The Thirty-Eighth

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Fuck, it's cold.
Strolling through the empty streets, wind crashing through my back and up my spine, I suddenly realised the meaning of isolation. I was completely alone out here. No one was coming to help, no one was coming to rescue me, there was nothing out here that would help me.
I'm going to the place that I needed help with the fucking most. Why am I like this?
Only a select few houses had a light on, and even then you couldn't see anything. The houses were desolate and dead, currently how I felt overall. A few faces noted my presence, but my overall notice was ghostly: I didn't exist.
My brain started to wonder is usually the statement, but currently, I'm just regretting it already. I'm not even there.
I brushed my hands through the stiff, unresponsive and unrelenting wind, feeling the sudden shift in the tone of my blood as it sat at the bottom, twirling the pulse there into something of a panic.
Am I panicking? Am I nervous? Over something as simply as this?
I stopped, regaining myself, and playing the memory back in my head.
"Why not call up Oscar and Callum?"
"Oscar can dump everything, including the bodies."
They mentioned a name I might want to follow on from... Oscar.
Considering the current occupation I have, I'm fairly sure this guy isn't going to be a pushover. He'll kill me as soon as look at me.
I got so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't notice a guy straight in front of me, who I then proceeded to knock into, causing both of us to stumble in different directions. I put my hands out to save myself, whilst his balance was still fine. He curtly span around, long trench coat and trilby hat obscuring most of his features, before he spoke in a rather quiet and monotone voice:
"Watch where you're going, kid. It's a dangerous night around here."
Just like that, he turned and left. No more words. No more simplicity. Nothing. The guy gave off an aura of impassiveness. It was terrifying, yet mysterious at the same time. And I thought, personally, that's the best mix for a person.
No clue, but just enough knowledge to drag you in closer. But I mustn't. I have something to do.
So I continued, further into the night.

Who would've thought that I would be at school on a Saturday?
The gate that I'd become so incredibly familiar with looked ahead of me, demonstrating its prowess.
It's a hinderance, not something to be fucking praised.
Putting one foot to the handle, I lifted myself up halfway, giving me just enough time with me free hand to take off the coat I was wearing and throw it over the spikes at the top. I then put my hand in the middle of the two and hoisted up again, pulling my full body above it all. I then rolled over the spikes, harshly sucking in air as the spikes still punctured my chest. The metal felt colder than the night air as I grabbed my coat in the short free fall before landing in a heap at the bottom, arm and elbow seeming to absorb majority of the force. Again, my body groaned as I picked my body up into a position that allowed me to move. My brain still seemed against the idea, and forced my eyes to look back at the gate and observe my exit one last time.
You could turn around. You could easily leave. It wouldn't cost a thing. No one knows your here. No one would ever know either.
Shaking my head to clear those thoughts, I took a step towards the main building, hoping to find some sort of way in. An open window, a short pass between a door that I could break, something like that.
I'm here to get a job done, not to follow the law. Besides, I'm fairly sure repeated murder is always a given breakage of the law.
About three minutes in, I discovered a small crack in a window on the bottom floor, one I could easily reach. It looked fairly new, as if someone had through ahead and broken it for me. The distinct fresh lines edged themselves sporadically along all of the sides as I struck it with my fist, feeling the panes rattle and shake. Either anger or pure guile allowed me to do it, shooting sparks of pain through my entire body, fiddling the hand I used with immeasurable pain. I did it again, ignoring how much my hands screamed at me for it. Finally, after a third smash, I realised the sound of the broken glass and the gap I'd created. Shards hit the floor out my way and in the school like sharp rain, cracking crisply on the cobbled and stone floor that filled both out here and in there.
That was easier than I thought... much easier.
Using my coat to pad the bottom of the glass, I vaulted into the place, cringing as glass cracked under my feet. I allowed the noise to echo about the place before intently listening through my ears, hoping and praying for nothing.
Tap, tap, tap.
That's footsteps. Fuck.
Thinking faster than normal, I dashed to the side, noting the door that I'd crashed in next to. The movement of it, and the one that the threat was was going to walk through.
If opened, it would hide me perfectly.
Slipping almost silently behind the door, I allowed my breathing to decrease before the door was violently swung open, and I heard a very, very audible click before the lights came on.
"GOT YER-" The person stopped, staring around the room intently. I felt his eyes and nose shift from behind the door, just as his feet did the same thing.
"Whet... whet the fack..?" I heard it mutter as it looked through the cracks of glass.
"No stone... maybe... 'at broke on at's own?" It seemed to lull at the mystery of the whole thing, which made it all the more harder to keep quiet and invisible.
Maybe I could knock it out before it did anything extreme?
The whole room seemed to tilt at a slight as I tried to map his movement to my noise, an almost impossible task.
"Allo?" I felt like I remembered the accent. The tone seemed to ring a bell in my memory as silently reflected.
Not The Boss, definitely not Callum, Charlotte, or Poppy... the two guys in The Freezer?... No, it couldn't be those either.
"I'm gonna snap 'yer like a twig..." it laughed again, a rough, coarse laugh.
Holy fuck. It's the guy from the gate.

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