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Hope you enjoy this chapter!!
Had a rough week :,) but it's all good.

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Levi awoke to a soft nudge, he lazily opened his eyes only to be face to face with Landon.

He pushed his friends face away as he sat up, rubbing his eyes while yawning. He looked around the room and noticed some kids were still sleeping while others were somewhat awake. He looked at Landon as he had the biggest smile plastered on his face, making his dimples show.

"What?" Levi questioned his happy friend as Landon let out some giggles.

"You know what" he teased as Landon got up, stretching some more in the process. He hadn't realized that Drew wasn't here. His mind was focused on Landon.

"No, I don't" Levi mumbled as he pushed passed Landon to retrieve his toothbrush. Landon let out a chuckle before following the boy with his own toothbrush in hand.

"Last night I saw you and Luna's sister cuddling, not only that but I saw you follow her upstairs when everyone was asleep" he beamed as Levi froze. That's when it hit him, last night. He turned around to face Landon's smiling face. Did Landon see the intruder last night?

Some questions ran through his head as Landon couldn't contain his giggles. He softly giggled as Levi's face was in shock.

"I didn't know you liked her" he mused as he walked passed the frozen Levi, Levi shook his head as he followed his buddy.

"It's not like that at all, what you saw last night was something completely different" he mumbled as Landon laughed in response.

"Ya, whatever you say" he replied as they both went into the bathroom to brush their teeth.

After they finished, it seems that everyone was dressed and ready for the day. The two boys followed in pursuit as they all went outside in the backyard for some relaxation as they await their breakfast.

It was around 8 in the morning and Levi realized he hadn't seen Drew at all this morning. He could have sworn she fell asleep with him last night after the incident, where could she be?

He excused himself from his friends group and made his way inside, using the 'I need to use the bathroom' excuse.

As he made his way to the upstairs bathroom and saw a door at the end of the hall, the same place that Drew try to run to last night before he caught up to her and asked her to come downstairs.

Could that be her room? The door was light brown, no decorations despite's Luna's door being overly decorated. The door was opened half way as he peeked inside only to find the brown haired girl sitting on her bed, crying her eyes out silently while hugging her knees.

His heart swooned for the distressed girl as he wanted to go in, as he contemplated on going in he heard another voice in the room.


"Why can't you ever listen" her voice sneered in annoyance as he saw the brown haired girl flinch. The lights where off, the only lighting was from the window by her bed.

He once loved the blondes haired voice, how she cried when she lost her necklace, how she smiled when asking him to be her friend. He though she was one of the nicest girls alive.

But now, his mind was confused. His mother had taught him to be nice, sweet, friendly, and overall polite. How could someone do this? Do this to their own family? He could never imagine being mean towards his parents or his friends.

If you cared for someone why be mean? If you didn't like someone, then leave me alone. Isn't that how it should be?

"Just stay away from Levi."

He froze.

This was because of him?
Was this why she was so hesitant getting close to him?

Suddenly, he felt anger. He didn't know why but his eyes narrowed towards the blonde girl, his hands started shaking. He clenched his jaw in attempts to stay quiet.

How could someone tell somebody to stay away from them if they weren't hurting anyone?

'I had never hurt anyone, not in purpose' Levi thought, 'I'm not a bad person, why did she say that?' He was angry beyond compare.

He wasn't a bad person, right?

Sure he had fits, he had arguments, he pouted from time to time but it's normal, right?


Everything seemed to come back to normal.

It's normal doing this, it's normal doing that. What's not normal then?

'Is this normal?' He asked himself as he watched the two sisters.

Levi doesn't have siblings so he couldn't understand.

Could this be normal?

He wants to believe it is, but then why does it make him angry? If it's normal then it's fine, right?

Though, shouldn't siblings be nice to one another? Isn't that what siblings do? So many questions swirled in his head as he watched the blonde haired girl scold the upset brown haired girl.

This is normal.

He reassured himself.

It has to be.

Then, something unexpected happened.

He gasped as the sound of a slap echoed the dark room.

His eyes widen as he saw the browned haired girl on the bed, shocked.

Her eyes widened but then closed as she cried. Her hands shot to her face, cupping her reddened cheek.

"Next time, listen" Luna threatened. That's when Levi realized.

This is not normal.

He darted to the bathroom as Luna turned around to make her way outside with the others.

As a minute passed and the footsteps faded Levi existed the bathroom and walked towards Drew's door, opening it all the way as he saw the girl crying as she covered herself in his blanket.

His heart broke.

His eyes pricked with tears, he had never cried for someone. Why does he feel like crying now?

He walked into the room as Drew hadn't noticed his presence yet. All of a sudden he engulfed the wailing girl in a hug as her eyes opened to see who it could be.

Her eyes softened as she untangled herself from the blankets and wrapped her arms around his body and buried her head in his chest. She cried and cried as Levi let some silent tears fall from his face.

"It's okay" he whispered as she cried more, "I'm here now."


Welp, this is this weeks chapter. Hope you like it!!

Every Saturday is a new chapter!!

Love you all!!

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