The Twelfth

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Liam's fist swung faster than my body could realise, and a power train hit me square in the chest, but instead of bending down like every single other time, I managed to stand up and throw a punch back, which he blocked with ease.
It's as if I'm a punching bag. No hits back, plenty of hits on. I'm sick of this shit. Let's see if you can handle this, bitch...
"You think your big now?" Liam's foot swept out from under him, but my body had jumped it like it was a skipping rope, and my foot hit his chest. I heard him grunt as the breath was forcefully taken out of his chest and his legs stumbled back, taking his body with it. This still didn't stop him as his body violently twisted itself to throw itself back up, bringing both fists with him in a fighting position.
"No, it's just I'm sick of this shit!" I shouted back at him, a single tear breaking out from my eye and slowly sliding down towards my chin.
"Nothing is going to change. The worlds gonna break you down." He stopped for a moment and hit me powerfully in the chest, completely killing what little fire I had left in me. "And I'll sit back and watch."

A few people stayed behind to call me the usual things. You know "Loser" "Shouldn't have challenged him" "You ain't shit".
The average shit, you know?
You aren't a superhero. No one knows what you've been through. You just have to blend in, okay? Adam, you have to pretend that life has just continued, that you simply cannot die.
Picking myself off of the floor, I realised that last period had pretty much almost ended. Every noise I could hear was a table creaking and scratching the floor, or the scuffle of bags and coats hastily throwing themselves into their hosts. Interesting... time seems to move a lot faster when I'm dead. Well, fuck it. Might as well head home. Continuing to walk forwards, I begun to aimlessly wonder through the memories I had created recently: Nusanda, dying, Callum, that basement, and those two guys.
Shaking my head, I suddenly realised that I'd come to the front of the school, with the only thing stopping me being the front door. I'd never tried it before the bell rang, as I used to be a good kid, but clearly things have changed.
Go back. Wait. Don't do this.
My hand reached for the handle, body shaking and hand wavering a few times. Something felt... off. Like it wasn't meant to be there. As if it'd simply been changed in the time I'd disappeared.
Aw fuck...
My hand finally pushed down on the door. The handle smoothly cracked open and allowed itself to cleanly and noiselessly swing open, revealing the freedom of the outside world. Sweet, clean air swept it's way into my veins, removing the last traces of the school I had.
It's time to pack a bag and leave.
Running out through the door, I looked back, relived to see that no one had seen me leave early. The gate was directly in front of me, with a few trees evenly dotted apart to allow for shelter. There was around six on both side to pass.
One. Two. Three.
My feet caught something on the ground, and I collapsed over in a heap, arms digging into my chest. I groaned loudly, stood up, and started to walk. If running made me clumsy, then I'd rather take my chances.
Too much noise is gonna bring them over.
"Fuck..." I tested the weight on my right foot, and immediately felt something wrong. It seemed to be twisted and couldn't hold itself up properly without assistance. The leg looked fine, it just didn't do what it was supposed to. I tried again, and hissed like a cobra as pain courses through my leg like poison.
"Yer should be more careful." I heard a familiar voice behind me say, accent thickly cutting through the hopes I had of getting out of here alive. "If yer do suttin like 'at again, yer might lose yer leg." He chuckled a bit and lit what looked like a rolled up cigarette. The familiar smell of weed suddenly filled the area as the guy took a long hard puff of the plant and made a slow, simple sigh as the smoke left his body.
"Heh. I'll be sure to remember that." I said, starting to move towards the gate. Maybe he didn't remember me.
I fucking well hope he doesn't.
"Ah, yer wanna be careful around that, the fence is 'lectrified till all the brats get out. Might give yer a little shock." He giggled.
He's bluffing. There's no way. I'd have found out about it, I've been late so many times it's unreal!
My hands went towards the double gate that propped itself against the walls and floor, the only things stopping me from freedom.
My hand closed around the bolt that locked the gate to stop wind from knocking it. Animals jumped across this, people opened this, of course it's not locked. Even I've opened this on a few occasions when I've been la-
A sudden supernova of unexplainably harsh and bitter power rattled and jangled its way across my entire body, causing extreme purple spots to dance in my eyes and my body to uncontrollably shake like a baby playing with a rattle. My knees turned to jelly, and I ended up hitting the solid concrete floor directly in the back of my head, which was already numb from the blue monster that was killing me.
My ears were ringing loudly, a late warning of what the fuck the gate was truly hiding for me, but I could still hear the man faintly, in the background, smoking his cigarette
"My apolergies. Only 'ose Morphed 'ap will feel the shock." I could hear the tap, tap, tap of footsteps as he approached me again, smoke trialing a few paces in head of him.
"Back to the Cooler with you, then"

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