The Fifty-Fourth

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"So, you took over Nusanda?" I asked, being back in the darkness, even if it was fading. The simplicity of the moment seemed almost wounded by it.
"Kind of..." the aline faltered slightly, almost thinking the event over himself.
"Nusanda came back into consciousness, but he didn't seem to remember the night. So I snugly rested myself in him. It was safer than leaving his body, you know?"
"I.. I guess. I've never had to do anything like that..." I shrugged slightly, thinking things over.
"I know what you're going to say next."
I looked up, and I could feel the Thing's eyes pierce the rim of my eyelids, trying to search for some sort of answer.
It does know... Huh. Well. This'll be interesting.
"You want me to get out of your body."
"I mean, I wouldn't mind..." I said, shrugging my shoulder again, trying to show nonchalance and clearly failing.
"I can't do that." It replied, even blunter than usual. Axe-style blunt.
"Why? Why can't you?" I stood a bit taller, trying to show some power in the mind that wasn't mine, but I could feel the futility.
"Well, for one, you'd die." It responded simply. I looked at it a little harder, trying to figure out what it was saying.
"YOU are holding ME together?" I stepped back, looking at my hands, expecting them to flash and burn in my hands.
I'm not powerful at all... it's all this thing...
"That's not true at all. There are some powers in your body." The Creature replied to my silent and private thoughts without hesitation. My interest peaked slightly: finally! Someone who could explain this to me.
"Like what?" I asked it, but I was interrupted by a sudden and rather violent shaking that caused me to stagger as I stuck my hands out, desperate for some form of balance. My Alien seemed to just stand on its hind legs, lift its head up, and breathed in deeply, causing the light to instantly change into a bright sheen.
"No time now. I'll explain soon. Take my hand." It said, extending an arm towards my body. I didn't think twice, and stepped forward, grasping the hand in a deep grip. A sudden bolt of almost pure electricity seemed to jet through my body as the Creature nodded, and bared its claws.

I didn't even flinch as they plunged themselves into my sockets.

My brain hit overdrive, allowing me to feel the pain of a stiff neck in sleep as I rose from my concrete mattress, gently massaging my shoulders. Looking down, I could see a faint print of where I landed, and it looked like a chalked our image of where I fell, even to an exact degree.
Huh. They even managed to trace my claws.
Who's 'they?'
Oh? I simply mean fate. Sorry, I shall be more clear in the future.
"Hey... that guy's moving." I heard a voice I recognised speaking in a hushed whisper. It seemed a slight bit scared, but after a few seconds, I could feel it relaxing slightly. The noise came from my right, behind a wall, but turning the corner revealed nothing. Yet another empty hall, except for the classrooms that plagued the place, releasing its daily dose of stress and worry into the world. I hated the feeling. I hated it now especially as I tried to work out where exactly the voice came from.
"Looking for me, by any chance?" It taunted, seeming to come from all directions, yet from none at all. It seemed to whirl around me, confusing where I was.
Let me help you there.
The sound seemed to dissipate and point me towards a door three classrooms down: a science classroom. It seemed to shine a little bit brighter than all of the others, and whether that was through My Creature's scent, or my currently heightened senses, I couldn't work out. My steps seemed to sing to everyone in a revealing way, the way that allows everyone near you to hear where you are sort of singing.
My favourite type.

Gently edging open the door, I could already feel the pre-stress in the classrooms, as this classroom was set up for a practical: heatproof mats housing lit Bunsen burners lined the corners of every single desk, with chemicals neatly arranged in the middle of them.
Well, I could probably make another smoke bomb if needed.
Each desk was standard: facing the teacher, in nice and neat rows, the way it should be. The desk at the front simply said two words, the only words needed: Core Practical. These kids needed to do this. I could almost hear Callum's disappointment in my ears as I realised that I'd have to murder whoever was in here.
Well now, step back. You do not know that for sure.
Yes I do. There was a similarity in that voice... "And that voice was The Mask." I said aloud, hoping to allure my protagonist out into the open for a clean view
And, hopefully a clean hit. This is something that does need to be done if it is The Mask.
Wait... is that it's actual name?
Yes. The Mask.
Wow. That's a crap name... how do you know that?
Well, I absorbed myself into The Mask, and abstracted as much data as I could. That just happened to be one.
"How do you know my name?" A dark, bold, yet quiet voice seemed to meander it's way through the silence, insulting my eardrums with its lack of a persona to help it in itself.
"That's not important-" I began, but the voice cut me off again.
"No, I think you'll find that this is very important. So, I'll ask again: How. Do. You. Know. My. Actual. Name?"
I was gonna say some sort of smart arse comeback, but unfortunately, My Alien decided that it didn't want to hide anymore, and came out of the body it was hiding in, morphing me into its image.
"Now that would be my fault I'm afraid." Alien seemed to want to move away, yet slash forward, as it bobbed backwards and forwards like a boxer ready to swing. I heard The Mask hiss as it made the owner back up, and adapt itself into the fighting stance I knew all too well.
"I do not like you're figure. I feel as if I have seen it before." The Mask spat out, disgust registering itself in its unmoving features.
"You have. I was in your face at one point, taking all I could." Creature seemed to try some comedy, and to be fair, a smirk did cross my face, but whether it was a triumphant smirk or a comedy one I won't say. Again, The Mask did a double take, and carried on speaking in its weird tongue:
"Ah, the leech." The word seemed to bring repulsion to its... well... mask. I felt my blood boiling, and I realised that anger was beginning to built up in it.
It only took three words to piss you off?
Leeches are despised in my world. Eradicated. Anyone called a leech is shunned and culled.
I suggest you shun and cull this guy.
I shall try my best.
"You.." My monster stated, looking down at its hands as metallically sharp claws slowly emerged from its fingertips, before looking back up with a smile on its face:
"Are about to be culled."

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