The Thirty-Seventh

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"It's done!"
Callum had then called us all up in my room to marvel at the special monument he'd created: the bunk bed.
"I call bottom." I said as a joke, and it got everyone laughing. Callum seemed amused at this, and didn't say anything.
Looks like I am really taking the bottom. Huh. Fair enough. He has saved me enough to allow for it.
"Well, isn't that incredible..." Poppy said sarcastically, allowing it to drip from her words. I looked back, and noticed Charlotte had started to put two and two together.
"So, this means that you two will share a room?"
I hesitated a moment before replying, weighing it up on my mind.
"Yes. Afraid so."
Callum laughed as Charlotte and Poppy looked at each other and smiled.
"But what am I supposed to do?" Charlotte piped up, turning back to me with round eyes.
Ah, fuck. I don't think we can solve this one.
"Well, there's two choices: the first one is we..." I stopped, thinking it over, and feeling sick to my stomach thinking about it.
Could I really mould my parents bedroom? Is this something they'd want? It's not about them anymore though... it's about these people. The ones I've saved. And they need to stay safe.
"We put a bunk bed in my parents room, either queen or normal, or we leave it how it is."
I saw them both step back, huddle into each other, and whisper. I caught a few makeup brands, hair styles, and even clothes, before turning back, with large grins etched into their faces.
"Did you say 'Queen size?'" Poppy's sarcasm started again, staring Callum down in a jokingly seductive way before laughing. Callum did too, just to show how simple things are. The air was thick with happiness, and I allowed it to sink into me, accepting it.
The Fates are kind to us. Just wait.

The world seemed to revolve around the small house I now lived in. For the rest of the afternoon, we all just hung out together. TV, food, we even all fell asleep on the sofa, curled up like dogs. I think it was around 2:30AM when I opened my eyes again, and noticed how dark the room was. I'm guessing the TV auto-turned off, so it was practically as dark as the freezer room, except not even half as cold. I hit the remote next to me whilst stretching, and thought it'd shed some light on the situation. So, I hit 'on'. The white and black dots danced all over the screen, generously coating the room in its glow. My eyes, still slightly watery, blinked out the tiredness and clicked themselves together when they saw Callum and Charlotte curled up around each other, faces inches away. My brain automatically leaped to a conclusion, and my mouth formed a genuine, happy smile. I then looked over to Poppy, who was shivering and snivelling in her sleep. I could see tears pouring down her face as she cried in her sleep.
She's cold and crying. Solve the cold first.
Acting fast, I rushed upstairs, grabbed my blanket, balled it up, and stumbled back downstairs to put it over her. I gently laid it over, and I saw her face melt into something slightly calmer. Her eyes were still crying, so I grabbed some tissue from the bathroom and gently dabbed it under her eyes, tracing the tears away. One of her eyes half opened, fully looked at what I was doing, and then closed them again, nuzzling into the covers until only her face was visible.
"Thank you..." I heard her whisper before she silenced herself.
I can't just leave her here. Clearly, she needs a place to herself...
"Are you sure you don't want to sleep in my bed for the night, or Charlotte's, or Callum's? Both of the lovebirds aren't going anywhere..." I passed on the comment, and she caught it almost instantly, opening one of her eyes to clock them both curled up with each other. As I looked over them again, I noticed they were both smiling and calm in each other's arms.
At least we brought two people closer.
"I... I mean, I wouldn't mind..." she said quietly, acting rather shy.
I've seen her morph into a killing machine and try to murder me... is she afraid of me?
"Where..?" I asked her, focusing on her and tearing my eyes away from the fantastic scene that shone in front of me.
"The larger bed would be nice, if that's okay?" She sniffed a bit, and pulled herself upwards to allow for more vision. She caught my face, worried and concerned, and giggled a bit.
"Aww..." she said, trying to suppress her smile.
A moment ago she couldn't stop crying, now she's fine? The world is completely confusing me.
"What?" I looked around me, expecting something like a puppy or the likes of something as equally adorable.
"You look cute when your worried. Your eyebrows furrow." She said, and it made me redden my cheeks and look down in embarrassment.
"Thanks, I guess?" I mumbled out, which only caused more giggling as she stood up and headed towards the end of the room. I sat there for a little longer, allowing the embarrassment simmer down before I heard a loud bang and a silenced object falling. A dull thud, if you will.
"Fuck..." I heard someone mutter, and it became my turn to laugh at her as I put it together.
"You have a nice trip?" I joked, physically cringing at the words that left my mouth before bursting out laughing again.
It's not even that funny...
"Shut up!" I heard her say before laughing herself as she ascended the stairs, leaving me down here to work out what I was gonna do.
Sleep is a no go. I can already feel the body I'm in waking up. Waking up the others? Callum and Charlotte seemed overjoyed at the sudden idea of being together, so that's a no.
My mind thought through the recent ideas of what has happened, and clicked something in. I took a few silent steps into the kitchen, and decided to write a note to leave to everyone.
Just in case.

So, I'm probably going to be out for he majority of the day. It's boring and pointless, which is why I left now instead of waking you all up. Have a good day, and I hope you see you all later.


Signing off, I put on some shoes that were darker than normal, and a coat that I'd left a while back because someone called it 'too dark'
Heh. It's crazy that I used to care about other people's opinions. Don't times just change?

The door was the last thing that they heard of me before I disappeared, allowing the darkness to cocoon me in it's shield.

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