The Tenth

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My fist slammed into the side of his face with such force and speed that he stumbled backwards into the wooden door I'd tried to escape through twice. His face instantly changed into one of anger and furious rage as he threw a punch to match mine. My body reacted before I realised it, ducking as I sidestepped. However, Callum was prepared for this, and his next fist hit me directly in the face, causing my body to follow through with the motion of my neck, almost knocking me over. Callum followed this up with a two footed drop kick, one is felt before, that just missed my ribs by inches. I heard him curse as he scrambled back up, ready to go again. Meanwhile, I was shaking the stars out of my eyes and feeling the lack of strength I felt in me.
I'm not gonna last long, am I?
Callum's eyes seemed to glaze over to black as his back straightened up instantly.
"Why..? How..?" Callum questioned under his breath before throwing another punch. This one seemed to be more of a tester, so I could advantage of it. I neatly grabbed the base of his wrist, pulled him in, and curved my elbow around it. All these things in combination allowed for Calum to be thrown off balance, reeled in by his own body part, and have his face smashed. I could see the pain I had just caused him as he slanted into a nearby desk, one hand nursing his covered face whilst the other blocked his chest half-heartedly.
Your dead to me. Scratch that, you will be dead.
I knew I'd won. One simple knock with my elbow caused a lot, and I mean a lot, of damage. I think I dented his forehead in... Oh well. As he was a few paces away, I took a moment to breathe and gain some energy back. I only then realised that my chest felt fuzzy and numb, as if I'd just been dosed with anaesthetic. Looking down, almost with fear and dread, I realised that Callum hadn't come unarmed. He hadn't beat my head in with his hands. He hadn't stood over me and caved my head in with his shoulders, no. No he didn't. He was very efficient. He brought a bat.

And that bat was currently, and rather lopsidedly if I might add, lodged in between my rib cage. Panic immediately gripped me as I felt faint and sick to what was left of my stomach. Blood was slowly dripping from the base of the bat itself, almost every second.
Drip, drip, drip.
My body collapsed to the side and just before I hit the ground, I managed to grasp the edge of one of the desks I was victoriously standing next to only a few seconds ago. I felt no pain. I felt nothing from the foreign object pushed through me.
How the fuck did he even do it? He only swung his hand. Wait, hand. Shit. He only swung his first hand.
"You..." I started to push out from my vocal cords "you... play disgustingly." I watched in dismay as he slowly stood up and drunkenly stumbled towards me, hand still protecting the edge on his head I'd given him.
"Heck, there aren't no rules to a fight. Remember that." Callum had put one hand on the base, and the blood that was pulsating out of me met his balled fist, and starting dripping from there instead.
Drip, drip, drip.
"I ain't gonna kill you." Callum said, almost seeming back to normal.
It's the pain. You caved in a part of his head. Focus your vision.
"I'm... dead. Dead anyway.." Barely being able to keep my eyes open, I spat my last remaining drops of spit at the floor.
"I'm making this easier for you. Trust me." Callum looked Ito my eyes, and I don't know what it was. I don't know if it was the hopelessness, the worry, the anger, the pain, the vulnerability, or the sheer childishness that still lived in the dead shell that was his body, but I believed him.
"Fuck it... I'm dead anyway." I dropped my gaze, and closed my eyes, not wishing to see what was about to happen to me.
Prepare to feel pain, Adam. It's not the first time, but prepare.
Even though it was numb, I could still feel the slow edging of the bat being pulled out my system. The human pliers in front of me clearly did care, as nothing else was being broken. Part of my ribs were still intact, I could still breathe, beat, and think. Three things I needed. After a thought, I opened my eyes, and looked down.

The bat was halfway out, and it looked like it'd been sprayed red. Small, crumb-like pieces of flesh seemed to dot the edges and sides as it left, showing that my body had overall rejected this... thing.
At least it's just me that wanted to die.
Callum looked up at me, nodded at my living condition, and suddenly pulled extremely hard, ripping out the bat and a few more stringy pieces of flesh and cracked, bloody bone that coated the outside of my skin.
Help me? How is this helping?!
The body I inhabited collapsed again, and I was forced under the same black veil as last time.
What is going on? What am I doing? Why am I here again? HOW AM I NOT DEAD!? I SHOULD BE DEAD!
Please. Let me die.
I don't want to be here any more. I don't want to be tortured. I don't want to be ridiculed by Liam. I don't want to be alone. I don't want to do all of this anymore.
Nothing. No reply. No sense to hold onto. Just pure nothing.
What do you want from me? Tell me. TELL me! TELL ME!
The silence was my only reply. All I could do was think, and even then, the veil was slowly lifting.
Just let me die... I wanna see my parents. I want to be with my family. I want to feel safe, warm, and with everyone.

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