The Thirty-Fourth

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"Seems like this is a recurrence at this point." I said to the creature, still standing in the same spot, still waiting for the same creature to strike me down.
"Isn't it just?" The creature replied with that unreachable, untraceable voice. The words seemed to curl around my head and change on a whim.
"How aren't you dead yet?" I asked it, hoping for an answer that could give me some helpful tip. Maybe even help me situation, or hinder my 'death'.
"I could ask you the same thing." The creature replied, breath steaming.
"We're both built with one objective, you see, and that objective is to suffer. We are going to suffer long and hard for the mistakes we've made, Adam." The creature contorted itself again, seeming to phase itself out of my mind slightly as it did so.
"We weren't built for this..." I shook my head, clearing it slightly, trying to find recollection.
There's no way I was built for this. It must've just... happened. Like an accident. But there are no accidents. The Fates are kind to us.
"How so?" The creature raised an eyebrow, clearly bothered by my lack of understanding. It acted like an impatient parent trying to put an instruction on a hyper-esque child.
"Well... I don't remember it, so that's a start." My mind came up with a reasonable excuse, but then the monster seemed to make a sharp hissing noise with short breaks between. I could only assume this was laughter.
"Oh, that's adorable! You think they'd let you remember? No! Of course not. Don't be so stupid." The creature had a sudden taste of disdain as it spoke.
I really must be stupid to this guy, huh? Fair enough. He must be some sort of higher force.
"How do you know I'm special?" I asked it, taking a step back to put more space between us.
"I put a spike in your chest." The creature answered almost instantly, "I think that makes you special enough."
"This ain't genetics?" I sounded surprised, but I kind of knew all along.
I mean, look at me. I'm fairly sure I'm nothing special.
More hiss-laughter emerged from some sort of voice-like sound that came from inside the creature, worrying me even more.
"No! Your parents... Lets say, they were 'dedicated' scientists. They..." It paused, thinking it's words over. "'Donated' you. To the project I mean." More hissing laughter, mixed in with, "How else would you be almost immortal?"
I stood there, still dumbfounded by it all, simply letting my jaw drop to the floor before the creature carried on.
"You aren't anything special. Your parents just donated you. All you are is a failed test subject."

My god...
"Adam? Wake up!"
This entire time... It's all been.. a lie? No, that can't be true..
"Come on Adam! We've got things to do!"
They loved me, right? They had to. I was their son...
"I'm coming!"
I was something they wanted. They didn't... donate me. This... this isn't real. It's lying. It has to be.
My mind snapped back here, anger surging its way through me.
"What are you going to do about it?" I heard it say in it's emotionless, timeless, undying voice. I felt myself getting more and more angry by the second, pure fury, adrenaline, and red hot blood pushing its way around me, fuelling me.
"Go on." It gestured to itself, an open target. "Do something."
I was still rooted to the ground, stopping dead still, not moving at all.
"I'm not afraid of you, boy." The creature somehow sneered as it watched me twitch and breathe, seeming to gauge my reaction.
"Do it, child. Go on. DO IT." The creatures voice became mixed in with Poppy's, and all I could see was a hurt little girl being used by this thing that lingered in front of me. My hands curled together, my fists seemed to create themselves, and my body launched itself. The creature created itself a smile as it launched its left arm towards me, spike aimed straight for my heart. The vision I could see was tinted red, and I felt myself become smarter, faster, and ready for anything. Just before it hit me, I darted left, and grabbed it. It felt slimy, yet solid. Ignoring it, I used my arms to snap the sharp piece off, causing the arm to retract and move away with a hiss and another arm sliding towards me. I dodged it, getting into the mashed up face of the monster in front of me, and stuck it's arm-spike into it. The thing fell back, flailing, and I finished off its descent to the ground with a rooted kick to the chest of it. The levitation it used seemed to cut out as it hit the floor, chest first. Wasting no time, I stood on its head, gently at first, then quickly and sharping. The head itself jarred for a second, but didn't break. All this seemed to do was make me madder as I brought my foot down again, realising the sight of the creature's purple blood. Again, no breakage.
What the fuck is this thing made out of??
"Jeez. You really don't quit, do you?" The amalgamation of both voices stirred my mind as it started to claw its way back up, forcing me to back away to avoid extreme injury.
You'll die quitting.
It swung again, right arm ripping crisply through the air, leaving a whistling sound in its wake before narrowly missing my head by inches. My haze was still in solid, and I followed it through to the seconds. I held my hand out in front of it, and took the spike all the way through. I calmly stood there, watching the blood splash over my face and gently droppable from my sudden injury. The creature marvelled at this sudden revelation, and then stopped when it saw my calm expression.
"Why are you not screaming?" It asked, sounding more afraid than I'd heard in a while.
"Because it doesn't hurt. Nothing does anymore." I said, slowly taking steps towards it. I saw the creature's face intensify as it put more pressure into the spike, causing a larger wound and more blood to spurt out through the pressure, but my expression didn't change. I still took steps towards it. My eyes were locked onto the mess of its face, keeping a gentle tone, but with malice behind it. I saw the creature shift tone to defend itself as it tried to remove the spike that was in my hand, before realising it has lodged it in too deep and too far. Trying to change tones, the creature stumbled back, the arm still attached, still acting like a leash, still allowing me to get close.
What to do now?
"Well, isn't this a change?" I said to the creature as I stepped within breathing distance before slugging it in the chest with my free hand to cause as much damage as I could. To my relief and to fuel my need to hurt, I saw the creature gently recoil under the said blow, following through with the punch. It staggered, but not far, thanks to the biological rope I kept it on. I swear I saw the creature shake as it pushed back, trying to figure out some way to get out of this situation. I yanked on my arm, pulling it closer, allowing me to knee the fucker in the face. Again, the same effect, except spittle came out of the mess in it's face.
This thing doesn't have features.
"Enough." I heard it say as it darted up, teeth forming from the mouth it created. Smoothly, I dodged the teeth, and, as I was heading in the same direction, used my momentum to pull the spike I put in it's face a short moment ago. More screeching confirmed that I'd done the right action as I then regained my balance, before running back towards the other creature. I jumped allowing myself the best trajectory, before landing on its chest, causing it to tumble over, crashing into a car parked nearby. Spray painted debris and scrap flew trough the air as I used the spike in my arm and the spare one to tear holes in the creature. I started beating on its chest like a bongo, ripping the skin to complete pieces, trashing the inner organs of this creature. I heard a few screeches from it, the sounds of a dying animal, but my primal power deep inside all of us had taken over, allowing me to destroy whatever the fuck it thought it was. I remember my face being contorted into some sick, twisted smile as I carried on. I remember playing around with the spikes, digging into the chest to see how far they'd go, crushing as much of the body as I could, feeling the blood splash all over, even tapping them together before striking the front of the creature's face, much to its sad dismay.
I think this is enough.
I kept digging through the creature's face with my nails, punching it when the spikes slackened and dissolved into nothingness, until all that was left was Poppy. She seemed to be okay, no blood or gore on her, not even a single scratch.
Huh. Crazy. This world is fucking crazy.
"H-huh?" I heard her voice, the one I remembered, even if it was soft and confused.
"There's no voice..." I heard her say again, and I saw her forehead crease as she tried to remember.
"No. There really isn't. Oh... oh my god. This is amazing!" I saw her jump to her feet, with a large smile on her face, before looking around and seeing me.: covered in blood, crazy look, and a large hole that blood poured from, Niagra Falls style.
Breathe. She isn't a threat anymore.
"Thank you!" She ran towards me, instantly embracing me. No words were needed as she began to cry with relief, just as I did, that the creature that plagued her and myself was gone.

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