The Seventh

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I'll 'ave to beat 'at outta yer.
The lines repeated itself in my head, over and over.
Beat it. Beat it. Beat it. Beat you.
Why? Why me?
My head touched my neck as tears rolled down my face. Why? What did I do? Why do I deserve this? I haven't done anything wrong... Have I?
No, I'm the average child. Why wouldn't I be? I've never tried anything stupid. Keep focused, Adam.
The rope around my arms was still loose, but for some unknown reason my entire body rejected the idea of escape, like a body rejects drugs. At least my hands weren't uncomfortable as I tried to rub them together to generate warmth.
That guy wasn't lying about 'cooling off'. It's freezing in here.
I'm going to freeze in here unless I move. Come on Adam, we've got to get moving. Your body can't handle this!
If that guy catches you. You'll be strangled to death.
And if you stay in here, you'll die of hypothermia. Let's get moving.
I felt the surface of my body seize up as the room seemed to get colder, as if my entire body, my blood, even my soul were being iced over to freeze forever.

It took me about fifteen minutes to push past the mental barrier that didn't want me to escape. Every time I tried to move, my unrealistic survival instinct would tell me that waiting was the best thing to do. However, after some mental barrier breaking, I finally managed to get through. Upon standing up, I finally got the chance to escape. My mind had realised that waiting simply wasn't going to cut it, and if I wanted to work through whatever was happening, I need to run away, call the police, and never look back.
Excellent plan. Let's put it into action.
Using my hands for eyes, I started to walk forwards, desperately scrabbling around for some sort of wall. My direction was still forwards, since I heard the sound of wood being opened from around there. My hands felt nothing except the thick, numbing quilt that seemed to enfold me into itself. The tips of my fingers began to empty with blood as I kept walking forwards, hope slowly dwindling from inside me.
How big is this fucking room!?
My answer was directly in front of me in the form of a stair, which I gracefully tripped over on. My hands broke most of my fall, but I could tell that I'd bruised both my hands up. The numbness had begun to spread to my arms, so the pain I could've felt I didn't, but that still didn't stop me from using the last of my strength to pick myself up and start moving for the door.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Only a few stairs later, I heard the sound of wood being moved. You know, the creaky, borderline splintering sound?
Yeah, exactly.
Plan B it is.
My body panicked, and I started to turn and sprint forwards towards the chair I was trapped in. My body almost threw itself down the last three, and only just managed to avoid slamming its head into the wooden rests of the side. Upon feeling how completely numb my body was to the cold at this point, I hastily positioned myself back into the chair.
"You hear that?" I heard a voice whisper into the darkness
"Yeah. I did." Another voice replied bluntly. I heard the sound of feet quickly stumbling towards the location I was pinned to. I dropped my head down, allowing the cold and the darkness to claim my body again, and I felt the fires of hope being quenched. The steps seemed quieter than the guy before, but there was two of them.
Either whatever was in front of me had four legs, or both of whoever it was came down.
I thought I was here to see 'The Boss'. Where was he?

No candle was lit, no matches were heard, no nothing. All I knew was that there were two people currently around me, and they could be anywhere. How did I know there was two? Well...

They tied the rope around my wrists again.

One was directly in front of me, pinning my chest to the chair, whilst the other one tightly knotted the polyester again. I really wish my hands had freedom. I really wish I could move.
Fuck, I wish they lit a fire in here.
I wasn't the only one who was feeling the cold.
"Hey, it's cold in here, ain't it?" One voice merged through the cold air.
"I told you to wear a set of gloves." The other said back, and I heard the sound of skin being rubbed together, creating friction heat.
"Yeah well... a set is two. You want me to wear two sets of gloves? That's two gloves for each hand, idiot." The sarcasm dripped from number 1's voice as it defended itself.
"Not as dumb as the guy who didn't wear any pairs at all. Plus, you always complain about how cold it is." The tone of number 2's voice completely changed, and I could clearly tell that one was struggling not to knock the other one out.
"Man, we should've brought spliffs. Little bit of magic would've warmed us up." Number one seemed to imagine.
Weed? Since when? I thought this entire place was clean!
"You've gotta be kidding me. Poppy raised her prices again, so get used to not smoking nearly as much anymore." Number 2's breath hissed out of his teeth as if he was in pain. "To be fair, I really could do with a spliff. You didn't bring anything?"
"No, of course I didn't" Number 1 sounded dejected at the thought of price raises "when The Boss calls you, you don't hesitate. Not if you want to keep your head anyway."
What?! Keep your head?!
"That's one thing we can both agree on" number 2 said, and they both laughed into the darkness, whilst I sat, alone and dejected, waiting for the sweet release of death to take me.

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