The Seventeenth

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Get up...
The alarm was smacking my eardrums with its ferocious onslaught of unstoppable noise that perforated my ears. Turning over to see what the time was, I was greeted with the same four numbers that hung in the dark, illuminating themselves.
5:30AM. The same time as yesterday. Fuck me man, days seem longer and longer. I just want it to end at this point.
Throwing the duvet off of my body, I turned to the side, walked into the bathroom, and did the daily things any boy does: Showered, shaved, etc. After this, I dried my body off, and climbed into my uniform, still half asleep.
It's too early for this shit, I swear.
Breakfast was something I could quickly eat and forget, as par usual. Only after I stepped out the door, looking as 'fantastic' as I usually did, did I suddenly realise I'd sunk into my life without fighting. I'd allowed myself to just blend in and melt away, skin turning to metal to allow myself to be just like everyone else: A robot.
My fathers words rang in my ears:
'son, sometimes, you've got to put your life in the hands of Fate. She'll treat us well, I promise you.'
I shook my head, cursed, and wiped away a tear that had managed to wriggle it's way through my eye. Pressing on, I managed to walk up through the path that lead to the gate with ease. Every footstep rang out against the dirt, reminding me of how alone I truly was. How I'd never be able to kiss my mother goodbye before school. How I'd never have anyone to relate to, to worry about, to comfort them or me.
You've always been alone. Push past it. Focus on what matters. You've got your whole life to realise what you need to do after this. These grades will get you anywhere.
I made the mistake of turning around.
"See you soon Adam!" My mothers voice echoed through my mind as she stood there, waving me away with pure joy in her eyes.
I froze, blinking hard, trying to work out if this was a dream or not.
This isn't happening. What.. what's happening to me..?
As I blinked again, she disappeared instantly without a trace, as if she was never there. As if this never happened.
As if it never existed.

School greeted me way too quickly, the large, old walls staring down at its new prey that had it caught for as long as it needed to. The daylight seemed to bend around the entire place, as if the building was repulsed by any natural light that tried to worm its way through the overbearing cracks of the building. The grass looked freshly cut, blunt blades of them littered the place in troves before dissipating into the concrete jungle that twisted its way around. I stopped at the gate, and looked it over again, as I had done so many times. The same charcoal, shrunken, peeling paint greeted me, just as the pristine metal did. It all felt so surreal, and so unbelievable. Bothering about looking at the gate later, I moved into the school, and headed towards my lockers, fumbling around with the door to it. I couldn't remember the lock off the top of my head, which just goes to show how much I used the bloody thing.
If I really wanted to, I could just blend in to normal life. No one knew I was missing, as sad as that is. If I really wanted to, I could...
As I stood pondering over, a familiar voice called out my name, almost mockingly, sending shivers of fear into my body.
"Aaaaadammmmmm..." he sarcastically catcalled me, causing me to turn around and face the main fear in my life at the moment.
Run. Run away. Run as far and as fast as you can. You can't fight him.
Liam strode through people entering the classrooms, before stopping a few centimetres away from me.
"I've been looking forward to putting you back in your place." He sneered, spitting next to me. A crowd of vultures had already formed, lusting for the sight of blood.
"I don't wanna do this Liam. Not anymore." I said, faltering at the end. I knew it was hopeless. I knew he wouldn't listen. I knew nothing would work with him. He just loved to hurt people.
Hurt people hurt people, as they say.
Liam laughed in my face as he punched my chest, causing me to almost lift myself of the floor to recoil with the fist. The wind was knocked out of my body and my brain went dark, and a feeling of numbness started to echo through my body. A still buzz could be heard through my ears, alongside Liam's and everyone else's laughter. As I fell to my arms and knees, coughing up something yellow and red, I looked up, and got a boot to the side of my stomach. I didn't feel it, but I knew it was gonna hurt the next day, due to Liam's eyes lighting up at the sight of it.
How could you enjoy this?
I felt anger coarse itself into my brain, singing such a sweet song of killing security into my body.
What sort of sick fuck would ENJOY this?!
My eyes felt like they'd glazed over, as If I could only see things through an unfocused, drunken haze.
Completely out of control, I started to stand up, my legs shaking crazily and uncontrollably. I met his gaze, and I saw his smile lower slightly.
I'm gonna kill you.

Liam's first throw was caught by my hand, and thrown sideways. His body followed the pattern, and it allowed me a free shot at his chest and head, which I took. He stumbled back, but I didn't let up. An uppercut full of hate and spite for months of abuse met his chin, and didn't disconnect. I heard a satisfying clack from his mouth echo around the hall, causing the entire school to fall silent. Liam was almost out, the light in his eyes fading as I lifted one of my legs up and allowed it to momentarily smack into his chest, causing him to topple and fall, hitting his spine and head on the lockers. One hit him square on the back of his head, and as he rolled over, I saw the lock, and noticed the sudden explosion of blood that seemed to slowly dissipate from the metal. Liam managed to groan, and try to roll over, but I managed to stop that by putting a foot into his face. A suppressed scream came out of his mouth, along with blood that dribbled out of the side of his slightly open lips.
So close...
Pulling his head up, I smashed it with my fist, square in the middle, allowing myself slight joy as I felt the ripples of pure fear and pain gush across his entire body. I did it again. And again. And again. And again, just repeating the same action, getting the same amount of joy, putting the same amount of effort into trying to break his face open. His eyes started to flutter, and I knew if he was knocked out, he wasn't going to feel what I was about to do. My knee hit his stomach again, keeping him forcefully awake as I continued to punch his face raw. His cheeks soon had my knuckles printed into them, red marks dug into them as if they were trenches: deep and wide.
"P-p-please... s-st-st-stop-p.." He managed to painfully utter in between my violent assault. The violence in my brain laughed pathetically as I continued to beat out every single little bit of rage and spite I had for the disgusting creature in my hands. After a few more delightfully thrilling punches, my fists moved to his chest and started to carve out more handprints into his chest, like an artist painting on a canvas. Every hit caused more breath to rush out of his body and hit the floor in a sudden hush as he tried to keep the oxygen in his body. After I felt my adrenaline and my body start to run out of energy, I moved my posture, stood him up with me, and threw him against the lockers one more time. His body clearly wanted release, as he put no effort into getting back up: His hands remained limp, his body remained contorted, and his eyes still remained half closed. My breath was hot and heavy as I took a few more steps towards Liam, still shaking from everything I'd done. It was only after a few seconds that I realised:
I was no better than him. We were both monsters. We both knew no bounds, no remorse, and no sympathy.

Difference is, I clearly hid it better than him.

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