is, until the jester spoke up.

"Next trick, I need a young lad" he shouted, "sorry for the girls, I shall need your assistance soon" he winked as the women seemed to blush and giggle- minus the kids.


The jester scanned the arena until his eyes landed on Levi. Smirking; he outstretched his hand, gesturing to the boy.

"You, young lad, come here" the whole section looked at on another- not sure if they are the one being called on.

That changed as smoke appeared around jester, then appearing by Levi. As soon as the smoke cleared, there stood the jester- grinning like a devil.

"My young lad, oh how I have the honor to be in your presence" the jester bowed as all eyes were on him.

"Do be my assistant for this next trick, yes?" He asked as Levi took a quick glance towards his friends- who were ushering him to say yes. Smiling, though dying inside, he swallowed the uneasy feeling and agreed.

"Splendid" with that, the two people were on the arena floor- using the smoke trick.

"Everyone give a hand for my assistant, Levi!" Everyone cheered and smiled. Levi paused, things went through his head.

'How did he know my name?' He thought, until something dawned on him. Was this a set up? Before he could back out, the jester took ahold of his hand leading him into a box that had appeared some time when he was spaced out.

"I shall lock this man in the box and make him disappear~" something wasn't right. His mind tried to resist but his body was compelled to do what the jester said.

He lost control of his movement. It was like he was under control by some unknown force.

The jester opened the tall, rectangle box and Levi subconsciously stepped in- not really understanding why. The box locked as the inside was dark, pitched dark. Another problem was the noise, he couldn't hear anything.

The jester was still speaking though.

"Now, let's count to three together!" The jester shouted in enthusiasm as the crowed agreed.


Smoke started to form around the box as the jester spun it around slowly.

It seems everyone was in a daze, however Drew managed to get control over her mind and body- by then it was too late.


The jester stopped spinning and the smoke cleared, opening the box fully only to show the people that it was empty.

The crowed cheered, everyone except for Drew. Anxiety started to make its way into her fragile system. Landon seemed to snap out of it as well, feeling the danger creeping near.

Looking at his watch, that he didn't have, candy pop faked gasped.

"Oh would you look at that folks, my time has run out! I bid you all a due~" he vanished as the crowed cheered for his amazing acts.

"Levi?" Drew questioned as the rest of the group seemed to come back into their senses. Drew started to slightly panicked as she clutched Levi's phone in her hand.

"Levi?" She asked, more so in disbelief. Was he not going to bring him back?

Drew stood up as a man dressed in a knock of clown suit entered the tent and apologized for being late for the show. This started some confused thinking as the people looked at one another- wondering what just happened.

Was the jester not apart of the opening act?

One of the people from the crowed came down to talk with the man only to find out that the jester was indeed not apart of the crew- the crowed of people began to whisper among themselves.

"We need to go, now" Landon told the group as the friends got up. Before anyone could move, a cloud of smoke seeped in the tent as Landon instructed his group of friends to hold hands- in order to not get lost.

Drew, clutching Levi's phone in one of her hands, held Landon's hand with her other as he held Abriel's and so forth.

Once the smoke disappeared, the people seemed to be in dazed.

The knock of clown began his speech and talked as the people were no longer concerned with the jester and his acts minutes before.

In fact, it seems everyone has forgotten the whole ordeal that started the show.

All of them forgot except for the group of friends who had held each other hands.

Letting go, the quickly exited the tent and began to talk about what happened.

In the midst of their talking, Drew couldn't help but feel her heart breaking as she gazed down at Levi's phone in her hand.

Where was he?

Adrian fixed his glasses as the group argued on what happened, "We need to call the police."

They all looked at one another, before agreeing with Adrian.

"What do we even say? Oh yeah our friend was kidnapped by some funny looking person in a jester suit? They will totally believe us!" Peter sarcastically commented as he started to shake a bit out of anger and sadness.

"We have witnessed, the whole stadium of people saw!" Abriel countered back as she couldn't stop pacing back and forth- afraid of what happened.

Peter threw his hands in the air, "did you not just see what the people were talking about?! It seems that they had completely forgotten the damn jester was there- I highly doubt they remember some boy!"

He had a point.

Landon stayed quiet as he thought more on the situation. Though, one question struck his mind.

"How come we didn't forget?" He mumbled as Drew heard his question. This had made everyone silent as they pondered on the question that was asked. Drew looked down at Levi's phone until an answer appeared in her mind.

Eyes widening, she snapped her head up towards the group.

"I think I know"

Sorry, had to push the story along. We're already 52 chapters in!! Holy shnikeys!

Love you all~

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