The Second

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Gently edging open the door to the class, I could already hear the sudden silence that draped itself over the entire classroom itself. It was as if all the kids wanted to see me in the shit. Actually, who am I kidding? Of course they do. They all hate me, and I'm not surprised really. I mean, when you look, sound, and exist as I do, no one likes you. I'm not like everyone else at our school: I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't have sex, I don't do anything crazy like that. I just go to school, go home, revise, sleep, repeat. I don't like it, but what can you do? All I am is a robot, and a robot I'll stay. It's where I feel most comfortable.

"Adam?" I heard our latest English teacher speak out to me from the front.
How did he know..?
"This is the third time, if you don't remember." He answered my thought before I could.
"No. No I clearly don't." I stated as I sat at the back of the class, bottom left, right next to the door. As I got the stuff I needed for this class, I could feel the grey eyes he owned piercing the top of my skull, sending fractures of warning straight into my brain
"See me after class." Was all he uttered before the class erupted to shouting again. Great... that's all I need. Putting it aside, I put the rest of my focus on the work. I'd argue with this guy later. Even with my concentration honed on this task, the eyes of all the other students worked their way into my mind until I started to feel extremely stressed. Even from here, I could hear the whispers traded between all of them. And I just knew it was about me. Our school is just that sort of place. Everyone is at everyone else's throats all the time. You could be friends with one person one day, and hate them the next day. No, fuck that, the next second. Two faced people are everywhere.

Two hours later, I'm the only one left in the class, staring at the desk whilst the teacher cleared all of his stuff up. As I watched, he seemed to put something near to his arm, but I couldn't see anything through my point near the back. I swear I heard a quiet sigh as whatever he had disappeared into thin air. Honestly, looking back on it, it was stupid for me not to do anything. Heck, what can I say? I knew the school for a long while, but I never knew it could get to this level.

I don't even know this guy's name, we have so many people coming and going from our place it's incredible. Either the pay must be terrible, or the headmaster gets a hard on for firing people. It's none of my business anyway... focusing my attention on the lanyard around his neck, I made out one word 'Nusanda'.

Last name? Probably.

"You know why I kept you behind, don't you?" Nusanda said, finally putting his attention towards me, staring into my soul. His eyes seemed to turn darker and darker as I stared back into them, trying to show some signs of anger.
"Yeah, clearly." I replied casually, as if I really didn't care. I mean, school is important, but I wasn't too late obviously. And I had a reason! He just didn't ask... Nusanda's eyes had turned completely black at this point, and his mouth started to twitch slightly, as if his mouth was just itching to smile broadly.
"Well.." He said as he turned towards the blackboard and grabbed some chalk. He held it mid air, poised to write, before a sense of pain overcame him and he gripped his head with both hands, breath steaming through his clamped teeth. He fell down to his knees, head still firmly planted between his hands. This did shake me slightly as I jumped up and rushed over to him, already asking "what's going on?" His reply was to turn his face towards me, and it had changed completely.

His previously calm, azure eyes had been overcome by blackness, but now the blackness had purple bloodshot flecks throughout them, making them look like lightning had stuck across them both. His veins had also turned purple, and they struggled and strained against the skin that wriggled throughout the entire complex of his face. His mouth hung open, saliva dripping from his stained teeth, and his entire mouth heavily dragging in the air through it. Upon seeing this, I stumbled back, terrified, and shouted "HOLY SHIT!" His gaze seemed unfocused, as if he was looking through to me. That soon changed though, as he faced back towards the blackboard, and wrote down in very sloppily jagged handwriting 'CARE OR DIE' on it. This sent a rushing wave of panic throughout my body, and it had me scrabbling through my panicked state towards the door. However, in this current state, he seemed a lot faster than I predicted, and pounced in front of the door, arms spread to stop me escaping
"You ain't leaving..." He said, foaming from the mouth heavily, as if he had rabies. My body contorted itself as his hands snakes out towards my throat, desperately trying to clutch at it.
What the fuck is going on?!
"Sir, you need to back the fuck up." I stated as I scrambled into my knees and stepped back towards the other side. His eyes seemed to glisten as he started to laugh at my discomfort
"Do not swear at me..." He sniggered afterwards, clearly savouring whatever this moment was. My back had finally hit the wall, where the windows hung open, breeze trying and unsuccessfully trying to calm my body down.
The windows...
It's either me or him.... No, wait. That's ridiculous. I couldn't do that! I couldn't live with myself, no matter how insane this guy was. Nusanda was a human being regardless.
"Let's just calm down..." I stated to him, holding my hands up as he growled in a low pitch, staring the true nature of his craziness.
"Your not passing this class, boy." He spat, "I only accept the best from all of my students. So I guess..." he stopped, gripping the moment in its fullest.
"I'll have to kill you."

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