The Fourty-Second.

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"This is it. You're first vaccination." My dad has said to me, keeping his eyes half on me, and half on the door that classed as the entrance to this place. The room itself was pale white, with a receptionist behind her usual cage in one end, and the place filled to the brim with chairs. Only thing that had confused me was that every single chair apart from ours were empty.
Not a soul in sight.
"Dad?" I pulled on his sleeve shortly, letting him focus and look at me, giving me a short smile that felt too wide.
"Yes?" He curtly replied, clearly wishing that the time would pass by a lot faster than it currently was.
"Why am I here? Why can't I get injections with the other kids? What makes me special?" My questions just seemed to spill out of my mouth uncontrollably, showing that I truly was a compulsive kid I was.
Cut me some slack, I was 12.
"Look-" My father had started to say, before he was cut off by a sudden freeze. It was as if the world had pushed the pause button and wanted to save the moment. My view hadn't changed: I was also frozen in place as the thing calmly phased itself through the wall, ducking to avoid hitting its head on the ceiling. The breathing of this thing sounded like fish gills being grated against cheese: harsh and rippling.
"This is it." The creature gestured it's way around the room, showing that this was truly it. This was the place it started.
Here's the answers. Let's find them.
"Even you felt off about this day. Vaccination day, and you didn't think it was weird that no one but you came here?" The eyes seemed to tilt, and I swear, if it has eyebrows, they would've raised by the expression it was holding.
"Cut me some slack-" is begun to say, before it stepped in again.
"-you were only twelve. I get it. But even you couldn't stop wondering what was going on." The thing cut me off again, clearly either grasping my personality or has done this before. The body seemed to get a slight bit darker as we spoke on and on.
"So, where are the answers?" I asked it as politely as possible, trying to speed this process up. The hands it had seemed to tap against its hips, creating a sort of metal scraping sound, like ripping flesh with an iron sickle.
"You have to live with the memory in order to find the truth behind it. Be warned: it doesn't lie to you." The alien in my head seemed to pause and breathe heavily before continuing.
"No matter how bad it hurts."

Fading away again, the memory sparked back into life, given power by the jump cables of my brain and theirs.
"- you need special vaccinations, okay?" My father was back in his usual stride, trying to keep me calm and stop we wondering what was going on.
"Yeah, I know, you told me, but why just me? I can't be the only special person in the entire world." I sighed and laid back a bit, looking at my hands to kill some time. I also heard my father sigh as he sat back a little on his chair and wondered what to say for a solid moment.
"Hey, pal, remember what I always say?" I heard him through my current thoughts of where this was going to lead me.
"The Fates are always kind to us..." I sighed again, showing that I was sick of the statement. A pang of extreme guilt ran through my brain: he was trying to help me, and all I've done is push him away.
Maybe I don't deserve parents.
"Exactly. This is a kindness. There's no one else here, and that's extremely rare." My dad told me, curling an arm around me and raising his hand to show it.
"Hey, look at the plus side, we don't have to wait for anyone else to have theirs done. It's all yours today." He smiles as he went back to watching the door.
He's been looking at that for an awfully long time. It's as if he's expecting someone to jump out of them and kidnap him.
"I'll tell you what, you fancy some ice cream after this?" He didn't look away, but he did smile as my face lit up with an immediate "yes." He then laughed, and I then had my name called.

Walking in, I noticed how white the room was. It was one large, white, and pretty empty room. The only thing in it was a surgery bed, a light that was held on by an adjustable robot hand, and a table that laid beside it, filled with all sorts of tools that didn't look like they had anything to do with 'vaccines'
"Good afternoon, Mr Wolfe, please lay down, and we can begin." A guy, completely covered in medicinal gear, instructed my movements. Like a robot, I followed. My dad wasn't in here, he'd simply given me a nod and said he had to use the bathroom, calmly going to it. My dumb ass didn't catch on, and I just jaunted myself into the room. After I'd taken a seat, I saw the guy reach for two needles, one filled with purple liquid, and one filled with blue. My skin crawled at the sight of it, as I swear I could see it moving around in the glass. It seemed to revolve around itself, crashing around in syringe, angry, confused, and begging to be freed.
Well, ain't this just a son of a bitch.
"You can pick which one you want first." He said, shocking me out of my state and jolting up, eyes wide.
"Oh-!" I looked them both over, thinking hard for a second.
Pick the best colour. Pick blue.
For fucks sake...
"Okay, I'm going to have to fasten you down now. Medical situation and all..." I watched him fasten and strap down to my arm, and another down to my leg. Half of my body was free, the other was restricted. My arm that was restricted was positioned straight, allowing the needle to go straight through. I watched as he flicked the top of the needle twice, making something fun between the thing, before lowering it down to stick it into my veins.
The world froze again, and the thing appeared, noticeably smaller and easier to fit in these human-sized rooms. It sniffed the air before turning to me, already talking:
"I'm fairly sure you don't have to be a genius to work out what's going on here."
"Hold on... wait..." my brain slowed to a crawl, letting me fall back and not catch on to what I'm witnessing.
"Your parents didn't sign you up for vaccines..." the creature sighed, and raised its head to look me in the eyes.
"They signed you for an experiment."
"Woah, wait... you said I'd always had these powers, so what's up with that?" I asked it, hoping it actually knew.
"Well, these 'things'..." the thing started, before playing the memory, allowing me to feel the surge of chemicals burning their way through my entire body and ripping apart my organs and skin with its fire.
"... seemed to wake you up." It finished as I released a blood curling scream that faded away like a dying animal.
"Here's the next one." There was still no emotion through the man serving me with these, simply silence.
Either he's dedicated, dead, emotionless, or paid really well.
The other syringe was placed in my arms, and this one ran around my body like ice, freezing and cooling the entirety of my body, allowing my to breathe in a large sigh of relief and calming. I could hear my body sizzling from cool down as I looked back at the doctor and the memory crashed, leaving me back in the place it all began.

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