The Fourty-Ninth

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"Where are you going now?" Charlotte shouted from the kitchen, sounding a lot like an angry mother.
"Out. For a short while." I replied, taking a second to cut through the mental barrier of being honest.
"I'm gonna go get some money from the bank."
"Okay... please don't do anything stupid though.." I heard her pleading with her voice, and simply tried to ignore it.
"You know me, I wouldn't ever do something like that!" I comedically covered up my shame for lying, but the voice in my head was right: these things, these... 'People'. They had to die. All of them had to be eradicated. Then everyone can be safe.
"Exactly. That's why I'm asking... Please Adam, we need you here." She said, almost sounding like she was begging. Again, the creature cut through the sympathy I offered, and spat out the next phrase.
"Of course. I'll be fine. See you soon!" It said as it shut the door, gently allowing it to hit the frame.
Let's not break anything we need not to, even though you've already done that. Remember the window, and the caretaker?
"No need to remind me." I shunned myself in my brain, allowing the thing to get to me once.
Not like it'll be the last time....
"Shush. Where are we going?" I asked it, clearly being a better navigator than me. The voice in my head paused for a few seconds before continuing:
We go back to school, of course.
"Wait... it's not a school day... It's a... uh..." I struggled to look for the date.
I didn't check this morning... Fuck.
After a few more seconds, the creature enlightened me with a short statement.
It's a Monday. You can go to school. Just be careful, they're looking for me... And you, of course.
"Well, I couldn't forget." I just mumbled out loud, freaking out a lady pushing a pram along the road. I saw her look over, clock me, then speed up as she continued to move at an almost incredible speed.
Wow. What an insensitive woman.

Here's the gate I so fondly remember...
The paint on the thing has almost peeled off entirely, revealing a shiny but old metal post that seemed to want to face its way till the end of time itself.
"Hey, it's that kid!" Someone had shouted behind himself as I stepped into the school, trying to keep my head down. The shouting only increased as I got closer into the front doors. The simple pitch change as I stepped in was a relief, as it meant that no one was following me in any way.
"Holy fuck..." Some kid muttered as I walked past, visibly shaking at the sight of me.
Are you really that scary?
"I mean, I guess so." I whispered, my lips hardly moving.
Why? Actually, no wait, I'll find out.
"Don't you dare go probing through my brain..." I whispered, a little louder.
"Hey, stop talking to yourself, you weirdo!" Some kid, about the same age as me had said as I walked past.
Hmm... I'm gonna let you handle this one...
I spun round, catching myself through the sheer grip on my shoes and the sheer luck that blessed me. My eyes seemed to light up at the thought of beating another kid who thought he was at the top of the food chain.
Wrong move, kid.
He had dirt blonde hair that seemed to stand out straight, as if the bleach that ran through it wasn't enough to just change it. The eyes seemed to act like a rat's: dart around the object, and then focus in on the important points, which was exactly what he was doing. His mouth curled into a nervous snarl as I watched it.
"You what?" I said calmly, putting both feet on the floor and both arms by my sides.
"I said shut your mouth, you fucking weirdo." He spat back, the smile appearing on his face as people, who must've been his friends, came around the corner.
"Look at you. You don't belong here. You're so weird and fucking edgy it hurts to be around you. You. Ain't. Shit." He seemed to speak faster and faster, as if he was afraid I would cut him off.
I strongly suggest you rip his disrespectful fucking face off.
"So, why don't you do all of us a favour, AND GET THE FUCK O-" He managed to almost get the last word out before my hands wrapped around his throat and lifted him off of the air. I could kind of hear a few gasps, some genuine, and some for comedic relief. I ignored the mindless information as I watched the kid cluelessly claw at my chest and try and reach my face. He almost succeeded, but as he retracted his arm, I grabbed it, bent it, and asked him calmly:
"Say 'uncle', kid."
He carried on choking into my wrist, spitting out spittle and pure water. His face started to go a shade of blue, which delighted me.
"I said, say 'uncle'."
Again, I couldn't hear it. His eyes began to bulge out of his face as I squeezed that little bit harder. His legs had begun shaking too, allowing me to glimpse how strong and powerful a simply choking move could be.
"Last chance..." I warned, loosening my grip enough to let him breathe again. He took deep, thankful breaths, looked me in the eyes, and simply said:
"Fuck You. You couldn't kill anyone."
I shifted my weight to allow me to slam him into a group of lockers we were directly next to, allowing the metal to violently shift alongside the kid, showing the power and pain I'm sure he'd feel for at least a week. The kid's face seemed to crease up like paper as I lifted him up again and dragged him across the floor towards the water fountain. The entire thing was made of metal, and my brain had through of a wonderfully sweet idea. I brought his face back up to mine, allowing myself the savour the pure fear that roared form his eyes.
"No..." I heard him mumble through some sort of throat problem before I punched his face, hard. I saw his head rock back and then lay back down onto his chin, showing he was conscious, but in no shape to move.
The crowd seemed to continue to form a circle around us, another makeshift fighting ring, as I gently sat his head into the edge of the water fountain. His teeth were literally the only thing keeping him held up, so it felt fantastic when I grabbed a tuft of his hair, gently and accurately pulled up His head, can slammed it into the metal edge, teeth first. I watched two snap and fly off in random directions as the kid screamed extremely loudly. It felt like he was piercing my ears with sewing needles.
"Jesus Christ, stop!" Someone, some girl, had shouted. About six voices mobbed her, clearly enjoying the sight of blood and gore. Turning around, I smiled gently, before I stomped on the kids head, feeling the shift in weight and mass as my foot collided with his face. His head did fly up, but only for a solid second before it came crashing down, blood pouring from his nostrils and staining the floor.
"Wow. That's gonna be a complete bitch to clean. Aren't you a clever kid?" I said to him, looking at the slightly conscious, quivering mess of a human I had created.
This is a good time to show where you stand. Address the audience, and continue the show.
Spinning around, I faced the entire audience, a look of pure and unfiltered calm plastered with care onto my face, before beginning:
"Do you see this man? He is the thing I hate the most. He is weak. He is simple. He is not fit. He is not ready for the real world. School is designed to devise you and build you up for the real world, but has it done it for this child?" I took another look around, seeing everyone's gaze intensify, even if it was slightly.
"Exactly. The child will never be ready. God, I'll be surprised if he survives today. So, if any of you want an experience of real life, I'm right here. Test life, and life is going to rest how capable you are. And, trust me, you are not going to like what happens next..." I remember putting my hands up, almost in a gesture of calmness, before stepping back, and looking at the kid, still barely breathing.
Jesus Christ... I may have actually just killed another human.
I looked at my hands, and they seemed clean enough, but I blinked again, and the blood from his body washed over my eyes and hands like holy water.
Disgusting fucking waste of humanity. Anyone who stands up to you deserves to die.
My half-gone mind was pondering this as it spoke into my mind, reaching the depths.
You think so?
I'm almost sure, my good friend.
"You 'ought to get this man an ambulance..." I said as I looked him over again.
"And... three doctors?" I finished, almost laughing. A few kids ran off, either to find a teacher or to actually call the police.
"Whilst that happens..." I spun on my feet and continued my calm walk, heading towards the headmaster's desk.
"I have a meeting to get to."

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