The Sixty-Second

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It must've been a few hours since I'd been brought in, as my neck and body had reconnected, allowing me to raise my head to feel both the freezing temperature of the room, and another pair of eyes. They seemed to recoil and panic as mind snapped up to meet them, almost challenging the placement. Without a word of exchange, the human simply stood up, and walked out, leaving me alone for however long they wanted to.

The Freezer was lit for once, a candle of extreme power slicing up the cold and placing the light in place. The room? Blue walls, blue floor, and a single door with no window, painted blue.

Suffice to say: the room was dead fucking boring.

How you holding up?
As well as I can, thank you. It's good to see that you're body has healed itself significantly.
Is it possible for you to come out?
Yes. It is now.
Well, let's get-
Wait a moment. Hasn't The Boss always visited you in here?
Well yeah, but-
Well then. Let's wait. Then we kill him and find the girls.
And so, with no real power over The Alien, I waited. The memories of myself and Callum flooded through like a burst dam as I tried to work out this blind betrayal: why would he do this? God... How could he do this?
Every moment was a lie. Every. Single. One.
Another tear gently tickled its way down my face, hurting me inside again.
I can't feel. I have to push on. Stopping and thinking like this... It's only going to stop me.
"Well shit, you are human..." I heard a familiar voice crack through my memory trip before ripping me back to reality. It found me face to face with someone I thought I'd never see again: Charlotte. Her face inches away from mine, and my hatred and confusion filling in the rest of the space as I realised she wasn't tied up.
"So both of you..." I said aloud as the penny dropped to the floor, as stunned as I was.
"Yeah, I'm afraid so." She said, leaning back a bit. "You see, there's a pretty penny for your body. Something about you being an 'unstoppable force' or some other crap." She seemed to look me up and down before grinning.
"Clearly not. All it took was a few bullets. God knows how you aren't dead, but I'm not questioning it. Soon, my world and I will be free to live however we want. So I can't help but thank you..." she said, leaning in a kissing my cheek. I felt my skin burn in resentment as I wanted the flesh to melt off of my face, and die, festering onto the floor.
"Fuck you." Were my only words. Her smile didn't change, but her eyes did.
"You could've died. Cheer up, things could be worse." She seemed to try and cast a little happiness into it, but with such an oppressed atmosphere, it simply fell flat in here.
"I wish I was dead." I tried to cut through the fucking ignorance she seemed to embrace herself in, but to no avail. Her stupidity didn't budge.
"Well.." She said, standing up and heading towards the blue door, the expression she wore not changing.
"I'm sure you'll be dead soon enough. When you are, we can both run away, live happily wherever we want to, no matter where it is. So, in a way..." She turned back once more, with a stupidly happy look in her eyes:
"I should thank you for saving me. But I won't. Because in the end, justice serves: You, the murderer and psychopath you are, are stuck in this chair. Me? I'm free." She let the last word linger as she opened the door, the hinges creaking gently against the edges of the frozen box I was stuck in.

Fantastic. I'm here with nothing but my thoughts.
Can we leave now? I'm freezing
No. We cannot.
Why?! Let's just go find the cunt.
No. It will take too long. And, there's too many people in the way. We'll get swarmed.
Well, aren't we invincible? We can just run, hide, regenerate, and move back in.
Is that really a chance you're willing to take?
Exactly. We'll find The Boss, and... And Poppy.
I'm hoping she's still alive.
Me too. If not, I'm afraid of what you'll do. To yourself, to me, to anyone.
I laughed into the light, not a very good thing, as there wasn't anything even objectively funny, before finishing the talk.
I'm already afraid of what I'll do.

"Ah, here he is!"
The door had practically smashed itself open, the once-quiet hinges screaming at the sudden pain that rung through its entire wooden frame. The slam had startled my head into complete and utter observant submission, snapping my focus onto the sound and the root of it all. The voice was the reminiscent one of The Boss, power radiating from the guy like a damaging force. He almost leisurely stormed into the room, seeming to think I'm defeated.
"My god, haven't you caused me some issues?" He said, stopping a few centimetres in front of me, his face inches from mine. I took advantage of it, and spat at him. He didn't even flinch, and he wiped it away in almost a moment with a handkerchief, leaving no trace of the moment.
"Still angry, are we?" Taking a step back and laughing, he motioned to take a step towards me into the doorway. I couldn't see from the angle I was put, and so it was an extreme step in the wrong direction for this man when Poppy was pulled into the room, feet dragging across the floor. Her face was hung down, but blood still dripped from it, sending streaks of pain through my heart. Her clothes were barely hanging onto her, rips and tears showing shining and bloody patches of skin that seemed to relish yet also despise the light as they either bled profusely or modelled the sudden purity of clean skin. At least none of her bones looked broken.

I could only hope.

I threw my head down as tears spilled out of my eyes, crashing into the floor with such ferocity that I could barely feel them sending warmth into my cheeks. My breathing hitched, and my vision blurred for a moment before coming back into focus. Before I had a chance to refocus, my head was forcibly snapped up, allowing The Boss to see that he had a way of getting to me.
"Ahh..." He began to laugh, a properly continuous guffaw that didn't stop for what felt like a very long time. It echoed in the container environment, the flow of the sound not changing in the slightest.
"So this is your weakness?! Adam Wolfe, murderer at a young age, calculated, cold, brutal human with an Alien pet as his sidekick, had his heart warmed and contented by a drug trafficker?! This is too good to be true..." He wiped a tear from his eyes before turning to her, and I couldn't help myself.
"Don't you dare touch her." My voice, as weak as I felt, still shook through both The Boss and Poppy, who's head leaned itself up for a few moments before dropping down again, seemingly defeated.
"You should've kept your hands to yourself too..." The Boss hissed as closed a hand around Poppy's already damaged neck, squeezing the last remaining life out of her like a vindictive juicer crushing a lemon. Her face was already red before he continued:
"Trying to turn my right hand? Ripping apart my perfect grip on the place? Fucking up what I've built?" I felt his grip tighten from here through anger.
"I should kill her, just to even things out..." His grip began to increase, a vice behind twisted, before he suddenly let go, causing her to collapse onto the floor in an exhausted, dying heap.

"But I won't. Because I want you to watch her suffer."

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