The Fifty-Ninth

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The claws had emerged before I'd even realised, gently tearing their way through my skin, running their way through my arms and changing my body into the one thing I thought I'd hated, but I'd begun to love more than anything: a monster.
"What the fuck..." I heard Theo mutter through suddenly clenched teeth and bitter eyes. The transformation was only slightly done when the Creature leaped towards Theo, claws drawn, hungry, and ready.
Do me a favour buddy?
If it is possible, I shall.
Eat this one.
Theo did, to his credit, dodge out of the way by running backwards, which meant he was out of my house and on the garden. A flat area, comprising of nothing but space and a few patches of turfed up grass that squinted under the sun.
"So, you have to rely on some hideous monster to fight your battles for you?" Theo said aloud, almost smirking as he did. He took a step back, allowing himself some breathing room, just in case.
"It's more of a two way relationship, but I can see how the confusion's made." I said, voice darkening as the Creature clashed its claws together in pure glee or pure blood-thirst.
"Men are brought down by things like this. Fools hide behind weak kings. Jesters with a new hat made of gold. If only you could see the irony of this situation... you and The Boss would get along so well!" He seemed to have a glint in his eyes, and when I looked deeper into them, all I saw was burning fires and forgotten dreams that ripped apart his world.
"Don't you see? This is the end! This is the end of your chapter! There's no need for this, you have to understand. If anything, this should be a motivator. Join forces! You could rule this small town, then the city, then the nation, then the world!" He sounded crazy, yet his voice had an important spark.
He's an influencer. He does things like this regularly, am I not correct?
No... you are. Let's finish this, and quick.
"Come on, look at the positives. Shake and leave?" He offered his hand, the second to do so, and I reached mine out to offer to it, before I pulled it back, and the claws went into his chest, emerging out the other side in a spurt of blood, guts, gore, and half digested food that clung to the edges of our hands like a baby holding to the mother. The frozen look of sudden surprise at his first defeat was a priceless trophy as I raised his almost lifeless body slightly up, feeling the short tremors of a losing pulse run its course through the coffin.
"F-fuck..." he spat out, leaking blood through the mouth like a dripping tap. "Ne-never th-tho-thoug-ght it w-wou-would be t-this w-way.." he gargled before his face dropped, a burning sensation accompanying it. It felt like... guilt.
"This is not a movie. There is no compromise. The world is a cruel place, and for people like you, it's only a matter of time before the world you think you know will come crashing down upon you." The Alien rattled as its sheer power through voice crossed Theo's dying eyes. I guess the Alien then realised I had regrets, and spoke to me directly:
He was in the way.
Yeah... He was... He was stopping me. Stopping us. We need to get to school, and now.
Hold on! I need to feed if I want my full strength. And, if this was anything to prove, I need my full strength.
My gaze averted, and my brain wondered, as the last thing my brain clicked was a handful of crushed bones, brain cells, and mushy flesh that dripped from the Alien's hand as it threw it into its mouth.

"I want to come too."
"No. He'll kill you for desertion."
"And I'll kill you for another not needed murder."
Callum simply wouldn't accept no, and upon hearing I had begun to head towards the school, he followed me.
"Okay, well you just disappeared after our first fight together, so how can I trust you?" I cornered him, like I tired boxer, giving him no way out. However, the bell saved the boy, as he quickly showed me something I thought I'd never see in my life: a pistol.
You've been shot with them.
I've seen the front of the Boss', and the barrel when he tried to shoot me before. This counts.
It seemed like a standard: chrome, sleek, and markings etched into the entire thing gave it an almost artefact-esque look. The barrel seemed to be shorter than I thought, and the magazine didn't look extended, but I could see it would do
"I went to get this." He said, and before I could even open my mouth, he answered my question:
"I couldn't trust you with it. Not that you needed it anyway." Callum said, keeping his arm down and tucking the gun away again, hiding it behind his shirt and jumper. Why would we get stopped anyway? We're both law abiding citizens.
"So, you're gonna shoot him?" I asked, looking him in the eyes. His gaze met mine, and a silent moment of understanding passed through us: it would be my choice. I would choose whether The Boss lives, or dies by my hand or his. It's an interesting proposition now that I think back on it. Everything could've changed on a dice roll. Maybe more would be alive, maybe more would be dead. Maybe nothing would change. But we couldn't change things now: we were on a mission, and nothing was gonna stop us. Nothing.
Except Oscar. Oscar was a big enough problem, but when we're down an almost empty street, with people who were either asleep still, or didn't care, and Oscar also has a gun..?
Yes, it's a very, very big blockade.
"Oh! Well. Isn't this funny?" Callum said, suddenly wrapping an arm around my throat, and ignoring my sudden panic. "I was just bringing him back to you!"
"No, you weren't. Traitor. Why leave us for him? We offered you so much more." The monotone voice again ripped itself through my earlobes, solidifying my inner ear even more.
"Because, as much as I hate this kid's methods..." Callum paused, nodding at me, and then looking back to his opponent with a fire of his own accompanying his eyes.
"Are actually stronger than yours."
"And what are those methods? Those beliefs?" The flatlined voice began to lace a taunt in it as I saw one of Callum's hands go for the gun.
"Killing those who are wrong. No matter the cost." He said as the gun itself emerged, a surprise package at the party. He seemed to line up the short almost instantly, but before he could fire, all of a sudden, another shot ripped through the air. Actually, not just the air, it also ripped directly through the far, far left side of Oscar's head, sending him spiralling to the ground. I guess it grazed him, but it was enough to knock him down and keep him there as we faced our new problem.

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