The Fiftieth

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The hallways seemed quiet and deflate without any students present, and it made a nice change to the gasps, screams, and yells that I'd just experienced teaching some punk a lesson. I stopped for a moment, took a deep breath, let out a very long sigh, and let all of my current stress out, allowing myself to focus on what I was doing.
The headmaster is just an excuse... I've hardly seen him, so let's go for a fucking visit.
My anger began to run through my veins, as I realised he must be playing in this game.
Ah, but is he a pawn, or is he a king?
"Either way, he's fucked." I stunted, a lot louder than I should've.

Every classroom I passed seemed to be the same: replicated students, with robots as teachers, teaching the same thing over and over and over again, yet expecting something different in every single student.
Are these people not aware of the definition of insanity?
Looking into another classroom, I simply stated no. I was looking for something new, something special, something to show me that I wasn't just wasting my time as a student.
Hah. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
"So, why are we taking down this person?" I asked it, knowing it was thinking clearer than I did.
"Well, for both of our lives. For one, The Boss, if that's what you call him, will literally tear you in half using surgery tools to get me out. Then, they'll use my blood to gain regenerative powers. That's not something I want, what about you?" He made me say aloud, whilst flashing a bunch of graphic photos of me being cut into little pieces, and then burned.
No trace style.
"And, you'll make life easier for both you, and the teachers, and the students." 'I' continued speaking aloud, and I kept looking around, hoping no one would see it.
Ah, we are here. Correct?
"Yes." I actually said, staring at the wood door, with two cards gently slotted into two holders.

The first one read: HEADMASTER.

The second one read; OCCUPIED.

Ah, fuck him. Head on inside.

I knocked on the door, quite loudly, and I heard scuffling before someone shouted through the door, quite irritated, for me to come in. So, I gently twisted the lock before I continued forward, hoping for at least a simple meeting.
Or beating.
The door seemed more oiled than the rest, and the refined oak didn't even scrape the freshly cleaned carpet as it slid open, revealing the scene. The room seemed to be blanketed in carpet, the colour a darker shade of grey. The floor seemed to melt into the slightly greyer walls as it snaked up to the same colour ceiling. In the middle of the room, there was a desk, two chairs facing towards and away on one end, and one chair at the other. The one chair was occupied by the headmaster, who seemed to glare me down as I stepped in, as if I've just broken into his house. He had the classic look about him: Old, grey, balding head, owl-like eyes that cut through lies, and an irritating posture that drove me to want to slit his throat on more than one occasion. He wore a suit that seemed to make him look more frail than he actually was. His arms were hastily crossed across his chest as his eyes set upon my body, and I seemed to have the illusion of complete anonymity, at least for a few precious seconds
A few seconds is all we need.
Sat opposite him was someone I'd never seen before: it looked like a stereotypical secretary, and she seemed to be holding some sort of briefcase in her left hand, awkwardly trying to obscure it.
Well, well, well. Doesn't that look important?
I started to march towards him, and almost instantly I could see him put two and two together. He fumbled back, going for his drawers. Clearly, there was some sort of weapon, like a gun, or a knife, or something like that. I carried on calmly walking towards him, simply keeping my arms limp.
What about the other human?
Ah, I'll just kill her.
"Woah, let's think about this... let's think very very carefully. What's going to happen if you kill me? Where are you gonna go? Where will you end up?" He was still panicky, smashing through half a dozen drawers and a few loose sheets as I approached, still at a calm pace, even if I it was slightly quickened. The lady hadn't moved: her legs were crossed on the seat, one hand hand calmly laid on her lap. Her eyes seemed to follow me as I moved around the desk, causing him to dart across to the other side before speaking again:
"Think carefully. Very, very carefully." He seemed to be afraid.
I didn't see him take anything from those drawers, did you?
No. He has no weapon. He is free pray. And I'm starving.
Hold on, you eat people?
Well, of course. Why do you think you couldn't find Nusanda?
"I am thinking carefully. I'm thinking, and this is right now, 'there's someone who doesn't deserve life in any way, and should be eradicated.' I'm also hearing a little voice in my head..." I could feel my eyes tinting black, and the surface of my skin crawl as I begun to lose control of my own body.
"And... To be honest..." The monotone voice broke through my human one, causing my last bit of humanity to break into tiny little pieces that shattered all over the floor.
"I'm starving."

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