The Sixth

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Waking up strapped to a chair didn't exactly improve my mood either. My head seemed detached to my body as it slowly rotated it's way around my neck, trying to take in what the fuck actually just happened. I could feel the sudden, overwhelming stiffness of my bones and body as I tried to shake off the groggy feeling that clung on to my entirety.
Fuck... What the fuck is going on?!
There's no way this is real. There's just no way! I refuse to believe that anyone is even slightly used to this!
This isn't real, this isn't real, this isn't real...
It can't be.
The room was almost pitch black, an opaque fog that no human being could see through, much less work out where they currently are.
Get up. You just survived a rabid teacher... if you did. This isn't real. You've been drugged. Work through it, Adam, come on...
Tugging at my arms, my body felt the burn and texture of rope. My legs seemed to be tied the same way. I couldn't see anything, so my body had no idea what was going on, but my brain was in panic. It was as if my body had detached itself from reality altogether.
I must be drugged. There's no other reason for any of this to happen.
Above me, I heard the sound of wood being forced open, the creaky, borderline splintering sound. If you've ever opened a door or hatch, you know what sound I'm on about. The coldness of concrete steps was my next alert as my ears alerted me of some sort of thing approaching. Every step felt like a gunshot as whatever it was seemed to get closer and closer.
Tap, tap, tap.
My heart was in my throat, and my breath was starting to stick in my lungs as I tried to wriggle out of my restraints. Rope burn hissed its way into my wrists and legs, but I ignored it. I felt a sudden panic, the sort of panic you feel in a life or death situation.
Tap, tap, tap.
Holy fuck. Holy fuck. Holy fuck.
Tap, tap.
The steps stopped a few inches in front of me, and I could feel the presence of cold, unjust eyes reeling at its new toy. Fumbling around, I acutely heard the sounds of matches.
He's either got a candle, or he's going to light me on fire. You've got to be kidding me. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.
I could scream for help, but if I do, then it's just going to kill me quicker. Hopefully, there's still a slight bit of humanity in him still wriggling through the spear of raw, animalistic urge to murder or torture. Even as I felt the coldness pierce my bones, and listened as whatever it was strike the box with the tool.
I felt the rope around my hands loosen slightly. Come on Adam, we can get outta here. We have a chance. We got this.
God is clearly giving you a gift. Take it.
Three times.
I heard a voice quietly curse, so quietly that I couldn't pick up any details about it. It sounded like a faint gust of wind, the same feeling of my escape: short, sweet, and overall pointless.
A small aura of light suddenly appeared in front of me, then dispersed as soon as it appeared.
The creature cursed again, spitting abuse at whatever thing hasn't closed the window down here and the hatch above.
"Fuckin' rookies." I heard him say as he tap, tap, tapped his way leftwards of me.
Another chance. Take it. Come on Adam. Take it, run, and never look back.
The hatch noise came from directly in front of me, so either the hatch was in front, or I'd have to make some turns. I'm sure I could handle it. I started to fumble with the rope some more, but as I loosened one loop of the bastard, it fell lopsidedly onto the concrete floor, and made a soft, almost angelic sound as if connected. It was loud enough to alert whoever was in here with me as they quickly slammed the window shut and approached me. I felt a hand wrap around the base of my throat. Not too harshly to the point where I stopped breathing, but to the point where I started to worry for my life.
"What was 'at then?" He asked me, his gruff, low, gritty voice cutting through the dark fog that surround myself and him.
"I-I don't kn-kn-know.." I managed to stutter back, completely ensnared and at this things mercy. It was as if an invisible umpire had just put his thumb down, and I was being executed.
Slowly move your hands. Keep this guy talking. The longer you talk, the longer you live.
"Yer shouldn't lie" It said, increasing the grip on his fingers so that my throat felt a small part of suffocation.
Never mind. We're dead.
"Now, what was that?" It repeated, clearly starting to already lose patience with me.
"The... the.. the.." my body seemed to reject the idea of giving the crazy human in front of me satisfaction. My brain told me it was the right thing to do.
Live for longer. Give him what he wants.
"The rope, or part of it" My voice, even through years of knowing it well, didn't sound like mine any more. It sounded almost metallic, robotic. It sounded like it was programmed to respond when asked to.
"And 'ow'd you do 'at then?" The voice asked me, grip loosening slightly. "Tied that meself, you couldn't just split 'at."
My cockiness got the better of me as I leant forward and told him.
"Clearly, you didn't tie it well enough, did you?"
You fucking idiot. You complete fucking idiot
"Heh. Tempar. I'll 'ave to beat 'at outta you." Menace laced his voice, like a drink laced with poison.
"Enjoy yerself. I'll leave yer 'ere to 'Cool off' as they say." The words lingered in my head as they reprocessed my current emotion:

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