The Thirty-Ninth

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What the fuck is he doing here? He was in the bushes the last time I saw him. I guess he might be the groundskeeper?
Above my head, I could see a rather large shadow hover above the door is hidden behind, the darkness indicating this wasn't someone I should alert.
"Who's out 'ere..?" I heard him coo, almost trying to attract some attention instead of using the surprise element. "I won't 'urt yer, I promise.." There was a sinister menace behind his voice that I didn't trust, and I never would. My brain still rushed back to the school day that harshly introduced me to his prowess.
Only electric to those 'morphed up'
What the fuck is a morph?
"If you don't come out, I'm gon' snap yer neck when I find yer!" The groundskeeper revolves his movement again, coming through the open door, big clunky steps stopping right in front of it.
This man has clearly played 'hide and murder' before... Shit.
After a few seconds of silence, I could audibly hear my breathing, and knew the jig was up. Moving before thinking, I flung my hands quickly and powerfully into the door, slamming the frame harshly into it, noting the cracks that didn't sound like splintered wood. It howled, clearly trying to call upon a wolf, before hounding after me, giving chase. I think he got around half a step in before I heard another snap and another yell of pure pain as his leg gave out, causing his body to hit the floor and violent screams to fill the silence. Ignoring all the glass, I vaulted my way out the window, being careful not to put my hand down, or leave any trace of DNA. My feet calmly (and quite smartly, I will smugly add) hit the floor with a crisp 'clack' as I continued to sprint for my life. I had no idea if he was the only one here, and I didn't want to find out.
It's still so late! Why the fuck is he at school?! On a SATURDAY?!
All of a sudden, the screams cut off, as if someone had violently cut a track halfway through playing it. The only sound that I could hear was the extremely loud crashing of my panicked running.
Almost there...
As I got to the gate, I threw my hands up, grabbing onto the top of the gate and throwing my entire body over the spikes, watching one narrowly avoid snagging my clothes before clashing with the floor and ending up in a tangled, messy heap of bruises and body parts. Groaning heavily, and feeling every fibre and molecule in my body scream as I scrambled up and stepped back, trying to find the groundskeeper. All I could see was the blackness of the night, and the objects that stood out in the darkness. The lights, the windows, the darker corners of the school, even the school itself, shadow seeming to laugh at my attempt to pull it down.
It is. It's sending it's hands out to try and kill me. Two have tried, two have failed. I have a chance. Maybe, I can pull my life and this school together, make it a proper place, a place where people wouldn't be afraid of what was going on inside of it. A place where people were actually safe. A place with no drugs, no worry, and a place where I could-
Spinning around, fists at the ready, I was still too late, as the bar had already made it halfway towards its target. To my credit, I did try to duck the fucker, but I got halfway, and the bar slammed itself against my cranium, causing extreme pain and then pure numbness as I fell due to changing forces. My back then slammed against the pavement, causing my back to crack harshly against it, a rough mattress to try and soften my landing. Small patches of my skin seemed to feel like water as I moved, the liquid running it's way across my broken back.
Fuck... I need to move. Who the fuck is this?
The bar came down again, caving in my ribs, a feeling I was all too used to at this point. The shoe part of him came in, just to make sure I couldn't survive if I tried to run, and it seemed to confirm, as I heard an almost sheathing sound through the seriously harsh ringing in my ears.
Up... Get the fuck up..
"I've got him." Another accent-less voice, another blank slate to use.
Another lost cause to add to the list.

Is this the place again?
The blanket of darkness greeted me when I closed my eyes, automatically allowing me to confirm my current position: dead.
I can't believe it... I made it that far, and fucked up at the end. This isn't fair.
The world got darker all of a sudden.
Maybe I am dying. Maybe I don't have an infinite amount of times. Or maybe I ran out of energy. Or maybe something else happened. Who knows? I just know that this could be it. If it is.... I'm not complaining. I brought two people together, and saved another one from her monsters. Her monsters were the worst... heh. Who knows? Maybe ill make it, maybe I won't, who knows?
A small edge of light pierced the blanket, and I seemed to sarcastically sigh as I brought my thoughts to a close and stood straight.
Well, we're back again. I swear, these seem to get faster and faster each time, unless the darkness lingers...
The hood was taken off, and my consciousness was flooded into my body again, allowing me to shoot my eyes straight up before gasping for fresh air.

The room I'd been shoved in seemed to be made of concrete: it covered every square inch of the wall, forming an almost unbreakable cage to be trapped in. The walls were scratched and stained with blood that didn't seem to be fresh or old: just an odd mixture of tainted and ruined liquid, like an artist's unwashed pallet. The end of the room contained a bed, and a table. No tap, no food, no nothing. A door, obviously locked, stood in one of the walls, clearly breaking the agenda of nothing but concrete.
Well, guess we're starving to death.
The thought of The Boss coming down here did heavily worry me. He was the only one who seemed to know anything about me, so if he decided to...
I'd be toasted.
I didn't wake up on the bed: The solid concrete seemed to cushion my body whilst I slept, trying to keep me in the painful cocoon it seemed to create. So, trying to put some sort of life in my body, I pushed m body up, almost like a push-up, and lifted my legs up and through to create a 'standing' stance. My legs clearly got the message, as they proceeded to walk around the room, trying to decide how I was going to get out of here.
This is either in, below, above, or near the school. All four of those options worry me. What is the time anyway?
A door flew open, the only reason I noted it is because I heard it. The hinges seemed to scream as the frame connected to the wall, warning me in the loudest way possible. Another door broke it's way through, again repeating the signal of panic. Finally, the door into this room slammed itself into the walls, printing an image into the place until the end of time. Three figures walked through, almost too melancholy to be taken seriously. One of them, the one you could probably guess, spoke for the other two:
"Well, isn't it good to see you again?"
Oh. It's time to die then.

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