The Thirty-Third

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Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.
"No... not yet..."
Ring. Ring. Ring. RING. RING.
"Fuck off..."
RING!!!! RING!!!! RING!!!
I snapped out of bed, hit my off button, and got back into the covers. The warmth stretches its way across me, all over, really allowing me to connect with the world on a more simple scale.
Maybe today will be a simple day. Maybe I could just simply lay back, pray on the world, and live content today. I fucking hope so.
"Only you could stay in bed that long." I heard Callum say, which made me jump slightly, causing the covers to tangle themselves around my panicked body. My mouth moved before I had a chance to think over what I was gonna say, and produced a flurry of words that not even I understood. Callum just cocked his head to the side of his body slightly, like a chicken looking at seed, before staring back into my eyes, trying to find an answer.
"You didn't seem to expect me.. Odd." He finalised before turning around and gently closing the door behind himself.
Are we not doing school today? What... What's the time?
As pat usual, the suspended numbers displayed the usual distaste:
Friday, 5:30.
Ah, well isn't that just fantastic.

After showering and changing, I headed downstairs, nodded at Callum, and took note of Charlotte's absence. I ended up aligning some toast with the toaster slots whilst pouring a cup of coffee. Stirring and applying the leverage to make the toaster start to, well, toast was challenging at best, and incredibly fucking annoying at worst.
"Where is she?" I turned to the toaster as it had just gave me the only alert I currently cared about.
"She has a name, you know." Callum flatly resounded before taking a seat, sipping his own coffee.
"Alright. Where is Charlotte?" I asked again, waiting.
"For what I know, asleep. And let's leave it that way." Callum took another slurp from his tea before facing me again with another fact of his:
"When's it going to stop?"
This took me back slightly, as I truly didn't know what he was going on about.
"Stop what?" The confusion in my eyes clearly caught him by surprise, as he looked genuinely shocked by it.
"You don't know, do you..." He sighed in disbelief as he brought his head up yet again.
"You need to stop... murdering people, Adam. It needs to stop now. The... the entire reason I'm here is because I'm afraid to go home. The Boss would have my head with the mood he's in currently. It's why I didn't drag you out to school yesterday, and why you aren't going today." He explained.
Ah, that makes sense. If that's the case, then why am I awake and not in bed?
"I've only murdered two people." I said, realising how awful those words sounded as soon as I spoke them. "Besides that, they deserved it... didn't they?" I asked myself out loud, clearly forgetting the other person here.
"No. Christ, no. Who the fuck deserves to die?" Callum looked at me, clocking my confusion yet again. He seemed to look as sick of me as I was.
"You asked me if the worst person in the world could change. If they decided against their actions and their current tone in life, and became a 'good person'" He made quotation marks with his hands before continuing.
"Maybe it's time you think that over. Maybe it's time you asked yourself: Can the worst person in the world change? If so, I suggest you do, and quick." Callum finalised himself before looking out of the window, thinking something important over.
"Also, leave Charlotte alone. We don't need another 'I'm going to watch her sleep' episode, thanks." Callum stated before going back to his window-watching.
"I wasn't! For God's sake.." I shook my head, disgusted with myself.
I need to get out of the house.

Changing into something slightly better, I stepped through the door, telling no one I was leaving. Popping my phone in my pocket, I put some random song on, threw aside my problems like a wrestler does, and simply started walking. I kind of passed in and out of consciousness, going through the recent events of the day.
Isn't it crazy that this all started because I turned up late? Or maybe it would've anyway. Who knows? Time is an incredibly strange thing. And all I've done? Watch it tick, tick, tick away. Nothing but time is all I've wanted, but I've never got it. It's either revise or sleep. I don't feel smart anymore. I don't feel strong anymore. I feel sad. All the time. And I continue to have no idea why.
"Why the fuck am I like this?" I said out loud, informing everyone near me. That is, if there was anyone near me. I was in an empty street, all the houses empty of life, all the plants devoid of green. Everything seemed dying, or already gone. Strangest part was, I felt like I'd been here before. I knew it wasn't true, but my body seemed to deny it.
"Hello?!" I called out, and the wind carried my cry, but I got no reply. Nothing but myself here.
Until my vision flickered slightly.

There was a girl. Quite a way back, but my body recognised this situation.
I'm dreaming. I've clearly hit my head, and I'm just dreaming. That girl is going to look like Poppy, have an amalgamation of fucked up features, and I'm going to wake up in my bed, panicking. Nothing new. I can do this. I can easily do this.
"Adam? Is that you?" I heard her say, words actually sounding somewhat real. The cold wind scratched my cheek, telling me again that this was reality, I wasn't dreaming, and that Poppy really could kill me.
What the fuck..? How?! Why?! WHY ME?!
"You've got to be kidding me..." I mumbled into my own mouth, trying to keep myself calm. It wasn't an easy task, as Poppy was stumbling and staggering towards me, struggling to keep afloat in either her sanity or her balance. I stayed in position, watching this play out. I could've ran. I could've sprinted away, and never came back. I could've walked away fast enough. But destiny takes its time and doesn't change for anyone. She was only around two to three paces away from me when she suddenly stopped in motion and regained her balance. Her face, full of hate, seemed to twitch and mould itself as I watched. Fear locked my body in place as all I could do was watch as her body seemed to break itself.
"P-please..." I heard her voice whisper out, mixed in with some sort of deeper, animal sound that seemed to crawl out from the darkest part of her. She started to contort and crack into herself, skin shedding and bones audibly snapping before coming lose.
"K-k-kill me... p-pl-please..." Her final words of sanity were a plea, and as it fleeted her body, I met a familiar sight: the same old monster inside her that greeted me.
Here we fucking go again....

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