The Eleventh

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I'm alive. Sadly.
Callum, again, hadn't moved. The bat was thrown aside as he watched me stand up, as if frozen. I looked myself over: I'm almost brand new. No scratches, marks, worries, nothing.
What. Is. Going. On?
"Have you worked it out yet?" I heard Callum's voice speak up from the back of the room, intruding into my thoughts.
"No! WHAT THE FUCK?!" I screamed at him, as if he had all the answers, as if he knew what was going on.
"Well, what do you think is going on?" He replied, almost nonchalantly, as if I wasn't worth any more of his time.
"I'm not dead. And that's wrong! YOU SHOULD'VE KILLED ME!" My mind was going haywire trying to work out what the actual fuck was going on in my body.
I should be dead. Bat in my ribs. Head caved in. I should be dead. I should be dead. Why am I not dead?
"Exactly" Callum pointed at my chest, and the fact that my body had completely rebuilt itself flared out towards me like a flashlight in the veil of darkness.
"You aren't dead." Was all he said before turning to leave.
Hold on... is that it? What?!
"Wait!" I shouted towards him, panic in my lungs. I couldn't work this out on my own, it's almost too much to try to. He did turn around, but on his heel, so I knew already he wasn't gonna stay.
"You cannot die. The Boss sent me over to test it, I've tested it. The last time we tried something like this, it didn't work. We're letting you blend into school, and do your own thing. If you tell anyone, they'll think your crazy, and if they do believe you, they'll end up dead. The same thing will happen to your parents." His words felt like bullets hitting my skin.
How am I supposed to blend in? I can't. It's going to be impossible.
"I don't have parents." I bluntly replied, still wanting some serious answers.
"Makes my job easier, I suppose." Callum knew I was stalling for time.
"Better get out there, people are missing you. It's last period." He turned around, opened the door, and left.

It's only been 5 hours?! I've almost died plenty of times over the course of those five hours. What. The. Hell.
I sighed, letting the air slowly through my clenched teeth. I suppose part of me should try and blend in. Maybe I could forget this all happened.
Christ. Christ. Christ help me. Help. What the fuck is happening? Why am I not dead?
My mind replayed everything, but the only thing that stood out was the two words "morphed up." He was described as being "morphed up". Maybe that's  what made him insane?
Morphed up... where had I heard that before? Sounded like morphine, but morphine was a pain reliever... wasn't it?
Shaking my head, I realised that I had to move and blend in. The Boss, or whatever his name was, would hate it if I stirred up trouble. I'd probably end up dead. The though of me being put out of my misery sent shivers crawling all over me.
You can't die, remember?

It took me about fifteen minutes to open the door. My body was unnaturally normal and easy to control. It was as if nothing had smashed my brain in or hurt me at all.
The door opened, and immediately I was hit with three things: one was the aftershave that claimed the entire hall. Another was the sight of so many students. It was as if I hadn't been here, ever. They all seemed like fresh, innocent faces, like fish in a sea. A few parted away from the door, either to allow me out or because they didn't like me, and to be honest I didn't really care. Either reason was good enough for me, I didn't really feel like making polite conversation, you know? The final thing that hit me was a book. Proper thick thing too, hit me directly in my forehead. Dizziness hit me, and I kind of put one hand on the door whilst I muttered curses and looked around for the sender of the missile, but instead found something sadder. The people that were moving through the hall had gathered in an almost square type perimeter near the lockers that enforced each side of the halls. I could hear the sound of skin hitting metal, and immediately knew it wasn't going to be pretty. Parting through two people and ignoring curses from others, I managed to find a small gap that I could see through, and what I saw didn't please or help me in the slightest.

Two people were at war with each other. One was Liam: I recognised the punches and the overall raw power that emerged from his body as he threw himself at his current opponent, murder on his mind and clear in his eyes. His eye looked swollen and clearly fucked up, but he didn't seem to care as he rained down on his opponent. The other one I didn't recognise, and that was probably because of all the shit I ignored/pushed away each day. The kid was blocking most of his punches, but the look in his eyes and his clenched teeth told me (and pretty much everyone else) that he really was struggling. His arms looked like they'd been through hell twice backwards. Bruises and lines of red blood ran down his skin as he desperately tried to block the attacking punches that tried to break the castle walls. He looked no older than fifteen, even through the blood and bruises. He looked strong and stocky, but clearly Liam was still bigger.
Help him. He needs it. If you stood up to Liam, he'd quit what he was doing. Come on....
"Hey." My mouth flatlined as I stood forward, fists up and ready to swing.
The entire room went dead silent, even the kid stopped breathing. Liam looked at his knuckles, laughed sadistically, and turned my way. The kid, clearly exhausted, fell onto the floor in a crumpled heap of mess.
"I wonder where you went to cry about this morning." Liam's joking smile turned into a cold stare.
"But you shouldn't have interrupted me."

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