The Fifty-Seventh

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"WHAT?!" I yelled out, almost comically, before standing back up and running into the kitchen at lightning speed.
"You've got to be fucking joking." I finished as I got into view of Callum, who was then putting sugar in one of the cups.
"No. They need their education, and Charlotte isn't on The Boss' radar." Callum finalised, beginning to stir one of the two cups.
"What about Poppy?! She's gonna be fucking butchered!" I spelled out to him, letting it sink in that they weren't safe.
"She chose to go back. It's not my choice to stop people leaving the house. If that was the case, I would've stopped you leaving and killing our headmaster."
Oh, fuck. He knows.
Huh?... sorry, I went back to 'napping'. Isn't that what it's called?
Yeah... uh, give me a moment.
"I wanted answers. He didn't give me them." I said, trying to think of another excuse that wasn't linked to the monster that resided itself in me.
"So you killed him?!" Callum practically levitated with surprise. "ADAM! You can't just continue to fucking kill people! Word is going to get out soon, the cops will get involved, and then... we're all fucked, aren't we?"
"I won't get caught." I told him, confirming my tone whilst continuing to remain as calm as possible.
We can make sure we aren't caught.
Right. Good, I'm glad you're more confident than me.
I'm a sentient being: it would look awful if I didn't feel confident.
"You are so in over your own head..." Callum sighed as he put the cup he'd picked up down, turning to properly face me.
"I'm guessing you're going to go and 'save' Poppy and Charlotte, kill anyone who stands in your way, and bring them back here, right?" Callum pretty much explained my plan, except for the murder.
We can avoid that.
"I'm not looking to kill people. I'm looking to protect them!" I shouted back, sick of keeping a lid on my anger.
"They were fine before!" Callum shot back, taking a step towards me in anger. He wasn't finished though:
"And why did that involve the fucking slaughter of so many people?! Can you not control yourself?! What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"YOU LET THEM GO BACK! WHAT THE FUCKS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I screamed, letting my rage go before I could control it.
"I CONTROLLED MYSELF!" Callum screamed back, meeting my stance and piercing my gaze.
"YOU DIDN'T!!" I practically spat back, venom threatening to shake its way through my skin. "YOU SHOVE A BAT THROUGH MY STOMACH!"
"YOU-..." Callum paused, looking for anything else. Clearly, he'd stopped. He wasn't thinking hard enough, as I could remember about fifty million things I'd done wrong, but surely by hurting those who hurt, Ive done the right thing?
"I don't wanna fight you..." I said, breathing heavily and shaking slightly.
"I just... I want them to be safe. And okay. Poppy's been haunted by so many things, and Charlotte just looked... well... terrified " I tried to explain, but it just sounded like a dog who was apologising for shitting on the floor: hollow and ultimately empty.
"I know, it's just... surely you can do it without killing people. It might overcomplicate things, but it would be worth it, wouldn't it?" Callum had clearly practised this, as his expression seemed to soften and mould into something of a 'sympathetic' stage.
"But what if it's the only way? What if the only way to prevent more killing is to kill?" I questioned his logic, clearly seeing a different side.
"There's always another way." The blunt reply came, ringing my ears with its borderline ridiculous simplicity.
"Is that so? Well, why did you kill me? Twice, wasn't it?"
"I was a different person. A servant: A slave. Look at me now! I don't smoke, I don't need to understand everything around me, I don't need anything but what life gives me each day." Callum finalised as he took a sip from the drink stood next to him, and a slipped past, going to get mine. The cup felt like a nice change: something being in my hands that was warm and alive rather than cold and dead.
Simplicity at its finest.
"Clearly we aren't getting anywhere, so let's comprise: You kill only when it's absolutely necessary, and I'll make sure the girls, and whoever else you're going to bring back, stay safe."
"I like this one." I replied, failing to state that this was what I was doing anyway. "Did you say you quit smoking? When did you smoke?"
"Don't you remember? It's when we first met." Callum reminded me, a faint smile hidden behind the cup that he brought to his lips.
"Oh yeah.... whatever happened to Nusanda?" I said, smiling myself as I took a sip. The liquid tasted sweeter than usual, but it was still a nice kick to give my body the energy it needed.
"Oh, we never told you, did we?" Callum took yet another sip, seeming to savour the taste, before telling me the truth:
"He simply disappeared."
Oh yeah... I probably should have told you that, shouldn't I?
Yes! That's extremely important information!
Well, I will make sure I do in the future, okay?
"So, he could be out there now?" I said, worry creeping into my voice, even though I fully knew that he wasn't a threat without his big strength: the Alien.
"Yep. He could walk through those doors at any moment in time." Callum gestured towards the hallway, and I physically jumped out of my seat when I heard around five to seven sharp, precisely timed knocks that seemed to rattle their way around my rib cage and spit themselves out.
"Okay... now that... that is weird timing." Callum nervously stood up, and I simply followed as I made my way towards the hallway, expecting anyone.
Calm down. It could be anyone. It could be a neighbour, or a charity company, or someone who's looking for their dog, or eve-
Callum opened the door fully, applying no chain or stopper, allowing Oscar, my first ever opponent to give me problems, to simply step in, and smile.

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