The Fourth

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The voice had already echoed through my mind and sparked my curiosity. It didn't have the sharp edge that Nusanda had, or the tension that the Headmaster created, it was a whole new voice. My curiosity didn't take over my survival instinct though, as my hand cranked the doorknob all the way down, and to hear the creaky doorknob was such a relief, until the voice spoke again:
"I asked you to stop."
Again, the voice, the monotone, bland, easily forgettable voice that dragged its way across the floor to stop me in my process. It removed my hand from the door, and gave me enough courage to turn to face it.

The shadow covered everything that I would've logged into my brain. The only thing I could see was the hand, a plain, white, simple hand that held a cigarette, which smoked and crackled as it raised itself into the shadow. A strict puff was heard, and then an almost elated sigh as the cloud of death was hissed out through clenched teeth.
"I have to say, I'm impressed." The voice said, still hidden through the invisibility of the shadow.
"W-What?" I asked, extremely nervous. "What the fuck is going on..?" I asked, my voice wavering all over the place.
"Hey, calm down." It said, waving the cigarette into the air, burning red lines into my vision for a few seconds.
"You haven't got to worry about a thing, alright?" The voice forcefully tried to assure me and calm my rattling nerves, but my entire body was arched like a python, skin bristling, still agitated at whatever the fuck this was.
"What are you saying?! Did you not see whatever the fuck was just in here?" I asked, clearly confused at whatever the fuck he was talking about. I mean, you couldn't exactly miss that... thing. It tore a hole in my memory, and I can guarantee that I'm not forgetting about it any time soon. Ugh...
"No, that's why I'm asking. What was in here?" The sullen reply was. It was as if he was used to this sort of thing.
"What..?" I still clearly felt confused, and he knew it. Clear your head, Adam. Don't be manipulated...
"W-What was in here?" I tried to sound stronger than I felt, but I felt the racks of spasms haunt my entire body.
"It was... it was Nusanda." I admitted quietly, almost as if I was ashamed.
"Nusanda?" The voice didn't sound convinced at all. "We did background checks on Nusanda and his family members, and they're all clean criminal wise." The voice seemed to doubt itself as the cigarette lit up red again, and a puff of pure darkness burst from the shadow like a bullet from a gun.
"He... he, he, uh..." I couldn't find the right words to describe his transformation, so I tripped over them.
"Changed?" The voice finished it off for me.
"Yeah... how did you know?" I asked
"He's done this before." The voice seemed to be speaking to itself, almost iterating the point.
"He has?"
"It was worse last time..." the voice trailed off, and took another hit. At this point, the smell of nicotine and pure tar had seeped throughout the entire room, entering my nose without me asking. What a smell...
"What do you mean? He's done this more than once?" I questioned the voice as I edged closer to the door. Something about this person... I just didn't feel safe. I mean, he was safer to be around than Nusanda, but I still felt an, an aura of unnatural power. Unbalanced, raw power that didn't cage itself.
"That's quite far enough." I heard the voice pierce through me yet again, causing me to freeze. This guy wasn't armed, apart from a cigarette, so what was he going to do? I've just got to get the fuck out of here.
"Are you afraid of me?" The voice seemed to pierce directly through my veil. Honestly, I think I'm screwed regardless, so I might as well be honest.
"I'm terrified." I mumbled. I think he caught it regardless, because he then rose from his dark veil, and allowed me to acutely study his features.

An averagely sized man, around five foot nine, but he generated an aura of intimidation and power. His rough, coursed hands still held the cigarette as it twisted and curled, trying to escape. The old yet somehow very stylish sleeve of his shirt trailed up to some designer clothing. I couldn't see the brand, as he had some sort of jacket on, and it only allowed the short sleeves to breathe in the free air. He wore the uniformed trousers, and had a pair of bright, white, shining trainers that hurt to look at. Honestly, I think they described him well: good to look at, but if you looked for too long, you became apparent of the real personality. His face was about what I'd expect: Dark brown eyes that cut through any sort of bullshit you presented, neatly preserved and even ears surrounded by well trimmed hair, a slightly pointed nose, and a simple mouth that was currently positioned in a straight position. As he rose, the top of his hair, which was combed upwards and left, making it look like a tsunami, bounced slightly, as if they were connected to my nerves.
"Why..?" He asked, looking me up and down, like a lord studying his peasant.
"I'm not here to hurt you." Reassuring me didn't really help, but I tried to look more relaxed. I had a feeling I didn't really want to piss this person off.
"You seemed... well, a lot more menacing, only a second ago" I calmly replied, trying to keep a neutral boundary between us.
"So I'm not menacing now?" He questioned my reasoning, again making me wonder where this was going.
"No, not as much. I can see you better." I replied, gesturing to his face and clothes.
"Yeah, that is our problem, us humans. We are afraid of what we don't know, so you aren't gonna like what's next." His honest reply told me.
"What do you mean?" I asked quickly, backing up to the teachers desk, the cold wood touching my shirt, changing it to the feeling of death.
"You need to come with me." He said, almost robotically
"The Boss needs to speak to you."

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