The Third

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"Woah! Calm down!" I started to breathe heavily. Was he serious? He's going to actually... kill me? I started to stare deeply into his serpent, night sky eyes and knew: There was no compassion, no remorse, no second guess. He knew what he was doing.
You need to figure out what the fuck your doing.
The breeze whistled against my hair, reminding me of its option to get him over the classroom.
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"HELP!" I shouted out to the world through the window before dodging to the left, planting a desk firmly into the ground, the roots of disbelief that I was still okay slowly growing in my brain, along with hope. All I've gotta do is keep him on one side, how hard can that be?

Nusanda calmly eyed me up, and skidded over the table and planted two feet into my chest, immediately making me fall over and hit my skull on the back wall. Almost immediately, my vision started to blur and double. Survival instincts kicked in, and I tried to leap up, but he simply planted another kick in my chest, and my adrenaline didn't hide the pain. I felt a spike, a needle of pure shock and pain run through my chest. I felt it from the very centre of my lungs to the collarbone on my neck. Obviously a new guy to pain, I simply laid there, waiting for the pain to subside, and watching the creature that seemed to morph and change through my distorted vision slowly stagger towards me. Yet, it seemed like my vision was slowly turning black, and, soon enough, my body was engulfed in the sudden feeling of panic and dread.
Am I... dead?
Well, no one knows until I know. Heck, surely it's possible. I mean I'm sure you can still think when you die. Thoughts don't need a brain, do they? I'm sure they don't. Anyway, I'm surely not dead. I wasn't stabbed. I wasn't shot. I wasn't murdered. I was kicked in... The ribs. I felt serious pain, and it's possible that... my ribs, my ribs could've cracked. Bone could've gone into my body. Entire pieces of fractures could have killed me. My own body is my way of death... heh. How ironic.
The blackness that has obscured my vision seemed to lift slightly.
Yeah, I must be dead. There's no way. I'm sure the monster that stands outside my body is doing some sort of weird shit. Probably eating me. Ugh, that is a horrible, horrible thought. If I could get up now... I could fight. I've got to. I'll be in pieces if I don't.
I tried to force my body to lift itself up, but it wouldn't budge. It was locked solidly in its position and bluntly refused to move an inch.
So.. this is it then. This is all I am. A thought, in a cloud of completely unreachable blackness. I mean, I can still think straight.
I felt some sort of feeling in my arms. I could still feel my entire body, I just couldn't move.
Come on... get up. Get the fuck up. You can't die on the same day that Liam shoved you into a gate.
Get up.
Again, blunt refusal from my source of movement.
Get up!
Still nothing.
Please.... I can't go out like this. I have things I want to do, people I want I see. Please....
All of a sudden, my vision was reanimated, and I could feel warm blood rushing back into my body. The chest pains I had were still present, but I was still in disbelief. I swear I stared at the ceiling for a solid 20 seconds before realising I was in serious shit. Instantly, I leaped up, hands already in a fighting stance.
Where is he?
No one was in the room.

What..?! What the fuck?!
I held my hands in front of my face, folded them into each other, and then pressed each one to each arm. I can feel that. I'm actually awake and here.
Maybe I was dreaming?
But my chest still ached with the pain of what I had experienced.
Maybe he ran?
The door was closed, and a psycho like that running through the halls? He'd be stopped quickly. I listened intently for the sounds of an apocalypse breaking out, the sound on Nusanda tearing through kids and throwing body parts around the places.
Nothing... Wait, wait a second. What if Nusanda is still in this room?
My blood immediately froze to ice, and I looked around for something to defend myself with. All I could see was stationary. No scissors, no long, blunt, or sharp objects.
The room was rectangular with no cabinet or any sort of wall to hide behind. All there was were bookshelves, desks, the teachers desk, the whiteboard and, finally, the blackboard.
The blackboard is what told me that everything I experienced was true. His scrawled, awful handwriting was still present. It still said the same thing that burned into my brain.

W-w-What the fuck?! What is going on?! I've gotta get outta here.
I sprinted towards the door. I had to find the headmaster, the teachers, anyone. Someone who could explain this shit. I was still new to the school, but I'd seen the headmaster a few times: Tall, old, fading grey hair dotting his head, wrinkles all over. He had some strong blue eyes. Sea colour. He seemed old, but damn did he have a strong voice. That voice could be heard over literally anything. A fucking plane could've been going over our school, low style, and his voice would still be completely clear. Honestly, it tripped me out most of the time, but I kind of learned to deal with it.

I was just about to open the door, to open it to complete freedom, to run say from everything that just happened, to curl up and cry outside, I heard a voice. The voice came from the corner I didn't look in. The one corner that I didn't actually accept, I didn't work with.

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