The Fourtieth

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"So, it seems you've got yourself into some serious, serious trouble." The Boss looked me up and down, again adopting this 'piece of shit on your shoe' look I've been used to for as long as I can remember. I shrugged, a smile on my face, as I calmly replied:
"I can't seem to help myself, I guess."
"No, you clearly cannot." He also nonchalantly replied to me, seeming to note the change in my voice, pitch, and posture. I stood y'all, spoke clearly, and didn't give a fuck.
I'm going to destroy you, and everything you hold close to you. Everything.
"Do you think I want to be here?" The Boss said, yet again showing I was getting under his skin and affecting him. "You've been gifted with a power. A power to regenerate you're body parts, to heal all wounds, even to bring you're body back to life! And you waste it on stupid shit like this!" He shouted at me, throwing his hands in the air and showing the anger in his face, further cementing the problems I've caused.
"I know. It's a fantastic use of it." My arms crossed themselves and my posture became straighter.
Any straighter and I'll be bending over backwards.
"No! You clearly don't see what we do!" The Boss stepped even closer, and put his hands on my shoulders before gripping them tightly.
"You are the perfect human being. You are what the world needs! You could solve all wars, end every conflict... you are the perfect killing machine." He lingered for a moment, which allowed me to shrug my shoulders and get his hands off of me.
"I don't really want to kill people, thanks." I said, attempting a lighter and more understanding tone as the serial killer in front of me wouldn't understand.
Who were the other two, and why had they not said anything?
The Boss laughed, a long, heavy, and honest laugh that made me feel sadder. "Of course you don't! You've only already killed two people." I saw him smirk as I let it sink in: he still had no idea about Poppy. For all he knew, she was dead.
Let's keep it that way. The girl doesn't need any more trouble than she's had.
"I didn't mean to, you know? One thing led to another..." I shrugged my shoulders and put my hands up, tipping them like scales to show the divide.
"Because you starting a small fucking EXPLOSION in one of the classrooms is a small thing, yes?" His voice wavered on its niceness and revealing his anger.
"As I said, one thing to anot-" I got out before his hands wrapped around my throat, cutting my air supply off almost entirely. It was raw anger, as I could tell he didn't think about me wanting to answer anything due to the amount of pressure on my throat.
"Say it again, and I will fucking kill you." The façade snapped, and it showered in it's new-found anger. The knuckles in the hand went white with the pressure, speckled spots of pink surrounding it. Throughout the whole time, I was smiling. A big, wide grin that seemed almost too big for my head. I could see the effect it had as his eyes hardened, and his voice lowered even more.
"You think that because you're invincible, you can't be pulled down?" His voice seemed to silence even the breathing of the two other guys, who seemed to be okay with this.
"No one is invincible. No one wants to die. No one can hide from death though. Unless... Unless, you're extremely crafty about it. However, we haven't got there, and we clearly can't handle it." His hands loosened slightly, allowing breathing room. Without breaking my current position, I took a large gulp of air, stared him directly in his eyes, and told him:
"I want to die. I don't want to live forever, to watch whatever I love die around me without leaving it. Doors to hell open at an alarming rate, Sir, but the big question I'm wondering is..." I took yet another breath, running short on it, and finished with:
"Who's going there first?"
The room became so silent I thought I'd become deaf after it. No wind, no breathing, no nothing as The Boss processed my threat, working out the best way to combat my sudden burst of bravery. The cogs in his mind were visible past his eyes as his vision yet again locked forward. He snapped his fingers with his free hand, and one of the guys stepped forward, just far enough to allow me to see him. It was a him, and his short, bladed hair, boyish facial features, and stance told me so. The kid couldn't have been any taller than five foot eleven, but he still seemed to be welcome in this place of horrors. Brown eyes broke my gaze, with a slightly crooked nose and slightly misplaced mouth, almost like they'd been knocked out of place by some creator making a new sculpture. If the kid did have one thing, it was muscle: the tank top he wore showed truly everything to be afraid of: an eight pack that you could grate cheese on, arms that could lift the school up and throw it, and legs that could break your ribs into pieces that not even a microscope could find.
Now this... this is where I die. This man is going to fuck me over so, so, so, sooo many times. Should be great fun.
"Adam, I'd like to introduce you to Oscar." He said, smiling slightly at the sudden change in odds. No words emerged from the kid's mouth, but a grin did place itself on his lips, allowing me to glimpse into his personality.
This one is just as fucked up as him.
"This all that's left? This it?" I spat on his hand, and pulled away from it, allowing myself breathing and moving room, just in case. Oscar seemed to exhale and shake his head as The Boss stepped back, no words emerging from his mouth.
"Another one." I heard him mutter before walking towards me. Probably about six steps between us, so I braced my body for the punch that would naturally come and shatter my skull. Instead, the boy just stood there, stance ready, waiting.
I guess I'm supposed to swing fists first?
"You're the kid that doesn't die, right?" He asked me, in pose. It threw me off that he could talk freely, so I gawked at him before regaining compute and telling him the truth.
"Huh, its crazy what people can do these days, ain't it?" His posture changed again, more defensive that offensive. I guess if he could subdue me...?
Are they moving me? They trying to kill me? What's actually going on!?
"So, how do I, quote on quote, 'kill you?'" He asked again, whilst eyeing his master not to pull on the chain round his neck. His gaze revealed nothing, and his mouth simply said the words: "Get creative."
Okay.... it's about to get rreeaallyy messy, isn't it?
"I mean, I don't think I can die, to be honest." I told him, taking another step forward, hands up in a gesture of peace and calmness.
Four steps. That's all.
"I can figure it out." I heard him say bluntly, and breaking my gaze to see The Boss' gaze was probably the worst thing I could have done, as Oscar then threw the first punch at my face, and crunched it into my nose, compressing the muscle and bursting it, causing blood to stream out and my head to knock back, vibrating and ringing. My eyes didn't glaze over, and my anger didn't emerge.
We knew nothing about each other, he didn't attack me for nothing. He's simply a Dog, someone who's forced to do what someone else tells him to.
His kick to my ribs stung like a hornet sting multiplied, and he spin around to smash my jaw hurt even more as my body then span along with it and clashed with the floor, causing my skidding to lose skin and blood to mark my trail.
My strength came from some unpredictable part of my body, and my hands were ready for the next hit. The punch aimed at my chest became locked in with my arm, causing it to leave no damage among it. The strength in my body still seemed to come from nowhere, causing my body to seem full of energy and ripe to explode into action as I managed to counter and even hit back with a short swipe of an open palmed hit. I felt his body fold in slightly, but there was no hint of hurt in his face as he pushed me off and slammed me back, causing the skidding to come back into effect. My back felt like it'd been whipped and set on fire as I tried to fight back tears of pain for the first time in my life.
I could possibly die here. This could be it.
"This..." he stopped, and waved a hand at me, half arsed style.
"This is what everyone is having problems with?" He took another step towards me, eyes locked into my chest, and the blood that started to gargle it's way across my body.
"I've fought bricks harder than you." He kicked my chest, causing me to gnash my teeth and fold in, curling up around my chest.
Cover up. As much as you can.
I felt hands pull me up, four to be exact, and sit me on my knees, restricting movement from my arms whilst doing so. I didn't catch either of their faces, but just from the smell I knew who they were: The guys from the freezer.
"Shouldn't have murdered our seller." One said, gripping my arm tighter out of either withdrawal or anger. I didn't need to know which.
"Fuck you." The other one spat out bluntly, keeping his arms locked into place. Looking up, I could see Oscar, slowly making his way over to me.
He knows as well as I do, there ain't any rush now. I'm fucked, and he has the upper hand.
I could feel The Boss' smile as Oscar looked me up and down, smirked, and opened my mouth, using his fist to keep my jaw held open. Obviously, I bit down, but the kid just didn't feel it, even when my teeth drew blood. His words cut my hope as well as my jaw as he slammed his fist into the bottom, causing the one in my mouth to joint the things sideways and leave it hanging loosely against my neck, held together by the skin that still desperately wrapped itself around it, praying that it wouldn't fall.
"Aughg... fuach..." My jaw managed to garble out before Oscar pulled the bottom of the jaw out, mixing the bottom of my mouth with bone, blood, and oxygen that I struggled to breathe in as I screamed heavily. The vision I had left was obscuring heavily as blood heaved out of the wound, causing my tongue to coat itself and swallow iron as it heaved and breathed.
"Pathetic. This is pathetic." I heard him mutter through the shrieks in my ears as he stepped forward again. My eyes begged with him, but I guess his consciousness was either non existent of clear on his current thoughts, as he plunged his fist into my mouth, powering through my throat and ripping up anything in the middle. I tried to scream and wriggle away, but his hand was planted there. All I could do was barely watch and feel as he suddenly broke his hand out, causing flesh to splatter everywhere, and my head to lull back as oxygen couldn't get to the fucker.

The last thing I saw was Oscar gesture to the two guys to pick me up, and his boot flying through my throat, cutting it in half and sending my bloody, sore, numb, severed head rolling across the floor.

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