The Eighteenth

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Oh, fuck. That's Callum. I'm not going back to that fucked up place. The Boss isn't going to forgive me as easily as he did last time.
My legs moved on their own, sprinting away from the new problem that had presented itself. My arms started to assist my body in the run of just presented myself with, swinging in perfect succession with everything else. I was no expert runner, but I could run like a fucking athlete when my life depended on it.
I could feel Callum look at what I'd done to Liam. I could feel the disgust he clearly felt overcome by. I could almost tell what was about to happen next.
Your going to be locked up for sooo long. So long.
"Adam! Wait!" I heard him call authoritatively, and the pound of pursing feet soon afterwards. I quickened my pace and turned around a corner, coming to yet another intersection that filled the entire school. Leftwards was science, rightwards was English. After a short, sharp decision, I turned left, and found myself in the science corridor: a long, rectangular corridor with doors to science classes on either side. Two double doors greeted you whenever you walked in, and I slammed these shut, locking them from the other side with the latches that sat on the top and bottom of each door. Callum turned the corner as I slid the last latch in, and I could see the confusion on his face. Not the 'why are you locking me out?' Confusion, the 'why did you hurt him?'

I just realised...
Liam could simply be dead. I could've easily have just killed him. I couldn't be a murderer.... I could do something like that... Could I? Could I really have been forced by the anger I felt to do something like that? To... kill? I'm 16, I can't be a killer. I have the rest of my life!
Turning around, I started to run through the long corridor, trying to find a classroom that was empty. A few teachers eyed me up menacingly, like they wanted to snap their jaws at me and eat me whole. A few even came to the door to check what I was doing. I didn't get stopped though. I was going way too fast for that.
Callum is going to beat me sideways. I got lucky with Liam, I know that. Callum is going to beat me seven ways to Sunday. Christ...
Suddenly, my feet skidded to a halt as my brain saw something it liked: a scratched up door with a blacked out window. The door looked about an aeon old: chipped, cracked, and almost falling off the hinges. However, if you did try to knock on it, as many kids had done before me, something steady and not completely old held it in place. Tue window was also scratched to shit, only allowing small pieces of light to slowly prevail through, illuminating.. nothing. It always seemed like there was nothing in the room. It was just another abandoned room in the school, another place for those who wanted to to smoke weed and drink at school. God if I know why they wanted to, but whatever. It's not my problem. My current problem was escaping the captor who was going to take me to my death.
Fuck, they know where I live! I can't go home. I can't go anywhere. Holy fuck.
There was usually a lock on the front of the door, which is what most of the kids tried to get past by by knocking the door in. However, as I realised looking down, the lock sat on the floor, adjacent to the handle, opened.
Fuck. I'm gonna have to do a lot of explaining...
I took a quick look back to see if Callum would see me entering, and realised he'd just disappeared.
He's looking for another way around. Quickly, Adam. Get the fuck in.
Grabbing the lock on the way in, I spun round the door and shut it, clicking the lock inside to make sure no one was getting in.
Only then, did I realise: I didn't have the key.

Panic started to spread through me, so, to try and quell it, I turned around to check for anything I could get out of here if need be. The room truly was pitch black, as I couldn't even see my hands. The air seemed to fill with dust that I'd woken from it's eternal slumber and laziness of laying on everything. My eyes were still struggling to adjust to the darkness I'd suddenly and forcefully told it to enlighten. Nothing. Still by the door, I started fumbling about, knocking into things and knocking odd things over, trying to find a light switch to hit.
I'm going to be stuck here forever. I'm gonna die in here. Can I die from starvation? Can I die from dehydration? I mean, it's a lot different from being stabbed, shot, or brain exploded. Maybe?
Finally, my hands fell onto some plastic that I could make out to be a switch. Sighing in relief, I hit the switch, expecting the room to illuminate and show me everything I needed to. Expecting to find something, another door or a heavy object to smash the door open. Expected to be able to work out what and where I was.


I flicked it off, and on, and off, and on again. Still nothing.
I mean, should I be surprised? This school can barely keep up with the fucking targets the government bestow upon it, so how the fuck is it going to keep up with no one changing the faulty bulbs?
"Fuck" I cursed under my breath, trying, and failing, to quell the panic and pure fear that ran through me. I held my hands out slightly, trying to illuminate something, anything. Nothing. Again. The darkness, my blindfold, was still refusing to move from my body as I started to walk forward, trying to find a way to do something instead of panic. As I was doing this, I felt something move. Not in a 'attack' way, more of a 'I'm going to run, but if you try anything, I will kill you' way.
It's either a rat, or a person. Either that's a foot, or a paw. I don't know which I currently prefer...
Another shuffle, this time it seemed to go around me, and towards the door behind me. After a few seconds, I realised that it wasn't one person, it was two. One was shuffling around in front, and one behind me. Clearly, they'd seen and heard me come inside this room, as it was pitch black, and I was hardly being quiet. I sounded like a bull in a china shop: loud, messy, and crashing into things. The shuffles suddenly stopped, and everything seemed to still. My ears honed in on any noise that emerged from the room itself, and, in doing so, revealed that I could hear feverish and hurried breathing. Deep, but quick breaths could be heard and felt on the back of my neck as I slowly backed up.
They can't see in the dark. I'll just blend in till they disappear. I could slip through the door they open and leave. No one would be any wis-
Suddenly, a cold arm curled itself around my throat, and an even colder object was pressed against my chest, right around my ribs. My hands were also abruptly pinned behind my back, and more coldness was forced into my hands.
Shackles. Cuffs. What..? Why..?
"Move, and I'll kill you. And no ones going to find you." I heard someone's feminine, British accent come through the darkness, pushing through all of the barriers. My body reluctantly follow orders, even though I knew something she didn't.
"Who the fuck are you?!" I asked her, trying to move the knife that had just started to pierce my skin
"That's not important. How did you get in here?" She tossed my questions aside, working through the holes in the plot.
"Uh... the door was open? And I let myself in?" I answered as calmly and respectfully as I could. Adjusting to someone's crazy lifestyle whilst they held a knife to your chest made everything a little harder to stomach.
"Weird... How'd you know about this?" She pressed on, not even stopping to worry about how hard she was squeezing my neck. I could barely breathe as I struggled against moving.
"About what? I don't know anything! I'm hiding!" I sounded panicky now, and I knew it wasn't going to look incredible if I was butchered and suddenly came back to life.
She'd have so many questions I couldn't answer...
"That's convenient, isn't it? All of these rooms and you pick this one. Why? Who are you running from?!" She got slightly louder, and I knew that there'd be a huge problem for me and her f Callum found me here.
"Ssshhh!" I spat out before we tightened her grip. "Loose up, I can't breathe!" I started to gasp, and I guess she brought into it, because her armed loosened slightly, allowing me to breathe.
"I'm running from Calum. Callum..." I struggled for his last name, even though he'd been one of my biggest saviours and problems since the start.
"Rose?" Her voice dropped, as if she was afraid of whatever demon I was speaking about.
"Yeah... I guess I pissed him off." I tried humour, but she was still being deadly serious.
"You need to get out of here." She said quietly and calmly. "You cannot remain here."
"Please. I can't. He'll... he'll kill me." I knew it wouldn't be the end, but I knew he'd do some horrible, animalistic shit to my body.
Nusanda was 'Morphed up'... Did they kill him? Did The Boss just keep the knife or axe or whatever it was in his chest? I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die.
"Look, you can't stay here. The leader will be back soon, and if she miss out I even tried to keep you here, I'll be fish food.." She faltered, clearly remembering something. I felt the knife and the elbow slowly loosening as she pushed me towards the door. Someone else, the second one, had already fumbled around with the lock, opening it. The girl was approaching the door, me close in front, and just as she was going to open it, she saw something I didn't. Maybe a slight change in the blackness, maybe she sensed someone I couldn't, I don't know. But I could feel how her posture changed, and how her grip tightened again, causing the knife to gently slice through my skin again.
"Ow.." I got out before she smothered my hand with her mouth. I wasn't breathing in chemicals, she was just trying to keep me quiet.
Clearly she was afraid of whoever was on the other side of the door.
I moved one of her fingers with my top lip, and whispered:
"hide me, or I scream."

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