The Fifty-First

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"Okay... what's going on?" The headmaster, clearly shaken by what he'd do suddenly seen, glanced at the lady sat next to him. She seemed to comically shrug as she look at my current state, almost completely unaffected by it.
"It beats me. I think you're just seeing things." She said, smiling slightly. "All I see is a kid trying to talk to you." I watched the Headmaster's head almost spin around the entirety of his neck as he gawped at her, gesturing to me. I didn't take so much notice, as I was still changing into the Creature I'd come to accept.
"You have to be kidding me... you can't see this?" He seemed to be glued to the ground as the lady then did the strangest thing: she stood up, walked towards the door, stepped through it, and locked it from the outside.
I watched her do this, and the Creature seemed to click what had just happened. It turned towards the only living human in the room, and smiled.
"Oh... God, no. Please." I heard him through ringing ears as the Creature leaped over the desk, claws wide, and mouth open, ready to feast. The first claw found its mark fairly easily: It ingrained itself into the chest of the Headmaster, slowly but surely sinking into the leftover organs and spare space of his chest. No scream left his body, and that was probably because the Creature seemed to put a finger out, as if he was pointing at him, before sending the thing hurtling through his throat and out the other side, breathing tube and voice box quite nearly pinned into the claw like meat pinned to a stick. The breathing apparatus looked like a limp noodle: soggy, useless, and filled with sauce. A slow dripping of blood could now be heard as the Headmaster held his hands up to his throat, felt the hole with his fingers, and begun to scream. Well, I say scream, it was more 'gargling blood to try and get help' as that hole was filling fast.
Time to eat.
The body was held up with one claw before the other joined it, and both were interlinked before they broke away suddenly, spilling guts and blood and bone and teeth literally all over the room. The two lumps of flesh that were his top and bottom pieces seemed to flop to the floor, bloody and irreplaceable as yet more fluid began to drain itself from their separate entities.
H-holy fuck...
What's wrong?
I mean... wow, that was violent. Like, really, really violent.
Yes, it was. However, to confirm a kill, one has to do more than is needed, correct?
I... I guess.
Right. Now, let me eat.
I kind of laid back as the Creature began to take in chunks of the flesh that was displayed about it, chewing it raw and allowing pieces of meaty shrapnel to fall out of its mouth alongside human teeth and bones. The sounds... I physically cannot describe them. They sounded like someone was throwing up stones, yet swallowing them at the same time at extremely high speeds. After a few seconds, it seemed to gag, and pull out an arm bone from its mouth, the fingers still clenched in harsh pain.

Whilst feasting, I could see the door open, and I could feel the presence of another person. The Creature stuffed another mouthful in its face before turning towards its new opponent, teeth bared.
"Aren't you an interesting thing..." I heard it say, approaching, that briefcase still in hand.
Hey, that briefcase makes me uneasy.
Yes, I can certainly agree with that. I'm almost curious as to what's in it?
Well, I'm fairly sure it won't be good for either of us.
"What are you..? Some sort of amalgamation of horror and fear?"
"Step back." I heard it hiss as it jumped back slightly, allowing itself more breathing room.
"I won't hurt you, I promise." She carries on approaching, and I heard the briefcase click. The receptors on its head allowed it faster hearing, and it had already got halfway through the third-story window before the gun she had came out. She fired at us, but missed, and only succeeded in breaking the window that we were jumping through. It's arms automatically threw themselves in front of its face as we literally flew down towards the ground.
This is going to hurt. And it's going to hurt a lot.
The air seemed to stick to me as I could feel myself shrinking into a ball of rubber, trying everything I could not to splat onto the floor.
If we die here, I feel as if that lady up there isn't going to give up on us. She seems... familiar.
The ground rushed up to meet me, arms open for a stone-cold hug. I spun round, trying to get myself to land on my sides, and the last thing I can remember fully is watching one of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen. It was as if an artist had mixed the most wonderfully woven tapestry I'd ever seen. The redness seemed to sink into the sun and mix.
Almost like me and the ground.

"This is the one?"
"Yep. This is it."
"Well, what do we do with... that?"
"I mean... we could just leave it. Yeah, I think that's the best idea here."
"Yeah, let's just go. I don't really fancy dealing with something like that. Not today anyway."
"I mean, it isn't any of our business. It could also be a prank, and I'm fucking sick of being pranked."
"You think he... killed himself?"
"Well, you asked! He probably threw himself out of the window..."
"I... damn. I know I joke about this stuff, but... fuck... that's dark."
"I know. I'm sure... it... yeah, it's in a better place now."
"Why? Why do people do this?"
"People struggle. People can't fight forever, Grey. They stop eventually. It's almost like Red: how long did he fight for?"
"I hate to think how long he's being trying to get her."
"Exactly. Think about the positives: This human was probably struggling heavily with ideologies, or depression, or anything."
"So, what do we do?"
"Nothing. It's the best thing we can do. I'm sure you can understand."
"Yeah... It's beyond help now, isn't it?"
"I'm afraid so, Grey. I'm afraid so."

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