The Ninteenth

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The girl seemed to think it over for around a second, because her knife and arm lowered slightly. It allowed me to catch my breath quietly, as I'm sure whoever was on the other end of the door was also ready to kill me on sight.
If it comes down to me and her... fuck, that's dark. Adam, clear your head. You don't have to kill anyone.
"There." She whispered, pointing my head in the direction as you couldn't see anything in this place.
"Walk straight forward, and make yourself scarce." She remarked before putting the knife away and sliding her arm away from my neck. I could feel her presence moving towards the door, and knew she was being legit.
Using my hands to make sure I didn't fall, I started walking straight, making sure that I stuck to the direction she'd sent me in. The darkness was so thick I felt as if I was trying to worm my way through a blanket. Again, I held my hands up to my face, but couldn't see a single thing.
You aren't blind, yet. Focus. Move forward. The Fates are kind to us, just wait and see.
My father's words still lingered in my head as my hands finally hit a hard surface. Guessing this was it, I made my body as straight as possible, planking on nothing practically. The surface felt like softwood, small bristles enveloping themselves in my body. I couldn't feel a thing due to adrenaline and fear rushing through my body. The girl was by the door, fumbling with the lock.
Clearly they didn't unlock it, or they did a shit job of unlocking it.
After a few more grunts coming from her, she'd managed to open the door, allowing light to pour in.
Well, you know you aren't blind now, at least.
"It's good to see you, Poppy." I heard the girl say as another one walked in, confirming the visit was indeed true. I caught the school uniform we had to wear, but, besides that, nothing I could see. She, just like The Boss, generated an aura of power, but more of a manipulative, brainwashing type. She'd make you follow something, and follow it you would, without question.
"Ah, it's good to finally see you, I'm sorry I'm late." Another British accent answered, sounding more happy than apologetic. She seemed to be preoccupied by something else.
So, if she was on time, she would've seen me. Wow. That's... either really good, or really bad.
"It's completely fine, don't worry. Now, about the recent customers... they seem to be buying and selling it on. The guys down near Old Town are making a killing." She explained carefully.
"Well, that's fantastic news!" The other girl, Poppy, said, clearly excited.
"How? They're stealing our business..." the girl seemed confused.
I can take a guess that they'll just not sell to these people anymore. I mean, I'm pretty sure whatever they seem to be selling is illegal, but that's none of my business.
"Ah, but if we send Callum over..." Poppy stopped, hoping she'd catch on.
"He'll chase them out of Old Town?" The girl finished.
"Almost, darling, almost. Callum will simply kill most of them, and we swoop in, take the business, and grow out!"
"Ah, okay. Well, I guess I should call up Callum then. Or maybe Oscar?"
"Oscar and Callum would be a fantastic idea. Oscar can dump everything afterwards, including the bodies. And they never charge that much anyway."
They? And who the fuck is Oscar?
"Okay, I'll get right into it Poppy."
"How's the production in here?"
"Very well, I'm guessing you want to see it?" I could feel the girl's eyes as they zoomed in on me, fixating themselves on me, as if to say 'fuck.'
"Well, of course!" Poppy didn't seem to lose her patience at anything, or anyone. The girl started to move again, and I got the sense that she'd been here for a long while. She stopped somewhere in the room, and I heard her sigh as she flicked a switch.

A bunch of cylinder shaped, fluorescent lights suddenly buzzed to life, illuminating the entirety of the small room. In the middle of the room stood a large, long table. A completely spotless rug laid on top of said table, proudly displaying the pounds and pounds of cocaine that laid on top of it.
I'm pretty sure that this isn't sugar.
The cocaine glittered in the light as the lights focused even more, making the place ridiculously bright after the blanket darkness. On the far end of the door wall, bookshelves lined it. These were filled with various products that, I'm guessing, worked towards making more drugs, if not this one. The other walls were empty, apart from the one facing the opposite of the door, which was hung with two things: one was a cane. A standard, run of the mill horse riding cane that seemed to hover and watch those who worked work, allowing a glimpse of what would happen if they fucked up. Another one was an eight inch blade, almost sword-like, that dangled next to it.
That's a lot of blood.
The blade seemed to be dipped in the substance as it rusted in the artificial light. It stood out to such a degree, I started to wonder whether the sword was one-of-a-kind. It certainly created the vibe of such a tool. The blade edge curved, almost like a scythe, but also like a cutlass.
An oddly interesting mix. I need to get the fuck out of here before I feel that thing in my chest.
My attention turned to Poppy, as I could now actually find something to identify her with. The school uniform was completely correct, she was wearing what the standards said: shirt, blazer for girls, and skirt. (a bit too short, but who am I to judge how she dresses?) Her figure was the normal, her arms slightly buff, her legs the running type. Her eyes were a small pool of blue, and they seemed to have small flecks of green in them.
Reminds me of Atlantis...
Her nose was of a normal standard, and her mouth was realistically smiling with whole heart. She seemed to go towards the sword without a doubt in her mind, and pointed at it.
"Have you ever seen me use this...?" Poppy paused, expecting a name
"Charlotte." Charlotte replied, clearly worried about where this was going.
"Right, my apologies. Charlotte, have you ever seen me use this?" She repeated, gesturing to the sword.
"No. Never. I've never even really noticed it, to be honest." Charlotte mused, clearly toying with the idea of such a joyful person cutting someone up and open with a rapier.
"Shall I tell you a secret?" Poppy said, looking at the sword with a sudden fixation. Charlotte nodded calmly, clearly as bemused as I felt.
"No one has." She whispered, as she took the sword down from its holding on the wall, clearly used to the feeling and weight. She whisked her arm around her, performing some incredible feats with it that amazed me, even if I was still racked with fear.
"No one has lived, and seen me use it, should I say" Poppy's eyes grew slightly wider, and her smile grew slightly larger. Her eyes became tinged, almost blackened out completely as her sword swings became more violent and clumsy, anger clearly showing in them.
"P-Poppy?" Charlotte looked more worried than I felt as she backed up a few times and stepped around the table. Poppy froze in mid animation- still about to strike down some unseeable foe, before she turned, half insane, towards Charlotte.
"It's not you who should be worried..." Poppy's voice lingered with murderous intent as she thinned her last strike before turning to look me dead in the eyes:
"It's you."

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