The Fifty-Sixth

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The voice that mocked me and tried to kill me only moments ago sounded defeated and gutted as I approached from the front, as calmly as possible, before crouching by the side of it.
"I can't heal... What... What the fuck are you?" There was still menace in its voice, but there's nothing to back it up. It's just an empty threat, a broken weapon, a useless toy: Nothing.
"We.." I said, closing my eyes, fixing up my state and focusing on the phrase I wanted. "Are the thing people fear, and the monster you'll meet."
A silence settled on the room, calm and cool, before it was rudely broken by The Mask's crude, rusty, and dying laugh that racked its way through its throat, causing more blood to dribble out from under the actual mask itself.
"That's the worst one I've heard so far..." Another coughing fit that forced more blood from out of the body, whilst cutting off the supply to oxygen the body clearly yearned for.
"Well, the 'worst you've heard' is the last one standing." I defiantly said, keeping my expression blank and vague. I wasn't feeling any remorse, or guilt, for the actions I've done.
The world is a terrible place, and so to live, I have to be a terrible person.
"There's always someone bigger and stronger than you... isn't that the phrase?" The Mask muttered to itself for a few seconds before looking back at me, an almost pitying look in its eyes.
"So, what happens now, 'hero?' You gonna break me into little pieces and scatter me? Or just leave me on the floor, dead and decaying, allowing me to cling onto another soul?" The Mask has clearly already been in this situation, or it had weighed up its options extremely quickly. It clearly had no sympathy for the body it currently inhabited, as it seemed to vibrate off of its face, looking like it wanted to escape from its fleshy prison.
"I think I'll break you up." I decided, and a gentle growl from inside my head meant either the Alien spoke in its sleep, or it agreed with me.
The second one.
Ah, thank you.
"And why is that? You'd destroy a practical clone of yourself?" The Mask asked, causing me to look slightly puzzled for a minute, before comically making a square with my fingers, trying to frame the moment.
"Nope... I don't see the clone thing, I'm afraid." I finalised, resuming my previous position.
"No? Well how are we different?" The Mask asked, and I could feel the frown form here. "We're both killing machines, we just use other sources to get it done. My source is humans, and yours is that... thing..."
"No, I'm not a machine. I kill in defence..." I said, not sounding too sure myself.
"Really? So why did you attack us?" The Mask spat out, instantly destroying my defences for my actions.
"I... I had a feeling. I felt like you'd kill us later." I quickly replied, trying to continue my excuses. "Plus, you provoked me. You could've walked away without talking about how dead I was.."
"Well, aren't these excuses just pathetic." The Mask laughed a bit more before continuing. "Just admit it: you love to kill. I can see it in your eyes: the thing you live for is to see souls fade away." The Mask wouldn't stop pressing me, yet I didn't hit it. It seemed to wake something up inside of me. Something evil. Something cold. Something primal.
"I've only ever killed itself defence! Before this..."
"That doesn't mean you didn't enjoy it, though. I could feel the joy when you finally finished me off, and you did too. You love doing this."
"N-no. I don't. I-I don't." I could feel my responses slipping away, so I simply stood up, stepped back, and breathed deeply before opening my mouth:
"Look at where loving to murder gets you: dying, on the floor, with the inferior human standing in front of you. We weren't built to murder each other, we were built to live peacefully and prosper."
"Why didn't you break my legs and run away? You had that choice when I was pinned down, but you only snapped my arms. You wanted a weaker kill, no, a simple neutralisation. I can read you like a book, boy." The Mask's face seemed to curl slightly as it spat the last words out, leaving me wondering whether what he was saying is true or not. The sense of nobility for beating a monster was dissipated, almost as quickly as it accumulated, letting me wonder:
Who's the real monster?

Honestly, walking out of the gates wasn't a problem, it was the walk home, where I yet again looked like I'd been dragged through a hedge backwards whilst being hit by a sledgehammer. To be fair, I didn't push anyone into the road, or into other people. The Mask was taken care of: short, sharp shards were scattered behind me as I strolled, almost calmly, out of the school, a new sensation of release in my body. I took my sweet time, as time, at this point, was all I had to my name. Houses began to blur into the same, unorganised mess that insulted my eyes. The pathway became linear: no diversions, no worries, no nothing. I simply pushed my entire way through it all, breaking any mental walls trying to get me to turn around and rethink what I was doing.
I need to get home.
And home I did get to, nudging open the front door, and instantly running into Callum, who looked like he'd thrown his things together in a rush to get out.
"There you are!" He said, shocked yet laughing slightly. "Where the hell have you been?!"
"It's been a long day, that's for sure." I said,  laughing myself at the finality of the whole situation: it took me hours, but I finally dissolved two more awful people, burned down more of my opposition, and probably pissed off The Boss big time.
All in all, a very good Day's work.
"It's good to see you not covered in blood, even if your clothes are a bit torn..." I could feel his suspicion creeping up through his good intentions, so I decided to calm it.
"Yeah, it's what happens when you accidentally walk into a hedge. Thorns are a bastard, right??" I made up, pretending to cringe as if I could remember the pain.
Ah... I thought I'd check you were okay, but I can see you are in good hands. I'm going back to sleep.
Sleep for the rest of the day, friend. You've definitely deserved it.
Thank you.
No, thank you.
"Yeah, I can imagine. Come in. You wanna coffee?" Callum asked the question I thought he never would.
"I might need two, and a few sugars in each." I called after him as he turned to head into the kitchen. Turning into the front room, I crashed onto the sofa, before noting how quiet it is.
"Hey, where's Charlotte and Poppy?" I called out to Callum, hoping for an almost calming and simple answer.
Instead, I got something that twisted my gut and flipped it upside down.
"Where do you think? At school, of course."

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