The Fouty-Seventh

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Well, it probably wasn't the right choice of words.
I observed as Poppy kept up, kicked me in the jaw, spun round, and ran upstairs to one of our rooms.

Hopefully, hers. I need some more sleep.

"What... the hell... just happened?" I heard Callum approaching, so instead of worrying about nursing my jaw and recovering from it, I sat back up, trying to close the jaw as much as I could.
"Personally, I have no idea." I shortly and curtly answered, hoping my jaw hanging loose would answer enough questions.
"Huh. Sure. You wanna coffee?" He asked me, already seeing the light in my eyes after hearing that.
"I'll get on it."
I watched him leave, thinking over what I could do next. She clearly didn't want to talk about it, and she clearly hated the words, so what do I do?
How the fuck do I figure this shit out?
"The perfect killing machine..."

Was he referring to me, or the monster?

That thought made the blood in my veins chill and the skin crawl across my face as I shook slightly. The amount of people I've killed... God, I hope he means me. I pray to God he means me. If he doesn't.... its gonna be a long long long long night.
Maybe one too long to bear.
I think it took Callum around five minutes to make the coffee, as I closed my eyes and opened them to be greeted with a magnificent scent of crushed coffee beans and milk.
"How much sugar did you want?" He asked me, ready to go back if need be.
"Honestly, none. I just want the drink at this point." I replied, already holding my hands out and praying for the sweet release of caffeine in my system.
"Fair enough I guess. Here." He handed me the cup, which I sipped thankfully. After a few more sips, I watched Charlotte make her way up to the top of the house, each stair seeming to creak that little bit more. She reached the top, I could tell by the sudden silence, before she let out a sudden and shrill scream. Me and Callum jumped to action, slamming the coffee down and sprinting towards the problem. I took the front, making sure nothing was gonna hurt us as we closed in on Charlotte. She was still screaming, a loud, relentless, and almost raven-like scream that pierced the ears and made them bleed.
"Charlotte? What the-" I remember saying before the strong and unmistakable smell of metal clashed with my nose, inviting itself into it. Instinctively, I gagged harshly and stumbled back, just as Callum reached the top step. He seemed to catch me and pass me back up, only allowing me to retch even harder as my brain cells tried to combat what was going on.
Charlotte's latest scream seemed to cut out halfway, and, as I looked over, I suddenly realised why.
A large,grotesque arm had begun to protrude its way through the door of the bedroom, darting it's way round like a tongue on a snake. The sudden sharp and short bursts made it seem like a separate entity altogether as it got closer to Charlotte, seeming to recognise her face.
The word shot through my head, burning itself into my retinas as it did. A slow, ambient stroll was accompanied as the creature wrapped its arm around Charlotte, completely ignoring her screams.
I'd recognise that arm anywhere. It broke my spine after all,
"Hey!" I shouted out into the room , hoping it would still recognise my voice.
Ah, fantastic. It does.
The arm shot off so quickly that I could barely react as it tried to rip its way through my jugular, but only succeeding in missing it my millimetres. The arm was still faster than I was, and had spun around and linked itself across my leg, wrapping it tightly to the point where my blood pressure was gone. I could feel the veins being pressed against my bones as I struggled against the thing, trying everything to rip the bastard off.
You're next.
I grabbed the actual hand part and snapping one of the fingers, then moving on to ripping the hand off of the stump. I had to slowly pressure the edge of the hand as my legs were being decomposed by blood loss. Finally, I'd broken through the tough layer of skin and was congratulated by a spurt of blood that I quickly dug my finger through. Callum suddenly appeared, clearly kicking into action, and held the hand still as I put another finger into the bloody and man-made wound, then another, then another. Eventually, after a few tries and a few more seconds of my leg being in fire agony, I'd managed to push my entire fist it. With one swift and quite satisfying move, I pushed all of my fingers out as wide as I could whilst moving my arm down. The bone didn't seem to exist as I crunched my way through the entire hand, causing it to fly off of the wrist and trail flying blood as it marked its spot on the floor, leaking the rest of its red fluid onto the floor.
That's gonna be a bitch to clean up.
"Holy fuck." Were the only words Callum uttered before another arm came through, curled like a fist, and knocked him hard in the face, sending him flying. He fell down around three stairs before reaching a turning point on the staircase and resting there, his gentle but steady breathing a sign that he's still alive. The arm had fallen to the floor, clearly weak after its main part had been severed from the wrist. I saw the stump slowly curl it's way round, snaking through into the room again.
Where the fuck is Poppy?
"POPPY!!" I shouted into the room, hoping for some sort of sign that she was okay. A few seconds passed, and I heard her, but it didn't sound like her. It sounded like a fucked-up, abused, and broken version of her.
Come get me, Adam. Come and get me.
"You bet." I said as I gently begun to walk through the door, carefully treading as to avoid any stumpy or real hands that could fly into me and end the game we were playing.

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