The Eighth

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It took a while, but the boss did finally appear in the awful hell I was trapped in. It seemed as if he just appeared, although that was probably my body trying to indicate its death.
No food. No water. Cold. Barely breathing. Ribs hurt.
I'm dead already.
It'd been around twenty minutes before number 1 cracked. I heard him mutter something, leave wherever the fuck I was, and come back with two things: Two spliffs, and a lit lamp. The lamp was shit, and only illuminated the front of my feet. I could physically see the ice that formed around me.
"Ahhhh..." I heard the sound of pure relaxation emerge from one of their mouths as the distinguishable smell of the plant started to fill the room.
I'm gonna die whilst two people smoke weed and fill my lungs with it. Great.
"You know, Nusanda had to be pinned down by five different people" number 1's molten spliff end moved in the air, as if he was painting a picture.
"Five people?!" The other voice laughed as it took another puff "Damn! That shit we gave him was stronger than The Boss thought. clearly." He added. They gave something to Nusanda? Wow. Okay. Wow.
"W-w-w-wh-wha-?" I managed to chatter out, and number two turned to me, eyes glinting through the darkness.
"Oh yeah, you were in a room with him, weren't you?" Number 2 highlighted his point by waving the light in the air like a psycho before continuing.
"The stuff Nusanda had in his system should've, well realistically, killed him. He should've been dead a long time ago. Heck, you should've died when we found you! When Callum found you, He said you were lucky to be alive."
"Yeah. Not many people survive a run in with people who are morphed up." Number 1 pitched in before sucking more life out of the spliff.
"Yup. Not many people do. You might not. Depends on what The Boss wants to do with you." Number 2 ominously stated before silence claimed the room again.

Again, the lamp only just generated enough light for me to see my feet, so I never got a look at The Boss, but he generated a vibe of power and authority. He knew what to do, when to do it, and why it was done. Heck, if I knew this guy, I'm pretty sure I'd either be in the army, or I'd be at some seriously crappy pizza place, because this guy, even though I knew nothing of him, seemed to control almost everything. when he walked into the room, I could feel the air become colder. That's how powerful he was.
"This the one?" He asked, his voice suddenly cutting through all the built up anxiety and worry that laced my face. I heard the sound of sudden sizzling and a stamp as the shit they were smoking was destroyed under their feet.
"Yeah, this is it." Number 1 had told him
"Found him in Nusanda's room." Number 2 added on. "Well, it was Nusanda's room, anyway." Number 2's voice became foreboding and filled me with worry again.
Shit. Shit.
"You awake? Alive?" The Boss' persistent eyes were on me. I couldn't see them, but I could feel a pure, ice cold, almost calm stare penetrate my skull. It felt like a lopsided glance, as if this was the sort of thing he dealt with on an average day.
"B-b-Bare-barely" I chattered through my frozen over body. My mind and body were numb. If they beat me to death, I wouldn't feel it.
What about the lamp? If I hit the lamp, I'd be unfrozen, and could probably engulf these three in flames before I died. It's an idea.
"Well your lucky then. Quite a few people die down here. Get used to feeling cold." The Boss leant in forwards, my only sign being the steamy breath that was suddenly visible through the extremely dim light the lamp generated.
"We're letting you out of here. My treat, actually. We were going to kill you, but people would notice you died, even if you are a nobody." The Boss started to explain
"Plus, the paperwork... it's just a pain in my ass." He added on
I'm outta here! I'm getting home, calling the police, and getting a plane ticket outta here. Fuck this. Fuck. This.
"If you call the police, they'll think your crazy. Tell your parents, they'll think your crazy. None of this shit could ever happen at a school, could it?" I physically felt the smile that played on his face.
"Even if they do believe you, you'd probably disappear. People disappear often. Never come back. You read the news, don't you? House fires, stab and runs, shootings, all commonplace." The Boss let this linger in my mind for about thirty seconds before starting again.
"Now, let me give you the proper introduction. Welcome to City of Moresbury High: a place where you'll do what your told, follow what we say, or suffer the insufferable consequences. I'm your head. The headmaster is only a puppet, so get used to seeing my face whenever you do wrong. Cause trouble that's extreme, and you'll die." The Boss finished his dialogue and stood up, the last of his breath lingering on my face and eyes.
"Gag him. Bag him. Throw him in Nusanda's old room. We'll have to go over every single nook and cranny. Send someone to do it." The Boss told them both.
"Oh, and give my personal thanks to Callum for bringing him in here. Tell him the money is in the usual spot." His voice followed him up the stairs as I heard the familiar sound again.

Silence filled the room as both of the numbers looked at each other.

"Well, your lucky." Number 1 said as a gag was tied around my throat. I didn't protest. I couldn't. I had no strength, no will, no power left. I was completely at the mercy of this place.
"That's exactly what I was thinking." Number 2 added as I felt a straw bag being tightly tied around my neck, almost stopping me from breathing.

Everything after that was a black, unmemorable mess. Until I hit the floor of Nusanda's old room.


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