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Alright!! So I'm going to graduate in 4 weeks!! Ahhhhh no more high school!! I also got some scholarship money!! Ayyeeeee!!

Also also!! Prom was fun, lots of crazy stuff happened XD the guys were funny asffffff. I'm still a Virgin, so keep your dirty minds to yourself!!! Lolol, also. I got new neighbors!! They're moving in today and tomorrow!!


The new neighbors has two kids, a 10 year old daughter and a 17 year old son!! He's my age, I wonder if he would be going to my school..? Probs not, it's only a month left.

But anyways yeah, I haven't met them yet!! So oof, hopefully they're nice people.

Anyways, love you all!!

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Follow me on Instagram: Bloomatea and Anime_fondness


        Drew awoke to the blaring of her alarm, she groaned a bit as she stumbled out of bed. She proceeded to do her morning routine as her kitten jumped on the bed, snuggling into the blankets that laid wrapped up upon awakening. Drew chuckled a bit, petting the grey tabby named Drevi. It was her and Levi's ship name, in fact; the cat was given to her a few weeks prior to Levi's disappearance from Levi as an anniversary gift.

The kitten yawned as he purred a little upon contact as Drew kissed the top of his head and left to change and do other things.

After a bit she descended the stairs with her stuff and walked out the front door— ignoring the rest of her family. Not before bumping into someone's chest upon leaving her home. She took a step back, wondering who she bumped into in front of her house.

It was Luke Dawn, she scrunched her nose slightly from annoyance as he gave her a small, yet firm smile. Before he could say anything Drew stepped around him as her sister, Luna, made her way out the door and into Luke's arms. Must to his dismay, he reluctantly put his arm around her as a couple should do and escorted Luna to his car. By then, Drew was already meters away from the couple as her mind was focused on her plan.

Meanwhile, Levi hugged as he dodged another attack. The attackers fist came into contact with the tree bark as Levi rolled on the bed of the forest. Groaning a bit, he got to his feet and gripped his knife in his hand. He focused on the attacker as another fist came into his view, barely dodging the hit.

Levi ducked as he kicked the mans stomach, then kicking off— sending the man to the ground. Swiftly; he pounced on the man and held the knife to his neck.

"Check mate" Levi mumbled as the man smirked under his mask and the trimmer went off. Sighing; Levi got off the man and held his hand out which he took graciously. Hosting him up, the two boys made their way inside to get some lunch.

"Not bad, you've gotten better for sure" Masky stated as he pulled out some cheese cakes from the fridge. Levi chuckled as he pulled out some left over pizza and put two slices in the oven as the timer went off signaling it has been preheated to its temperature (it taste better than microwave— that's just my personal opinion).

"Yeah, you think so?" He questioned as Toby walked in to get his food.

"I know so."

Toby walked over and sat on the couch, eating his plate of waffles. He took his mouth guard and goggles off as he ate his food happily. Masky grumbled as he finished his piece of cake.

"Don't you have your own house?" Masky asked as Toby nodded as he watched some TV. Masky, not wanting to deal with Toby left to his room as Levi's pizza was done heating up in the oven. Smiling; he took them out on a plate and ate his slices in content as he watched son TV with Toby.

Once the show was over, the boys cleared their plates while Toby was getting ready to leave. Sensing this was Levi's chance to go outside for a bit more, He spring to his feet and smiled towards his friend.

"Hey Toby" he greeted as Toby greeted him back as he put on his goggles and mask.

"I was wondering if I could come with you for the night, I've gotten a lot of training done and I could be of use" Levi said as Toby paused for a bit. He wasn't allowed to go anywhere with an order or without Masky.

He was Masky's responsibility but, he did like to play pranks on Masky and annoy him. Perhaps, this could help.

Smiling devilishly to himself, he openly welcomed Levi's proposal and the two left the house.

Levi's mind was still foggy on some parts, all he knew was that he wanted to go outside and enjoy the fresh air. He also wanted to spend time with his friends, such as Toby.

This was perfect.

"So are you coming over today?" Lotus asked as Drew shrugged, "I'm free so yeah."
"Alright, I'll be picking you up after school. I need to swing by and grab Abriel since she skipped today" she chuckled as Drew rolled her eyes playfully. "That's Abriel for you, Senior skip day isn't even until next week. " the two girls laughed a bit as the boys came over.

"You guys coming with us to the park later today?" Lotus asked as the guys nodded, "I made lunch" Aidan commented as he pushed his glasses up a bit. The group started to chat some more was the first bell rung, signaling to go to class.

The group parted as they went to their own classes, unaware of some figure overhearing on their little parade.

The school ended as the teens pooled out of the school, Drew was walking with Lotus as the guys were already gone to go home to get some stuff for the small picnic.

"You think we're ever going to find him?" Drew asked as lotus smiled sadly, "I think we will, I just hope he's okay" this seemed to ease Drew's mind a bit as the two girls got into Lotus's car and left to get their friend.

If only they knew what was to come.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

Love you all and drink some water!!

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