The Sixty-Fourth

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We got to the gate before we were discovered. The light of a torch hit me square in the face, almost causing me to drop Poppy, who was still asleep, dead to the world. She'd nodded off at some point, I couldn't remember exactly. I just remember looking down and seeing a ball of hair rest itself on my shoulder, and a gentle breathing that continued to fill me with hope.
How short lived this is.
It is okay. We will make it.
"We really should 'ave lock'd you 'ap better" I heard his voice, as distinct as it was, hit me in the eardrums, making my breath shudder and my eyes lock into the face that bared it's bright fangs.
The caretaker. The same fucker who held a gun when I broke in. The same unpredictable soul that electrified the gate.
Oh dear. Are we going to hear the monologue or are we going to just murder him?
Fuck it, just kill him.
"Christ, it's as if-" The caretaker seemed to stop, then hit forward, then stop, almost mid animation, before gagging harshly. Looking down, since both of my arms were occupied holding preciousness, I saw the same oily hand had jetted itself into the poor man's chest, and seemed to reverse it's previous roles: The energy had turned purple, and I could see the material was being pushed into my body. I gasped slightly as I felt the first few hits of it, before levelling myself out.
How does it feel?
Powerful. Very. Very. Powerful.
The hand began to dig its fingers into the flesh, causing rings of flesh to burst out of the edge of the nails as it dug it's way in like a hungry maggot feasting on rotten flesh.
"What the fuck- GET OFF!" The caretaker roared as he tried to rip the slimy thing off, only for his hands to melt into the liquid, causing his two hands to turn into stumps. The bellow slowly turned into a scream as he tried to pull his arms back, but they also became sucked into the mess, merging into a blood mixture. The man was forced into his knees as his eyes glazed over, forcing yet another teddy-bear face to burn itself into my eyes as my next victim. Jesus, it doesn't get any worse than this.
Almost finished.
Does this mean you don't have to eat them?
Oh god no. I still need to feed, I'm afraid. This helps you.
In what way?
Well... You feel stronger, don't you?
Y-yeah. Worryingly stronger.
Would you like to know why?
Sure. That would help.
You are absorbing his soul.
I took another look towards the dying man who had begun to slowly but surely melt into the thing that stole his life, and I laughed.
It's not funny.
I continued to belt out laughing, continuing to go until I could barely hold it in before stopping, bending down, placing my hands on my knees, and breathing in deeply.
Is there s joke I'm missing here?
The man who stood before me had melded into a sludge-like substance, creasing itself into the hand. It held on to the only bit of solid flesh that remained of him as the beginning of his shoulders were pulled in. The chest was tearing at the seams, and before I could point it out, it ripped in half with a sound that replicated paper being torn by a toddler. I could see he wanted to scream, but clearly the fate of a ripped chest had befallen upon him. I turned away, perfecting the art of a villain whilst also not allowing the man any loss of dignity.
He doesn't deserve that.
No. He does not.
"F-Fuck you-u..." He whispered out into the darkness before disappearing into the night, another corpse hidden in the shadows.

"Are we okay..?" Poppy had asked me as she lifted her head up from the sofa, looking at me whilst I watched her rest. I didn't jump like last time: instead I just sighed, and replied:
"No, not really. We won't be for a while. You'll never be safe around me. I've brought you nothing but pain."
"It wasn't your fault what-" Poppy began, but I cut her off.
"Yes it was. They wouldn't have hurt you if it wasn't for me. You know that. I know that. We all fucking know it." I said, trying to stay calm at her. God, it was hard to do.
"You know how many people want to hurt me anyway? It would happen regardless." She shot back, keeping hot on me.
"Stop." I tried to finalise, but I could tell she didn't want to back down.
"No, you know what? Fuck you Adam. Fuck. You. You can't do theses things on your own! People get hurt, yes, but for a good reason! I'm here to help you and you just..." She paused, looking for the right choice of words, so I took my advantage:
"I'm giving you my Demon."
"W-What?" She shook her head slightly as she played the words back, clearly trying to check whether she heard this right or not.
Are you sure about this?
This is bigger than us, buddy. If I'm dead, they'll think you are too.
I am almost sure there's another way-
It's the best way. Keep her safe.
I don't wanna hear it.
If that is your will. Thank you Adam. For everything.
It's cool. Anyone else would've done the same.
No. They wouldn't. And that's what makes you different.
Huh. Thank you.
I felt a sudden crushing pain in my chest as a black ball slowly pushed its way out, causing Poppy to crack her head up straight and run over, putting her hand on it. Almost instantly, the ball absorbed itself into her, traversing her veins and settling in.
At least they're both safe. He took my healing ability too, so she'll be as safe as possible. It's what she deserves.
Poppy seemed to drift back to sleep as the Alien dug its way through its new host. I didn't argue: instead I just settled her back into bed, waiting.

Waiting for The Boss to pay me a visit.

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