The Fourty-Fourth

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"Ah, you're still alive." Number one said, lighting yet another blunt as he stood in front of me. The only thing that told me that was the sudden light and the red lingering of weed and tobacco burning.
"I'm surprised. That kid... what was his name?" Number two mused over in his head. I heard Number one sigh and then in a direction before speaking.
"Oscar, you fucking brainlet." His low voice seemed to joke yet didn't, if you can understand what I mean.
"Yeah, that's it. That Oscar kid beat you hard." Number one also seemed to light a blunt, the light and intensifying smell also indicated it.
"I'm surprised we didn't take you to hospital. You'd be yet another kid who fell down the stairs or got hit by a car. The Boss is clever with this shit." Another laugh emerged from a corner, and I could tell that they both enjoyed this.
"Why? Why not let me go?" I reasoned with them, trying to appeal to a more human side of them, but they were clearly having none of it.
"You killed our dealer." One spat at me, hatred in his voice.
"We've had to go to the city over to score weed. The next city over. Do you have any fucking idea how long that takes?" Two added onto this before also stepping closer.
"And now... You're locked up in a room with us. Nowhere to go. No keys to the door. No easy way out. Nothing. You're still the same old kid who was dragged through those doors, half dead and bleeding raw." The first one said before stepping back and allowing it to sink in.
These fuckers. I'm gonna fuckin kill them. They add to the sadness this place faces. They smoke their lives away. They simply waste time and energy. They help The Boss. Anyone who does that deserves death.
They both laughed at my sudden silence as I hung my head and thought hard about my next move.
"No." My mouth moved on its own, forming the worst kind of words in this situation. Both of them seemed to patter out as they listened.
"You are locked in a room with me. No locks. No keys. No escape." I heard my voice darken and lose it's accent. The room seemed to brighten slightly, and I could see two people, highlighted by redness in the bland darkness.
I'm gonna rip you limb from fucking limb.
I felt my body twist as I said this, cutting itself around the skin and shaping it. I felt weird all of a sudden: I felt taller, stronger, powerful. My brain seemed to merge itself into a larger being. My arms seemed to expand, my chest seemed to build itself up, my face seemed to sink back and protect itself with a black, blank, smooth slate.
No way.
My clawed hands confirmed it.
I'm Poppy's monster.

"Woah... what the fuck are we smoking?" I heard one laugh, his laughing suddenly interrupted by an extreme cough that rattled his rib cage. Number two managed to plainly laugh, his dark voice merging in perfectly with the room we were in. That didn't matter though: with my new eyes, I could see those little bitches perfectly. Standing up from the chair, I watched the smiles slowly drip from their faces like blood as they realised that this wasn't a joke, and that I wasn't a figment of a trip on weed. I was real, here, and about to cause some problems.
"Yo... how the..." The first one seemed to be tongue-twisted as it marvelled at my new look, taking in all of the things it had to offer. I looked down at my new claws, watched them expand, and shaped my incredible teeth into a smile.
"Let's th-think this through..." The second one seemed to start to edge upward the door, escape on his mind.
"Why?" My emotionless voice cut through the sadness like a knife through butter. "You were acting very tough only a second ago." My clawed hands stretched out, a force equivalent to a freight train, and slammed themselves into his back, sinking the edges of my bone into his, causing him to scream and fall to the floor. I think I broke his spine, as he simply laid there twitching as I looked towards the first one with lustful intent to harm. He scrabbled to the back walls, pinning himself as close as he could to them, clearly trying to become one with the darkness. His actions were in vain though, as my new found sight sliced it's way through the darkness, burning a hole into his skull as I swooped in towards him, both claws knitted together to create a small ball of extreme violence.
"Boo." I whispered as I slid into his chest, both claws fully submerging themselves into his upper body. I left them there, staring into his dilated eyes as he screamed and wept in pain at the sudden removal of his chest cavity. My brain spun itself faster than a silk weaver, and, I'm doing so, forcefully slammed both of my hands outwards, ripping the body of the guy in half, sending pieces of brain, organ, and flesh flying around the room like organic dodgeballs. They seemed to be extremely bouncy as they kept on cascading with each other, hitting into anything they could. The blood began to rain down soon after, showering the room in a red tint as I stepped towards my paralysed victim.
"F-f-fuck... p-ple-please..." I heard his voice mutter, more of a whisper in the back of my mind than actual words.
"I'm sorry. Speak up." I spat out as I dragged my claw against his thigh, cutting deep and drawing a lot more blood than I initially thought. His face contorted into extreme pain and discomfort as I continued to scribble my way across his back, creating words and symbols that my human body recognised. I think the animal took over in the end, as the last thing I remember before blacking our is my alien foot crush itself down onto number two's head, bringing the saga of the druggy duo to an end with a nice, meaty, and fulfilling exit.

Hey there. I just want to tell everyone that there isn't anything wrong with smoking weed. The main highlight of that is that Adam is looking for any excuse, no matter how ridiculous.

If you are smoking and want to quit, go ahead and quit. I just don't want anyone to think I'm against legalising weed.

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