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What should Levi do? What can he do?

'Think Levi, think' he scolded himself as he could only look at them. It was dark but the street light lit them up, not a lot, but enough. One of them gestured for Levi to come outside as he Drew's hair making her scream into the cloth.

Levi clenched his teeth as he made his way to the door until an idea popped into his head. He got out his phone and called Ben as his body was behind the door, making sure the others didn't see.

"I didn't think you would cal—"

"—they're here, they have Drew captive. The proxies—"

"—put the phone on the floor now" without hesitation Levi sat the phone on the floor. In an instant, Ben appeared.

"Where are they?" Ben asked as Levi explained what happened- in a few sentences. Time was running out as well as, the proxies patients.

"Fuck, okay. Go out there and see what they want- I'll call back up" Ben stated, "put your phone in your pocket and make sure to have it on you- I can use it to track you down" with that said Ben hid by the stairs as Levi grabbed his phone and made his way out the door- shutting the door behind gently.

While he was doing that, Ben shot Jeff and Liu a quick text. Lucky for Ben, they owed him a favor which he's chasing it right now.

"They're about to owe me another favor" Ben mumbled to himself as he sent his location towards them.

Levi walked towards them; slowly. Wasting time was something he needed to do however, the proxies weren't having any of it. Hoodie grabbed Levi by the arm, yanking him towards the crowed.

"Let's talk" Hoodie seethed behind his mask as Levi winces from the pressure. He only nodded as Hoodie looked back at his comrades.

"Grab the kid and let's go" Masky stated, his voice muffling a bit from his mask. Toby looked back at the girl and Masky before asking his question.

"What about her?" Hoodie and Masky looked at one another before answering in unison.

"Kill her" with that hoodie and Masky turned around as hoodie pulled on Levi. Drew cried and trembled in fear as Toby took out one of his hatchets.

"No!" Levi screamed as he managed to rip his arm free from hoodies grasp. He ran towards Drew and tackled her out of the way just in time for the hatchet to miss them.

Levi covered her head to make sure she didn't injure herself too much. He sat up holding Drew close to his body while glaring daggers at the trio.

"Well shit, now what?" Toby asked as the other two stood there; shocked. Tim was more shocked, he has known this boy for a while, he was a lovable, kind boy yet, he had the moves of a killer as well as the look.

"Unbelievable" Tim mumbled under his mask, "he really is Liu's son"

"My what?"

Just then, the trio turned around only to see their long lost rivals.

Jeff, Liu, and Ben.

"You've got to be shitting me" Hoodie mumbled as both groups were in a starring contest. Toby ticked a bit, upset he couldn't cut anything or anyone.

As they were distracted Levi took off Drew's cloth from her mouth and untied her arms as she whimpered lowly, trying hard not to cry out in fear. Once she was undone, her arms immediately wrapped around Levi's stomach as she buried her face in his chest.

He wrapped his arms around her protectively as he glared at the groups.

"What did you say?" Liu threatened as he got his knife out, he wasn't necessarily trying to threaten them- more so asking about the statement that was said earlier.

"I don't have a son" Liu told them as the trio looked at one another.

"You do" Ben spoke up as Liu glanced to the side, "he's your and (y/n)'s son" the moment those words left his lips the atmosphere seemed to grow colder.

Jeff was stunned as well as Liu, there was no way he had a kid. He hadn't slept around in a while and if he did he would kill them afterwards plus (y/n) died a long time ago and it was one time.

"No" Liu stated, "not possible" he got his knife ready as did Jeff.

"It is, you're telling me you never slept with her 13 years ago?" Ben stated as the proxies kept quiet. Liu gripped his knife as he glared at the trio ahead of him.

"I did, one time. Then she vanished until these fuckers killed her" he growled as his anger started to rise, "if he was my son then you three assholes killed his mother and left him to be an orphan. I could have had a perfect family, a loving wife and an amazing child- but you took that away" Liu seethed as he threw his knife at Hoodie, he barely was able to dodge it.

"Besides" Liu mumbled as he looked over towards Levi who was still glaring at all of them while holding drew protectively, "wait a sec" he mumbled, stopping his sentence as he looked towards Levi.

He stalked towards Levi as everyone watched. Masky, on the other hand, took this opportunity to disappear into the shadows.

Liu knelt down in front of Levi as Levi growled holding Drew closer towards him.

"Back off" Levi threatened as Drew started to shake a bit. Liu stared into Levi's eyes, they both had the same eyes and hair as well as their lips.

"You do look like me" Liu mumbled to himself as he straighten himself up.

"What is your favorite color Levi" Liu asked, Levi responded with (f/c). Liu nodded as he asked another question which responded with another answer like (y/n)'s.

"You had a kid with the girl we both had a crush on?! Bro!" Jeff yelled as his anger started to rise up. Liu looked back at Jeff, no emotions on his face.

"I called dibs" Liu stated as Jeff kicked a nearby rock.

"Bullshit! I called dibs before you!" He explained as he gripped his knife while making his way towards his brother. Levi got up, taking Drew by the hand as he tried to sneak away with her; failing.

Masky caught Levi as he let go of Drew's hand.

"Let go!" Levi screamed, though it wasn't that loud to wake up the neighborhood or Drew's parents but, it was loud enough to grab the attention of everyone in the yard.

"Hoodie, Toby, take care of them and cover my back" with that said, Masky knocked out Levi as he fell unconscious into his arms- not before muttering for Drew to run.

Welp, shit.

So tired lmao.

Love you all

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