The Sixty-Third

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I couldn't bear to look at her. To think that by me rushing into things, I'd had her broken and bruised. To know that my actions have consequences that I couldn't perceive. To understand that I was a fucking awful human being.
"P-please Adam, I n-need he-help-p..." He voice still sung to me in such a sweet way, even after everything I'd done, everything I'd caused. I raised my head, tried to force the tears back into me, and strained against the ropes with newfound strength. I felt my breath intensify, and my blood smash against my skin, but nothing actually happened. I was still as useless to her as I was before, and nothing I did could change that.
The things I do for you...
The claws came out before I could react, slashing through the ropes and leaving them in a messy heap around the chair. I shot out of the chair like a bullet, and stampeded over to her, taking her into my arms and trying to analyse any damage I could fix. Her skin felt cold, even if sweat did continuously layer over the top of the stuff. Her breath seemed to wheeze, and my worry of punctured lungs hit me harder than her current state.
Wounds heal. Death doesn't.
"I'm so sorry..." I curled her into my arms, blood all over my already ruined and scarred body. She seemed to sink into my chest as I did, and I felt the change of pressure in my body. It almost felt like a continuous draining feeling, like she was using my life force to stay alive. Her breath seemed to quicken slightly more, then a bit more, then a little bit more. I felt more hot breath across my cut shirt, and as I looked down to check her current condition, I could see a oil-coloured, liquid-like hand lay itself onto her chest, fingers seeming to stick to it. A gentle light pulsated from it, almost warming and calming to look at as it fizzled into her body. I could see golden streaks of illuminant liquid course through her veins before disappearing into nothingness. I kind of froze, watching it happen, and just held her tighter, praying she'd be okay, that she'd make it. That she'd be safe.

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking I'm eating her, aren't you?
Stop it.
Stop what?
Whatever you're fucking doing. It's clearly not helping, just let her die in peace.
Boy, you clearly do not have a single clue as of what I am doing. If it not for me, I'm sure she'd be dead by now.
You're just su-
No, child, I'm trying to send some form of healing reactant into her system, and I'm using your human shell as a guideline.
Just... Be quiet. And allow me to finish what I am doing. Thank you.
"She's dead if I say anything... and dead if I don't.." I whispered into The Freezer, the cold whisking my words into almost nothingness as I watched the power I used to stay alive drain into the thing I cared most about.

Was it worth it?
Was it worth the doubt you had?
No... no, I'm sorry. I truly am. I just wasn't thinking. At all.
I can understand. The emotion of love is a-
Woah, woah, woah. Slow down. This... this ain't love.
Adam, I think I have the opinion of telling you I know you better than anyone you will ever meet. You love this girl, whether you choose to accept the idea is up to you.
My grip tightened on the girl in my arms, the girl I'd risked my current power for. A girl that, if I hadn't met in the way I did, I wouldn't care for.
I felt something in there though...
Oh, for fucks sake...
Oh, no, not in that way. That is disgusting! What I actually mean is, I felt another life force. Almost like something like us.
Another Monster?
Yes. I think so.
I... I thought you came from Poppy?
No. Goodness, no. It's a whole other story where I came from.
So, what story did you tell me?
One that wasn't true. Maybe one day you'll know the truth. For now, let's focus on the current problem.

"Fuck me..." I gasped as I hit the surface of the world, allowing the sudden moonlight to hit me harshly. Patting around my pockets and such, I realised that, for once, the arseholes had finally learned: I had no phone. Quickly and respectably checking Poppy's pockets, I also found no cellular device. We were both without help, and stranded in the middle of the school. The place was probably locked up, and that guy was still prowling around the grounds of the school, looking for an excuse to start a fight. Scanning the area we were surrounded by, all I could see was the hide field we had to use. The only thing that broke up the sudden sea of green was the two tennis courts: Concreted, with drawn-in white lines, and a net that was springier than a cocker spaniel. Next to it sat the shed that the school stored it's shitty sports equipment in, nicknamed by the Sixth Formers as 'The Love Shed.'
Images I did not expect to see just flashed through your head.
Trust me, I'm not happy about them either.
"A-are we o-okay..?" I heard Poppy whisper gently into the dying breeze. She still seemed weak, so as I stared down into her eyes, I tried to show some sort of calmness and calculation at what the fuck I was doing.
"Yeah, I... I think we'll be okay. Overall, I think we'll make it." I sighed into the darkness before crouching down and allowing myself to rest her head next to my shoulder before thinking about my next move. I felt her nuzzle it, almost comforting herself, before closing her eyes again.
"How are you feeling?" I asked her, hoping for a good answer. Hoping for some solitude. Hoping for anything.
"Stable... Not-... Not dead." She replied, almost smiling as she said it, thankful for her life. That one movement made me extremely happy, despite the sudden lack of any hope I had.
We're fucked. Literally fucked.
Look at all of the positives here. You are alive. This girl is alive. You still have a chance.
Breathing in deeply, I took a step forward towards the gates, trying to keep as quiet as I could as more steps proceeded. Poppy barely spoke as we slowly traversed: a few deep breaths and a few silent thank-you's. Whether they were directed to me or not I'll never know, because I simply didn't ask. All I knew was that I was nearing the school entrance, and I was gonna somehow have to leap or tunnel under it.
Busy, busy, busy

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