The Sixty-First

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"God, what happened to you?" Callum said, approaching me after the deed was done. I tucked the gun away, the same way Callum had done before me, before saying:
"What do you mean?"
"When I first met you, you would've run from that. You would've sprinted away so quickly it kinda would have been funny." He explained, before placing a hand on mine. A small zap of electricity passed through it, and I looked towards him, and saw concern. Actual concern. Even though I was a cold-blooded killer, with no need for a push, he still cared about me. Actual, Pure-blooded, true care.
"I-I guess things just changed." I replied, almost nonchalantly. There's times for feeling later.
We need to finish the job. Both of our lives are in danger so long as we're together and The Boss knows we are.
So we've got to kill him, right?
Yes. I'm afraid so.
Don't be afraid. Be ready.
"You ready?" Callum echoed my thoughts, either raring to go, or raring to escape away from the evidence. The lights in his eyes seemed to switch from good to bad in a heartbeat, as he pulled me away forcefully, muttering the words of curse. Eventually, I realised that, after a few seconds, we did have to move. I couldn't simply stand here, enjoying sudden sweet revenge. There was still people to murder.

Walking towards the school holding two guns was a terrifying and a dreadful feeling. I could feel the twisting of my stomach and the shakiness of my hands as we almost marched on.
Why are there flashes of you killing innocent children passing through your mind?
Oh, fuck fuck fuck....
"Callum-" I turned towards him, staring straight into him, almost freezing up as I did. He replicated the state, and mirrored my thoughts whilst saying them out loud:
"We can't take these in."
"Well, where the fuck do we put them?" I asked him, because clearly I had shit ideas. His eyes lit up as he looked at the many bins that lined the schools, green and awful looking. The bacteria festering itself in those places must've been awful... Maybe awful enough to slime it's way over fingerprints...
"I'm one step ahead." I said, as I stepped towards the bin, hand behind my trousers. I had to look around, but thanks to nothing but luck, no one was around. Not a soul but myself and Cal, the person I'd began to trust. The person who's suppressed my urges of murder and almost killed off the maniacal part of my body. The person I could trust with anything.

So it came to a surprise when as soon as I threw my gun into the bin, a shot rippled it's way through my forehead and embedded itself into the brick wall I was looking at it, collecting a neat-looking row of crimson to follow its exact trail. I froze in place, due to both the sudden change in power and the feeling of numbness, before another shot hit me in the chest, feeling like a bone finger poked it's way through my spine and lungs. A third shot, more confident at my downfall, span into my neck, cracking the bones inside and severing the connection in my body. Almost in slow motion, I watched the castle is built into me fall in on itself, crumbling to the floor and smashing into the pavement, the treasures of the moment and the pleasure of the sudden victory gone. Through my still clear vision, I could see Callum, standing there with no emotion on his face.

He hadn't moved. His sights were aimed in my direction.

Why hasn't he run? Hell die if he doesn't...
"Run... y-you I-I-ID-IDIO-O-T-!" I managed to stammer out before the salty yet metallic taste of blood cut out my absolute to speak. My heart twisted as all I could do was wait for the unexpected killer to hit my most trusted friend with a killing blow. Instead, nothing. He continued to peacefully walk towards me, gun swaying in his hand as he walked, breathing carefully measured and almost exact to the point of an adrenaline rush. He knelt beside me, and he did something that made the penny drop:

He reloaded.

My world collapsed in on itself. The lights I had in my eyes fizzled out. The breath that steamed and struggled to get through simply ceased to exist. The mouth that shared so many sensitive conversations cut off.

That was it.

"For what it's worth..." He looked away, sighed, and then readjusted the gaze to fix mine before continuing:
"I'm sorry."

Tears broke my eyelids. They gently graced my face, mingling with the blood and the concrete. He stood up, without another word, before walking around the corner, ushering himself along.
If he leaves me here... I'm going to fucking rip his heart out of his chest when I get back up.
I... I cannot get you up at the moment...
Wait... WHAT?!
I can't get up or move!
So... wait.. are we gonna... die?
No. I shouldn't think so. We will just take a little longer to heal.
Okay... FUCK.
A slender yet old figure emerged from the place, seeming to act like she controlled the place. The way she swayed her way towards a dying human being emanated that sort of persona, before she stopped a few centimetres away from me, tutting.
"You should've just waited in the office, young man." Her voice stated, before two pairs of hands, none of which I recognised, picked me up, and pulled me towards the school's gate, the front opening like a cannibal:

All too happy to swallow me whole.

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