The Fourty-Eighth

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Stepping into the room, with Charlotte suddenly appearing and following behind me, I expected to see a hideously mutated creature, with a morphing face, gristly claws, and gruesome intentions. Instead, what I got was Poppy. She seemed to resonate as I got close, as if her currently body was hiding something. The fists she made either meant she was being hostile, or she was afraid and fighting voices or monsters in her head.
Whether in real life or in your head, monsters are still scary.
"Poppy?" I calmed my steady worry as I crouched down next to her, looking at her sincerely. Her whole body shook when I said her name, further highlighting the idea that I brought her almost uncontrollable fear.
"Are you okay..?" I asked her, trying to see into those dark eyes. She looked up, clocked my face, and held my gaze. Her eyes looked back, but there wasn't a glisten. There wasn't anything except a pitch black creature, with sharp teeth and a yellow smile in between them.
"GET OUT OF MY HEAD." I heard the alien in my head as Poppy's hands quickly lunged out and grabbed my throat, trying to squeeze my voice box and windpipe. I remember wheezing and gasping for a few seconds whilst her face morphed into a lopsided and wonky smile.
"Poppy... stop..." I choked out before her grip tightened and almost crushed me entirely. The light in the room began to fizzle out, and my face begun to feel to numb it began to sting the rest of my body.
"You should have stayed away fro-"
A sudden crack could be heard as my vision went black and I fell to the floor, almost unconscious to the contact. The pressure refocused itself on my back, so my important part absorbed most of the contact. A slow, yet reliant thud could be heard and blood rushed it's way into my head, clashing with all of the deoxygenated stuff. The redness in my cheeks could be felt as my eyelids wobbly opened themselves to greet whoever saved me.

"So you used a chair, huh?"
We'd put Callum to bed after checking him for any broken bones and injuries. No damage to anything we could see, and we could only pray that there wasn't any internal bleeding. I mean, how would we explain how he got it?
Oh yes, there was a fucking creature with extendable arms clawing it's way around our house, and it smacked my friend a few feet back. Can you check him up?
The fact that he would sleep and wake was our only hope.
Poppy had been locked in their room, ankle tied to the bed in a way that a creature wouldn't work out, but a human would. So we knew she would be safe and hopefully stable too.
"I panicked!" I saw her face turn a shade of red and her eyes slant down.
"I feel so bad for doing it though..." I heard her mumble through her mouth.
"I mean, you saved my life. So I can't exactly say it was a bad thing." I replied, thinking that over as I said it.
Did she? I mean, I could easily just heal again, and I'm fairly sure she knew that. She must've seen me when I was at my worst...
"We both knew you'd be fine." She said abruptly, with a short smirk at the end.
She saw me when I brought Poppy back... lotta blood, and I wasn't in the best shape, yet next day I was fine. Seems to me that people are beginning to take notice.
"Well, there's always the chance I won't..." I nonchalantly said, taking the steps down to the living room. After a few seconds, I could hear Charlotte following after me, steps lighting creaking the staircase.
"Wait, Adam..." She'd stopped halfway on the stairs, causing me to turn around and look her over.
"What's... What's wrong with Poppy?"
"I can't answer that." I shut down that conversation before it even started.
"Ask her yourself, Charlotte. Things would be a lot easier." I added before carrying on down the stairs. I needed a drink and a nap.

I got the drink, but not the nap.
"Christ..." I said aloud, crashing myself onto the sofa, allowing the feeling of comfort to seep deep into my skin. All I could feel was fatigue and struggles as I looked myself up and down, trying to realise how lucky I was.
I'm still alive. There are people around me that care about me. And, I know what to do next. Oscar has to die. Anyone who helps him has to die.
My vision blurred slightly before coming back online, showing that my anger was coming from a lot more than just my brain.
All of them. Die. They must die. All of them. Every single one. Kill all of them. They have no place here.
Looking down to try and calm myself, I saw those... those hands.
The claws seemed to extract themselves as I watched, curving around the edges as they did. All it did was tell me that this was the right thing, I should do this, this is what I have to do now.
All of them will burn.
"A-A-Adam..?" I heard a timid voice call out to me. My brain wired itself back into control mode, and I took a look around, seeing no one except myself. No Charlotte, no Callum, no Poppy, nothing.
"Please, calm down. You'll be fine son."
I recognise that monotone and calm voice anywhere... that's my Father.
"I'll sedate the child." Another voice said, as my tongue darted out, trying to pick up some sort of scent.
This is a memory, fool.
"Fuck you." I spat out loud as I focused on calming myself and steadily breathing.
I can feel the anger inside of you. The temptation, the hunger, the longing... Let it out. Let it run free. Be as reckless as you want. They couldn't stop you if they tried.
"That's not the point. Being morally correct is." I said to the thing, hoping that it would understand.
"Piss off! There is no morale. Look at all the stupid shit you've done in the past. Killing Poppy: was that morally correct? You could've easily ran away, yet you murdered her in cold blood." My brain said aloud, clearly fighting with me.
Now, let's agree. You're a fucked up human being, correct?
"Correct." I repeated.
Good. Good. Now, let's go kill someone who deserves it, yeah?
"I don't have a choice, do I?"
* Just a little note here, this book may go along for some time. There's no plan to this and the chapters are short to allow for me to think things through on each one. Thank you *

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