The Twenty-Ninth

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"Fancy meeting you again." The Boss clearly didn't like this any more than I did, but hell, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him.
Fuck You. Fuck everything you stand for.
"You really cannot keep yourself out of trouble, can you?" His voice amused me at this point. All of this was incredibly obvious, so why was he going over it?
"Not r-real-ly." I spat out, still chattering.
How aren't they cold? What is up with them?
"You've caused a great deal of trouble." The Boss started to explain. "I've had the parents of that poor child you beat to death come in. They cried. Constantly! How very unprofessional..." He seemed to pause, going over something in his head before continuing;
"They wanted a full examination of the school. I told them that there wasn't a problem here. They wanted to see the boy. I told them he'd ran away. They then said they wanted your house address, and I simply said I couldn't tell them. The way I see it, you owe me." He stopped, letting this sink in.
"The parents have cooled down now, and come to terms with their loss. They didn't know their child had assaulted someone else's so vigorously."
The pause between me allowing myself to realise that the parents knew how bad he hurt me in the past set in.
"They don't want to see you, or anyone, anymore." The. Boss carried on. "And had moved town, rather convenient in our case. Anyway, they didn't call the police, or the army, or the CIA, which is the most important part. Can't have our best kept secret running rampart for someone else."
"W-w-What-t are y-you-u get-t-t-tin-ng at-t?" My patience was thinning. Extremely thinning.
"The way I see it, you work for me, or a snap your neck for a week straight until you almost die, then I stick something between your heal aura. That liquid doesn't heal when something large is in it, remember?" Clearly, he thought he had the hand up.
"F-f-fuck y-you." The last of my spite came through, blazing through the cold. Sadly, The Boss' cold aura froze it before it even came close.
"Shame." He said, before I felt hands grip my chin and the bottom of my throat. They suddenly moved, a blinding flash of disappointment and disdain, before snapping so quickly I saw a light emerge again.

Wow. That was smooth. And quick. And painless. Nice way to go. Maybe that should be how everyone dies? Quick, painless... I mean, we're killing ourselves, all the time, and for what? A small piece of something. You know it's bad when this is the case. Maybe this is what's right. Maybe my death will fix things. I could go speak to Liam, apologise, be free from everything. Maybe that's the best course of action. Maybe. Or maybe I should take everyone with me. The Boss has made my life hell, Poppy sells drugs that can also kill, and Callum is still an obedient little slave, no matter how hard it is for me to accept otherwise. Still a nice kid though.
The aura around me seemed to darken again before re-stabilising.
Ah, so this is really it then. He's going to kill me. It's all over, just like that? Really? Is this how normal people die?
The darkness became lighter, almost a shift lighter, and I could feel the spite of dying for nothing running through my veins.
No... This isn't how it ends. It can't be. I won't accept this. I can't accept this.
I felt the light shift to extremely sharp and white light that cut my eyelids open before prying into them. I heard my voice recoil before my retinas came back online, and I had my sight back.

Snapping my head back up, and feeling the sweat I was drenched in, I breathed a heavy sigh of relief. So heavy, in fact, that I felt the flow of oxygen change, and an extreme amount of pain emerge from my chest, causing me to take another breath and rattle the pain through me again.
Steady... Steady... Calmly breathe.
Looking down, I realised what the problem was:
There was still a gaping hole in my chest.

How did that get there?
Instead of panicking like any normal person, I simply just stared at it with intense interest. The sort of interest that would make you wonder what was actually going on behind the scenes.
He's either tore a hole in me through spite, research, or death.
I only noticed the fucking thing because my head could make out that my blood was suddenly an extremely light colour of red. Paint colour red, when it's first brought out of the box, all shiny and shit. Almost all of the sights I've seen lately have been my body being tore apart and abused. Why not add this to the collection?
The fact I'm still alive almost upsets me.
On that mental note, I decided it was time to leave. I simply remember feeling the chair and the bonds breaking before I stood up, smartly brushed myself off, and carried on. The stairs proved no challenge to find, and neither did the exit. I remember walking through the school fields, each stride a proof that I was still alive, still fighting, still making sure that I could do everything in my power to not allow for this savage and his team of animals to win against me.
I'll kill them. I'll kill them all.

It was at this moment, me walking through the school field, that I noticed something. Something you don't notice unless you're either nosy or have a very, very keen eye:
All the classrooms were empty. Every single one. No cleaners, no polish on the sides, no kids doing after school assignments, nothing. It was just me, in an empty school.
Set it on fire. Burn them all out.
Fortunately, I reminded myself that that's Arson, and if I commit that act and I'm caught, it's all over. Prison for a while, I'm gone. It's over.
The grass of the field felt newly trimmed as I walked over it. Crisply crushing it behind me, I realised how much I suddenly missed outside. The freedom to do as one wishes in a small area... It is, indeed, freeing.
"Oh!" I heard a voice from behind me sound amusingly surprised. I felt a sense of foreboding and fate hit me, as I instantly recognised the chirpy and jolly tune of it. Turning around, and feeling again the sense of fate, I simply kept my arms by my sides, and said calmly, but sure of myself:
"Hey, Poppy. I'm going to enjoy killing you."

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