The Twenty-Fourth

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God, I hope nothing happens today.
The recent events in my head replayed themselves, over and over again, making sure that I wasn't under appreciating anything or anyone.
There's no one there to keep me sane. Or to keep me awake and with the current times.
Walking through the gates, I soon realised that I felt the same way everyday: Sad. I felt sad when I walked into school. I felt sad when I left. I felt sad at home. I felt sad everywhere. Completely fucking everywhere. Nowhere made me smile, laugh, or anything like that. Sighing, I tried to focus myself as I walked down the hallways, trying to avoid trouble. It was a bit difficult due to the attention I'd unwontedly acquired for myself. Every kid either knew my face, or my name.
At least my bruises healed. Things could be worse Adam, think about it like that.
Wandering through the halls and empty classrooms, I suddenly put two and two together and realised where I was going. I whirled past people, jeering or cheering, twisted past a few people who tried to grab me for whatever reason, and came down to the long corridor. The science corridor.
You could turn around. Easily. There's nothing stopping you, nothing at all. Turn around, it's for the best.
I took a step forward, and Liam's broken, bloody, and dead body started to sear itself into my vision. All I could see was the blood, and the bruises...
God, Liam... why? Why did I do that to you? How much of an evil, demonic human do I have to be before I get my fill? Poppy's dead too. You don't come back from that... well, I did, but Poppy isn't me.
My feet still gently strode across the hallway, a familiar tap, tap, tap rattled my ears, and another vision of the man from the basement came into my head.
"I'll 'ave to beat 'at outta you."
Gripping my head with one hand, palm laying on my temple, I staggered slightly, a thin sheen of sweat lightly covering my face. Another flash, and I saw myself die with a bat through my skull, colour inverting and shifting my focus.
Christ... it's okay, I'm alive. Adam, your alive. Wake up, move up. If you stop to think, you'll realise how much you've fucked up.
Shaking my head and putting my hand back to vacate the side of my body, I pushed on through the corridor. No one was around: no teachers spying at me through the glass windows laced with shatter-proof metal, grace saving any sort of breakages. No kids, like vultures, staying around to salvage the carrion that lay dead and barebones on the floor. No Liam, to beat me to a pulp, to kill me mentally. No Callum to adjust my school life.
I don't even go to fucking classes anymore. What's wrong with me? My parents would kill me...
Suddenly stopping, I realised where I was:
I'd made it.

The door, instead of being locked, stood charred and half-broken. It seemed to almost fold in on itself as it did so, bleeding splinters and paint. The interior, just by looking through the door, was completely ruined. Everything had clearly been incinerated, leaving nothing to actually allow my brain to say 'yeah, this really happened, let's move on.'
The body of the girl I'd killed wasn't visible, so either it's burned to literal ashes, or the coppers had moved it.
I'm really hoping for the second one.
Realising that all this place would bring would be bad memories, I spun round and continued to walk, trying to pay attention to anything but the problem that presented itself. The doors seemed to simply become impassive as I passed them, the walls started to close in, and my body started to condense under the pressure.
What the fuck is going on?!
Looking upwards after a spiral, I saw another person. The corridor had suddenly extended into an indefinite loop, and all I could see was this one person. As my persona clicked back into my body like a puzzle piece, I realised that the person was stood stick still, gaze on me. We were a little distance apart, but her jet black, oil coloured eyes still pierced through my eyes like bullets. The presence of her only heightened when the corridor behind simply stopped existing. I felt a tremor, and looked back, and all I saw was nothingness. The corridor sharply shook again, reminding me that I had to move forward.
What the fuck..? Maybe there was still some cocaine in that room, and it's currently clogged in my nostrils?
Slowly walking forward, as f I was afraid to wake up or move the linear labyrinth I was stood in, I gently took a few steps, gingerly hearing and wincing every time I heard the tap my shoes made. Every step I took closer felt like a bigger piece of the puzzle being revealed for me.
Slightly buff arms.
Another few steps forward.
Normal nose.
Another few steps forward
Average face.
There was around ten steps separating us.
School uniform.
Now there was three
It couldn't be... There's no way. I killed you, I KILLED YOU!
Suddenly I was directly in front of her, breath steaming as I looked at her, up and down, and realised it was indeed Poppy. My brain seemed to turn to mush, my mouth slacked, And I froze, as if I was a computer running too many tasks at once.
"I-I... I killed you!" I exclaimed, a small tear running down my face. A breath of pure panic and tension I'd been holding in released itself as if looked her up and down again.
It's.. it's really her!!
She did something completely unexpected next: she embraced me, arms locked mine in place, body gently pressed up against me. I felt so restrained and at her mercy, I panicked.
Get off me..!
I tried to push back, but her lock on me became twice as strong, and her body acted like lead, freezing me in place. I looked at her face, and it'd twisted into a primordial mess of chunks of flesh, bone, marrow, and whispering souls. I started to struggle, to try and push against the demon that had presented itself in front of me, but as soon as I started I realised it was to no prevail. My body started to seize up, freeze, literally. I've started to climb up my legs and over my chest. Her high pitched, insane laughter suddenly ripped my ears as it perforated my eardrums and bled them dry. I started to scream, to beg, to cry, but to no avail.
Pure, black liquid started to escape from her nose and mouth, slowly starting to engulf my body. As I felt it curl around my legs, I could feel them disappearing. They simply ceased to exist.
W-What-wh-What th-the fuck??
The liquid cascaded into my body, and as the top half melted off, a part of my half-gone intestines slid out of my body and onto the floor, dribbling out half-eaten food and blood that simply started to be absorbed. As the last of my body disappeared, I lost the ability to breathe, and the creature in front of me reeled in satisfaction at my constant pain. It slowed down now, knowing I was simply waiting, hoping, praying it would finish me off. The satisfaction on its face was clear and pure as it finally finished me off, with one last pure breath.

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