The Ninth

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Get off the floor. Get out the bag. Do SOMETHING. If you sit here, they'll hands their mind.
Tears started to form in my eyes. They'd think I was crazy. They'd think that life has finally broken me. It's taken a few hours, and I already wanted to leave. I wanted to take the bag off, but fiery rope burn kept my fingers locked into place.
What about all the stuff you thought in the basement? Get outta here! Get help! Someone would have to believe!!
I have no proof. Nothing. Except... the bruises! From the stairs! Ignoring the burns, I pulled my hands up towards the bag, pulled it off, and glossed over my hands.
Completely clean. No marks, scrapings, nothing. Just the normal, pale, sunlight-resistant skin. Now, either I got extremely lucky with how I hit the stairs, or my skin is made of titanium.
I seriously wish I wasn't lucky. I HAVE NO EVIDENCE! I HAVE NO FUCKING PROOF!

I'd been laying there for quite a while, trying to work out what the fuck I was supposed to do next and trying to recover from the cold when the door to Nusanda's room swung open. Callum walked in, wielding a baseball bat. A large, dark-oak, chipped round the edges sort of baseball bat. The sort of bat you whack someone round the head with a couple of times before you dump their body into the river. He hadn't changed his clothes, and he still had that neutral look he carried throughout our first meeting.
"Hey." His robotic voice rattled as it tried to seem more human.
I sighed heavily. My body and brain were tired physically and mentally. In that exact moment, I wanted to die. I looked at Callum, thought about everything that could've happened to me, and saw an easy way out. He seemed to note this.
"I'm fairly sure you know what I'm here for.." he trailed off, swapping the grip on the bat to allow for a 'pure swing' motion.
"The Boss said he would let me live. Paperwork and all that..." I stopped, realising how completely stupid I sounded. Any man who would willingly kidnap a student, lock them up, mentally trap and torture them clearly didn't give a shit about paperwork. Hell, a man like that? I'm pretty sure he didn't give a single shit about anything.
"He.. he wanted to keep you alive.." a slight bit of humanity inched its way into his eyes, causing them to flicker and burn slightly before extinguishing again. "He.. honestly, he wants to test something."
"What? If the bat can kill?" I laughed, and only when my laughter rattled out of my rib cage hoarsely did I realise I was extremely weak. My body just wasn't used to this.
How long was I down there?
"No. Something... something else." Callum took a step back, almost afraid of the frail and vulnerable creature that greeted his sight, and raised the bat into a 'swinging downwards' position.
"I'm really sorry." He finished with "but if this works, you'll be fine." I had a thousand questions on my mind, but before I could answer a single one, the bat was brought down to my head, instantly connecting cleanly and jarring my head into the floor. Immediately, the colours I saw inverted and distorted themselves as they became fuzzy. The back of my head was numb and warm, but in a wet water way. The same way in which you lay in the bath with.
Serious heavy bleeding.
I tried to stand up, but the strength had left my body, and the bat came down again, this time harder. I guess Callum didn't see a human being anymore, he just saw what everyone else did: a punching bag, something to be abused. Something to completely smash up and move along to. Something incapable of feeling, of fighting back. I heard a wet splatting sound, like throwing meat at a wall, and that was it. My body shut down, my brain fried itself, and my eyes became black and glazed over.

Well, there's no debate this time. My brain is splattered all over that fucking bat in his goddamn hands. I mean, I must've just blacked out from the pain that Nusanda gave me. But this time, with no strength, no way to stop the bleeding coming from my head, and no way of getting back up?
It's all over.
I don't feel sad, I don't really feel anything. I'm just kind of feeling anticipation. I'm ready for what's next. I get to meet my mum and dad properly. The whole family is up there. I'm on my way mum. I won't be long now, your son is coming...
The dark veil over my eyes lifted slightly.
What?! What the fuck?! How is this happening? I'm dead! I have to be! IM FUCKING DEAD!
The veil allowed sunlight to stream through it altogether. The waiting room I was placed in was altogether replaced with the sight of the wooden floor I'd seen two times before, except for the blood that now thickly coated the entire place. From what I could see laying face down, the blood covered an extremely large and versatile surface area, coating almost everything.
How am I not dead? What..? My head got caved in! I felt it! Wait... my head. That means, if I'm still alive... Callum is here.
I spun round faster than I ever thought I could, feet and hands planted in a firm fighting position, only to realise that he hadn't moved from his original spot. His entire body was covered in blood. Thick, red, grimy blood.
My blood.
"Well... this is something." Callum said, looking me up and down. "Your just what we expected."
"What?!" I exclaimed, exasperated. " HOW AM I ALIVE? WHAT IS GOING ON?" I screamed at him, begging for answers, pleading for them, just so I knew what was wrong, what I could do, how I could wake up.
He wouldn't tell me. And it made me angry.

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