The Fifty-Third

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We'd moved positions to allow for a clear view of the entire alleyway. It was a typical one: the thing was a parallel line, heading in only one direction and that direction only. The humming in the air seemed to allude to a more easygoing mood in the restaurant: a sense of safety and recollection as I simply continued to watch, and our new protagonist continued down it. It was quite dark though: I'm fairly sure he couldn't see more than thirty centimetres in front of him, and that's why it was a really big shame when another shadow simply stuck itself into the wall, waited for Nusanda to stroll by, and then proceeded to stab him. I think he used a bottle, as I heard more than one sharp object penetrate him from here. To make matters worse, hand had clamped itself over Nusanda's mouth, making sure he couldn't scream, or cry out, or alert anything or anyone. The only other people who could see this happening were us. The shadow seemed to force itself out of the darkness and face the light, in which point I could see the only identifier of the antagonist: the mask it wore. The entirety of the person's face was covered in a neatly sealed mask, which allowed for a clearer view of his actions, and an ease of the user's anonymity. Nusanda wasn't going to go down without a fight, and I could see him tossing himself around, trying to get access to the person's body either inflict damage of his own, or to run like a little bitch.
"He's been stabbed." The Creature informed me, as if I hadn't been watching the whole thing.
"I'm fully aware. He's dead regardless, he might as well go out fighting." I replied, trying to show I had a basic understanding of the situation.
"Well, we've ran from some people. We literally just ran from a lady with a gun." The Thing told me, jogging my memory.
My memory seems more and more fucked up each time I 'die'.
After a few more long minutes of Musanda trying to escape, and the muffled sounds of pleasure rolling their way out of that mask at their own leisurely pace, Nusanda finally stopped struggling entirely, and went completely limp. He became a human-sized doll: lifeless, yet life-like, if you didn't count the blood steadily streaming down his back like a waterfall. The bottle was still in his back when his body was dropped, and the masked murderer dropped to his knees. As if in prayer, I heard him breathe in loudly and sharply, trying to cling onto each breath that was taken. In some ways, it was kinda beautiful: the mask's red and white seemed to blend in with the thick blackness around the scene, and the abstract ness of the whole thing came into light as the mask begun to heavily glow and change. Then, the weirdest thing happened.
"This is the most confusing, yet the most interesting part." I heard it say before it happened.
The blood, the bottle, and the body itself started to dissolve into red powder, which then begun to swirl and construct into a more morbid version of Nusanda screaming before being forced into the mask itself.
"What the fuck..." I remember unintentionally muttering before facing the thing next to me. It seemed to brood as we both were watching, as amazed as I was.
And that... that worried me.

"So, where do you come in?" I asked it, clearly confused.
"Right... here." It pointed back down to the scene, and it begun to play.

The body of Nusanda has been completely absorbed: no blood remained, the bottle has disappeared, and even the sides of the alley looked freshly clean. The mask seemed to glow softly, almost pulsating as it became brighter and brighter.
"I think it can read the memories of past times." The Creature commented, clearly as confused as I was. It seemed to perch itself on nothing, giving itself the best view possible.
He's clearly either worried or afraid of whatever this is.
The mask then completely cut out, going dark, and making the wearer fall to their knees in agony. The physical transformation from strong to weak seemed to occur a lot, as the wearer was up and shaking himself off.
"What is this then? What's this... mask?" I turned to the Creature, to find it smiling and peering slightly closer.
"This is the best bit."
I watched as the mask came back online, like a shitty computer, before I could audibly hear it say "back" into the darkness, clearly seeing something we couldn't. I tried staring harder, trying to pick up on any sort of signal or person before it either disappeared or hurt it.
"It's fine. There's nothing here." A dark, sinister, and twisted voice boomed from inside the mask, trying to either escape or get out of there.
"No... There's something here. And I don't like it." Just as the mask finished saying that, a small, round, dark ball seemed to roll out from where Nusanda was murdered before laying itself onto the floor, trying to either escape or stay invisible.
The Creature's smile widened.
"This?" I heard the other dark voice say, clearly scoffing.
"This is what you're afraid of?" It repeated, seeming to not take the thing in his hands seriously.
"Put it down!" The mask said. However, it was too little, too late, as the black ball unfolded itself, rolled towards the veins in the wearers' arms, and buried itself into his flesh, looking like a lump of skin as it travelled under the shield of the skin.
"Holy fuck, get this shit out!" I heard the voice say, a little more panicked than beforehand as it tried to squeeze the thing out using his fingers, but only further burying it like a bad infection.
"Okay, Okay..." the mask started to chant in a different language, but the ball of darkness had already made its way into its brain. The wearer seemed to twitch for a moment, before falling over completely and foaming at the mouth, dribble leaking onto the floor like camouflaged blood. The eyes of the wearer seemed to phase through the mask, showing bloodshot and dilated pupils that held and gave no life. The arms and legs went entirely limp, and the hands and feet seemed to flop around like a freshly caught fish: out of its habitat, and venerable.
"It gets better..." I hear the accent-less voice from beside me say as I focus in on the body on the floor.
"What- wh- ah- wh- ho... How?" Even the mask is lost for words as I watch the ball crush one of the eyeballs, pop its way through, and phase into the mask.
"Holy shit..." I said aloud, genuinely worried about what was going on. Clearly this was another god-like entity, hell-bent on destroying others.
Am I safe?
The mask became a dark colour, an almost oily-black, as if begun to shift and convulse like a person gripped with a seizure. The world seemed to turn a lot more slowly as the mask ripped itself off of the face it was hiding, shot itself high up, and began to shoot out a blend of red dust, the same dust we saw beforehand. It seemed to coagulate into the shape of a screaming figure, and then an actual person, who remained passed out onto the floor as the mask spat out more and more red powder.
"This is the bit that confuses me..." The Creature shared its thoughts. I took another look, and wondered whether it was this or another part.
All of it's pretty confusing to me...
"This part here..." It said, gesturing to the scene.
The mask suddenly came back to life, clearly resuscitated by some unknown figure, and it spat the ball out, causing it to roll and lay beside the unconscious body of my English teacher. The tuxedo he currently wore wasn't even wrinkled as the mask slowly levitated back towards its holder, putting some form of life into him, as he began to stand up. The use of his body was clearly still new, as he made the motions of a zombie: bent up, and out of normal.
"I'm gonna rip your fucking body open." I heard it say as it rushed towards Nusanda, who's clearly still unconscious, and is as good as dead. The power of the mask could be seen as the fist it controlled began to almost wind itself up, creating some form of power.
Nusanda's body shot up, flipped back, tipped a dumpster on the mask and the wearer, and started running. I don't know what took him over, but he was gone within ten seconds. The scene of that brutal pantomime ended when someone else came round the corner, calling out to check for someone, and seeing the tipped over dumpster.

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