The Fourteenth

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Christ... This is starting to become normal already....
My eyes felt like they were glued shut completely. Some invisible force seemed to be holding them shut, almost laughing at my attempts to try and open them. I groaned, rolled over, and realised I was awakening from a troubling nightmare. Raising my hands to stretch the tiredness out of them, I rolled over, forced one eye open, and looked at the alarm clock.
6:30AM. Saturday. Huh, must've got the days mixed up. Surely it wasn't Saturday already? Heck, I ain't complaining.
The nightmare clearly stirred me, as I had woken up sweating. It wasn't unusual though, I had these sorts of dreams. It was almost a weekday thing at this point. A few nightmares used to make their appearances often. One of them was when I was younger: my twelve year old self being left at home, crying as my parents walked out of the door to get something.
"We won't be long Adam, don't worry. It's only a short drive."
"Then why can't you take me?"
"It's a business meeting, son. I wish I could take you, I really do, it's just... I'm late already, I love you son. I'll see you soon."
"Love you too dad."
The door would open, my father would go out first, my mother would follow, and then the door would shut with a loud bang. That was what usually woke me up. There's another one: I'm sitting outside in our garden, age eleven, messing about with some sort of scooter, and I fall over. But as I fall, the ground swallows me and I continue to fall, until I land in the backseat of our car. My dad is next to me, in the back, talking to my mother, who's in the passenger seat. I look over to the wheel, and there's completely no one driving. Death's at the wheel, and he's having a great time madly swerving into other cars. I start to scream at them both:
"Don't worry darling, it's fine. Everything works out in the end. I promise you that."
"Exactly son. Sometimes, you've got to put your life in the hands of Fate. She'll treat us well, I promise you."
"Calm down son. It's fine. Everything is going to be completely-"
The car hits a wall at an incredibly fast and unstoppable speed, and everything goes black.

The one that came around, almost weekly, was the one I hated the most. The one I wanted to get rid of, to bury deep down in my brain and forget it ever fucking existed.

My parents' funeral.

Each of them are laid out in an open casket, as if they were sleeping. The preacher is standing there, reciting the words of God. Everyone around me is weeping and slowly depressing themselves. I'm directly at the front, next to both of the graves, looking at them. There's some distant relative standing next to me, putting an arm around me. It wasn't comforting, it just felt uncomfortable.
"What now?"
"Well, aren't you handing this well."
"I'm not stupid, I know that they're... they're dead."
"Well, I don't know to be honest. No one here has any free time or money to look after you. It's every man for himself these days."
"So, what? I'm going to be homeless?!"
"No, of course not! I'm sure we'll all work something out. You remember your father's saying?"
"Put your life in the hands of the Fates, or something like that. He didn't say it often..."
Staring back down, I remember seeing both of my parents suddenly smile, and their bodies just combusted, exploding into fire. I'm frozen to the ground as I watch them both burn into the casket they were in, the smiles still burnt into my eyes.

After a shower that lasted for as long as possible, I towelled myself off, and changed into some jeans and a long-sleeved T-Shirt. It covered my arms perfectly. I don't know why I was so suddenly worried.
Must've been the nightmare you had. You might have to do something about this. Maybe check the headmaster was still around? And that Liam wasn't beating up kids? And that no one was dying and coming back to life?
Feeling refreshed, I silently crept down the stairs and made way for the kitchen.
I'm feeling toast today, definitely.
As I make my way around the kitchen, creating toast and tea at the same time, I notice something off. There was a plate, stuck in the sink, that seemed to have appeared the day after I washed everything up.
Someone's here.
I slowly stopped everything I was doing, and crept towards the silverware drawer, gently and silently opening it. An array of metal stood out to me, but I reached for the simplest of kitchen knives, and started to creep around, looking for who it could be. The front room's lights were out completely, but after a quick search I concluded that this room was clean. The bathroom was completely clean too. I got a look at myself in the mirror, and Jesus Christ. I don't think I've ever looked worse. My eyes stood out against my skin, my face seemed to stretch itself tightly across my skull, and my body seemed drained and almost skeleton-like.
Food, shave, and rest this weekend. No way around it.
Snapping back, I crept upstairs to check everything. The bathroom was clear, I'd just been in there. My bedroom was clear too, I'd woken up and gone everywhere in there. That left one place. One place I hated going in, but kept due to old times' sake.

My parents' bedroom.

My hand gently creaked open the door, generating as little noise as possible as it opened. The curtains were open, and that was a red flag, as I always kept them closed. This place deserved no light. It was a place to keep dark, to reflect in, to speak to my parents in. The second red flag was the bed was unmade. As I opened the door, I caught signs of a wrinkled bedsheet.
Who the fuck would break into someone's house, and then sleep in their bed?!
I finished opening the door, and finally saw a human interacting with something. It was making the sheets again, acting as if it had never been here.
"Hey! Stop! I've got a weapon, and I'm not afraid to use it!" I shouted, sounding like some sort of corny James Bond rip off. The hands froze, turned, and opened the door fully.

"Ah, your up and alive again." Callum said, looking me up and down.

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