The Thirty-Fifth

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How am I supposed to explain this one..?
On the way home, Poppy had told me that she was done selling drugs. Entirely.
"It was the voice in my head thar told me to do it. When I didn't, it'd either hurt me or others. I couldn't stop it.,. I tried. But it... it killed my family." She stopped, breathing heavily and sighing slightly. She seemed to be a lot calmer as we strolled home. I was still covered in blood, but in this day and age, I'd simply say it was a prank or it was a challenge of covering myself in fake blood. I'm not even going to lie, the metallic smell wasn't even there.
"I'm glad to hear that." I said through gritted teeth, as I could feel the hand wound. It felt like maggots slowly chewing through my flesh, and I couldn't move as they did.
"You okay?" She looked me over before seeing the hole, and dropped her jaw on the floor.
"HOLY FUCK!!" She exclaimed heavily, reaching for her phone. I stopped her by pushing it down, and calmly stating what she didn't know:
"It's okay. I... I heal. It's a complicated story, and I'm sure Callum or Charlotte could fill you in-" I started, but she interrupted.
"You know where Charlotte is?!" She moved a bit faster "Oh, thank god! It had told me that she was dead, and that... because you came along... it had killed her." She mumbled a bit at the end, but I still clearly heard it.
This. This was serious.

"You going to be okay?" I told her as we came to the door, ready to enter. She nodded, saving her words or energy. I didn't need to know, as I needed to save mine. I opened the door, walked through to the kitchen, filled up a glass of water, drank it, and then moved into the living room. Both Charlotte and Callum were watching the TV, laughing at something. I came round the corner to see what it was, and read the title:
Misguided child extremely maims another one.
"What the fuck?!" I took a seat, ignoring everything for a moment, and engrossed myself.
"Well, don't we have a story today! Blood and gore have been located around an empty neighbourhood, as well as a destroyed car. We have that little evidence, so the police are working on the case, but they're saying it looks like a suicide, as the tank exploded."
"That's... brief. And relaxing." I said, as she carried on with her report. They both looked at me funnily, before putting two and two together.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me..." Callum muttered after putting his head in his hands. I heard a deep sigh come from within his body, before exhaling it out again at incredible force. Charlotte simply sat there in fear, looking at me with large, wide eyes, as if I was the monster.
"Wait... wait, what?" She seemed to only just catch up as she pondered over the TV again as it zoomed in on the wreckage. The car was still on fire, even as firemen were putting it out, and the police still couldn't find anything on the matter. I saw one of them photograph a small piece of flesh from way behind the camera, but that was it. It seemed we were in the clear.
For now.
"You... killed someone?" She still seemed shocked. As if my actions were incomprehensible to her.
"Yeah. I'm afraid so." I told her, simply gesturing to the screen.
"Who?" She asked me, tears threatening to break the rim of her eyes.
After all this, she's going to cry over someone's death?
"Poppy." I said, gesturing to her with my fucked-up hand, which Callum, now lifting his head up, immediately twigged.
"Holy shit. Adam, get some sleep. You clearly need it. Poppy..?" He seemed to look at her for a few more seconds before stopping and restarting like a broken computer.
"You... Aren't you our cartel girl?" He asked her, already knowing the answer.
"I... I used to be. I can't... I can't go back. If I tell him I quit.. he'll do awful, ho-horrible things to me." She said, quite quietly. I looked over at Callum, he looked at me, and our heads nodded.
"Stay here." I said to her. She begun to speak, but I cut her off:
"Poppy. It's been a really long fucking week. If you go back to your own home, or wherever you live, you'll die. If you go back to school and make more drugs, you'll die. Some sort of low-life will want a fix, not want to pay for it, and shoot or stab you. Stay here, and you'll be fine. I don't pay rent yet, not until after my high school and sixth form years. Don't worry about it. Honestly, stay with Charlotte. You two seem to get along." I looked at Charlotte really quickly, who didn't seem to object, so I continued.
"If things go awfully, and someone comes over to try and kill all of you, you'll all be together, so what's the problem? You can all fight off one human no problem. People are people. They die. We mourn. The world moves on." Turning around, I stepped upwards, flung everything off except my underwear, climbed into bed, and went out like a light.

No dreams again. Huh. Crazy.
Turning over, I noticed the pitch blackness, and concluded that I'd been asleep for quite a while. At least I didn't have school today, as the weekend was around. Turning back over, I noticed the hole in my hand was gone. Reason for it being I clutched my pillow, and felt my hand hold up, and a warm feeling in the middle of it.
I'm not dead. The torture prolongs itself.
The numbers in the dark told me that the date was Saturday, and the current time was 5:30. My brain seemed to twig that the world was still breathing, and therefore I should be too.
Well, the weekend is definitely here. I wonder what sort of 'secrets' and 'fun' it'll hold?

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