The Thirteenth

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"Wake up."
My head was pulled up forcefully, straw head on a scarecrows body. My entire body felt as if it was on fire, yet completely empty. As if pain racked it, but there was nothing at the same time. It's an odd combination.
I recognised the voice. The Boss was here again, and he didn't sound happy at all. He sounded like I'd shit in his cereal, and then rubbed it into his face.
This is where you die. Again. Fuck sake Adam, just keep yourself out of trouble.
For a second, I couldn't see anything, and I'd worried that I'd gone completely blind. But, as I tightly closed my eyes, I managed to see a slightly outline of light as a door far away opened and closed. The slice of light gave me hope that I was still here, still alive, and could still get the fuck out of here.
Head up. Focus. Humour him.
Fuck, it's cold in here....
I'm back in the cellar...

"You can't help yourself, can you?" The Boss rhetorically asked, sarcasm dripping from his words like a dog slobbering all over his dinner. The menace that laced itself into his voice gave me yet another worry.
He's going to kill me. For real this time. This could be where it's all over. After all my time, after dying a few times and almost escaping, this could be my end.
"Hey! Listen to me!" I heard his hands move, and a seriously threatening hand close itself around my throat, cleanly cutting of my air supply. Instantly, I managed to start choking. My face was going blue, and purple spots were already starting to dance in my eyes.
"Do I have your attention now?" I could feel his devilish smile through the thick black fog that surrounded myself and him. I hastily nodded, and he must've felt the pressure shift in my neck, as he loosened his hand and let go. Almost instantaneously, my body reacted violently, coughing and spitting up shit from the inside of my throat.
"So, you think that because you've got the power to Morph that you can suddenly take on the entire school?" He questioned me, taking a step back and exhaling angrily. My coughing fit has suddenly died down, so I decided to answer.
"W-What the f-fuc-ck is M-m-morph-?" I chattered through my teeth and damaged throat. I felt as if my entire body was fully drained, killed almost.
You seem weaker than normal. Step by step. Casual breathing. Worry less, concentrate now.
"Ah... Callum didn't explain it to you..." The Boss almost sounded like he pitied me as he continued:
"Being morphed up is the moment where your body decides to... well, rebuild itself. So, for example.." I heard a sound of rummaging and a few seconds of silence.
"I shot you."
There was a slight sound, almost like a plink, and a hissing sound as whatever he had did something. For a solid few seconds I didn't feel a thing, and I thought he was trying to use scare tactics to distort my thinking.
It was working, hell.
Then, all of a sudden, like a snake finally injecting its poison, the realisation hit me. A sudden, almost awakening jolt of extreme pain and suffering almost engulfed my entire chest, causing my body to stop thinking about anything other than survival. My breath quickened, and my heartbeat increased violently, as if it wanted to jump out of my throat. The Boss was talking still, but his words were just a blur, mindless white noise in a distorted image of what was left of me.
Jesus! He's actually just shot me!
"F-f-fuck..." my voice managed to stammer out, almost seeming to start to break and crumble down.
"-not the end if you get hurt however" The Boss' voice came back into my ears, faintly but could still be heard.
"Your body will shut down, and a black type of glaze will run over your entire body. If someone else was to watch, then a layer of black liquid would wash over you as well. The simplicity of this means as long as you either faint, get knocked out, or literally die, you'll come back." The Boss' breath seemed to steam in front of me, hot air in a cold room. Condensation was dripping down my face as my chest went completely numb due to pain.
"However, if I was to, well, as to say, keep the black liquid off of your killing wound, then your body will start to convulse and steam up." The Boss seemed to stop for a moment, pondering his choices.
Oh my god. He's done this before. I'm not the only one out there. He must've done, otherwise how the fuck would he know?! I'm going to die. I'm going to die. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!
"Only then, will your body collapse in on itself and implode." The words lingered in the silent air, and the only things that could be heard were the sound of breath and my brain hitting overdrive trying to comprehend this.
"So, right now..." I felt a shift in the air, and knew he'd approached me. Panic started to grip me as I tried to move, until the bullet in my chest reminded me that I couldn't do a single fucking thing to stop him. Suddenly, I felt his finger push itself into my chest where the bullet resided, digging it deeper into my body.
"I could kill you. And no one would be any wiser. You've got no parents, no relatives that know you exist, and no one who would even miss you." The finger had pushed the hole into the centre of my ribs, and my body was violently twisting itself over as it tried to escape.
Don't scream. Don't give this sick bastard the satisfaction.
"But I am a forgiving man, so I won't." He pulled the bullet out of my chest, the hole now violently leaking blood.
"You'll wake up at home. I'll have Callum here take you." The Boss clicked his fingers, and I felt someone undo all of the knots that tethered me to the chair I was locked in. I was fireman's lifted from the chair into someone's shoulder, and removed. The last things I remember hearing were my lips faintly breathing out a "thank you", and the tap, tap, tapping sound of the stairs taking out to sweet, sweet freedom.
You pack when you wake up. We are getting the fuck out of here.

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