The Fourty-Sixth

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I'd gotten a lot of weird looks on the way home. I couldn't work out whether it was my current look, the fact my body felt like a punctured tire, or my genuine lack of manner and etiquette as I stumbled through the bustling streets in the middle of the day.
I'm pretty sure if I saw me asking for change down the highways, I'd lock the doors and pray to god I didn't bang on them.
A few splinters seemed to dig deeper into my skin as I walked, solidified maggots crawling their way across my skin and eating away at my patience and flesh. 
Maybe I should see a doctor..? No. I've gotta get home, get some sleep.
I barged my way through two people in the middle of the road, sending one sprawling out into the road. I didn't look back, not even when I heard a horn and a sudden slam on brakes.
People die every day. At this point, it's just part of living.
"HEY!!" I heard a shout back. I carried on my stumbling as some guy continued to scream at me.
"YOU ARE SO LUCKY SHE ISN'T DEAD!" Was the final thing he shouted before his voice became no more in my head. I didn't care, not in that current moment. The only thing I needed was sleep and a moment to think things over.

I gently nudged the door, allowing it to creak open slightly, revealing that no one was in there.
I can't hear anyone either. I guess everyone is asleep? I have no idea what the time is...
Relieved, I pushed it open fully, gently crept up the stairs, and opened my bedroom door, heading directly for my bed. I stripped everything off, sagged in, and drained myself of all current thoughts and feelings as my felt my body begin to melt itself away into the pleasure of sleep. My arms became lead numb, my chest became less sore and contracted, and my head lulled back onto the pillow as I closed my eyes for some well-deserved rest.

"Holy Jesus..." I heard a voice mutter under its breath as I opened my eyes. They seemed a lot easier to open and to wriggled around. I looked up at the ceiling for a long time, debating whether getting out of bed this morning was even worth it. An even slower, dull, throbbing beat was emerging from my arms and legs as blood finally blasted its way through my repaired and rejuvenated veins. Shaking my left arm to move it faster, I swung myself round into a standing position, allowing a wave of pure nausea to blast my face. I fell back down onto the mattress, vision swimming in murky waters.
Don't throw up, don't throw up, don't throw up....
Allowing a full minute for my new irises to accept the vision it had been given, I finally got myself onto solid ground, relieved at the fact I could still walk. A few steps and minutes later, I'd dressed myself in a T-shirt, Shorts, and slapped a bandage round a scar I'd just found. It sat in the middle of my upper arm, and it looked like it was a clumsy removal of something.
Probably a bullet. Let's be honest, I couldn't actively dodge a bullet.
"-I'll check on him, don't worry." I heard someone shout from the top of the stairs, making me jump and gasp in fear.
Christ, I'm such a fucking wimp. Breath Adam, breathe.
The door creaked itself open, a gentle yet rather audible sound in the sudden silence of my brain. A few footsteps gently slunk their way in, and a pair of eyes set themselves on my active and alive body.
"I'm sure he's still sleep-"
An audible and heavy sigh came from Callum's body as he looked me up and down. I put a smile on my face and met him with equally happy eyes.
"You look like shit." He said, smirking a slight bit wider as I laughed at his statement.
"You don't look half bad yourself!" My tone rang out, mocking his choice of words.
"I mean, at least there isn't any fuckin splinters the size of my hand in you." Callum filled me in. "We had to literally watch as your body pushed the things outta your chest. There was a large bastard, about the size of my foot, stuck in your leg. I've still got no idea how you got here..."
"With extreme determination." I bluntly, but jokingly replied, mind still elsewhere.
"It really shook Poppy up..." Callum lowered his voice a bit, as if her eyes and ears were actually in here.
"She said she saw some sort of monster in you... Some creature. She was afraid, Adam. It was the first time I'd seen it, and I didn't like it. At fuckin all."
"Shiit... well, I'm okay now I guess. As good as it gets." I looked into his eyes, and realised this wasn't a joking matter: she really was terrified of what I'd become.

"Hey guys." I proclaimed, stepping into the front room and interrupting what looked like breakfast. I watched Charlotte's mouth hit the floor, and Poppy drop her bowl and spoon. They both crashed to the floor, not cracking but instead bouncing around like a slightly deflated football. Both of them looked frozen in time for a few solid seconds before Charlotte ran up to me and gave me the largest and longest hug I've ever had. She was tearing at the eyes and quietly sobbing into my chest, trying to contain her emotions. My hands and arms kind of hovered in the air before they rested around her chest, gently holding on.
Careful pal, let's not piss of Callum here.
"Please... stop dying!" She said, laughing and crying at the same time. I kind of just laughed along as I pulled back slightly. She did let go, but it took an awful long time. Soon after that, she ran into the arms of Callum, who gladly comforted her. Poppy still remained frozen in time, and I simply sat down next to her, hit the TV remote until some random crap came on, and waited until they'd both left. I kept polite conversation going until they did, but as soon as their ears were out of shot, I opened my mouth:
"So, how'd you get your monster?"

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