The Twenty-Seventh

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It floated there for a moment, mere meters away, arms still outstretched, allowing me to collect myself before turning around and attempting to run. I knew it was foolish, but it didn't freeze me. All of my parts felt normal, I was still breathing, and everything was okay. Then, out of nowhere, I ended up blinking and being somewhere else.
One moment, I'm shit terrified. The next, I'm in a room, completely dark, and having no recollection of how I got there.
"W-w-w-w-wha-wha-What-t?" I mumbled out into the cold.
Fuck, it's really fucking cold here.
Stumbling, I continued to run forward, and I got around three steps away from my original position before I hit a solid surface that smacked my head, dazing me heavily and causing me to walk backwards. The pain was bearable, but it still hurt. Realising that I'd clearly hit a wall, I shook my head, ignored my disoriented vision, and slowly walked back to the wall. The temperature seemed to go down by the minute as I stayed here, the feeling of numbness creeping in. My hand hit the wall, and I could feel the ice that skimmed the surface of it break and crack as I traced it. It took a few minutes, but I'd realised I was in a box, in the pitch black, in the darkness, with only one door.
That's gotta be the door out. If that... thing comes back, I'm fucked.
It was still ingrained in my memory, and it simply wouldn't leave. The darkness seemed a lot more oppressing than it let on, lulling me into a false sense of security. Pushing past it all, I started to run for the door, hoping that there was nothing here watching me, and stumbled at the first step.
Don't stop. Catch yourself with your hands. Keep going on.
My hands did catch me, but clumsily, as I'd felt a stabbing pain in the left one. Bringing it up to my face to check for damage, I realised how pointless that was. The pain increased as I kept moving up the stairs, almost a meter to show how much further I'd gotten. A light became visible, rolling through the fog and cutting through the darkness of where I was. It allowed me to spot my hand, bloody and cut by something that shouldn't have been on those stairs. It allowed my eyes to adjust to such a light, before turning around to see if there was anything. It also allowed the thing that appeared out of Poppy to trail directly behind me, the mash of features and blood somehow contorting itself into a smile.

One of its arms stretched itself towards me, fingers curved and deadly sharp. I could feel it's pace increasing, hungry, ready to get its fill. Whether that would be death, carnivorous intent, or both, I didn't want to find out. My pace quickened again as I pushed myself to the limit of what I thought I could do, arms rushing by my sides like steam pumps built to last. Legs moved faster than they ever had as I saw the light creep closer and closer.
The creature growled at my sudden attempt, and I couldn't work out if it was upset or laughing at me. It didn't matter, as I could see the light a lot more quickly.
Come on....
However, what I could also feel was the sudden feeling of fatigue. I'd been pushing for forty seconds, the human body is only built to push for around twenty. My vision blurred, my legs suddenly slacked, and my face fell alongside the rest of my body.
Get up... get. Up. G-get... u-u-up...
The creature simply stood over me, then faced my way, body blocking the exit. It seemed to growl as it looked me up and down, and I could feel the scent it had caught on.
"You..." That noise was in my head again, forcing me to listen.
"You are his child."
"What the... fuck are you on about?" I spoke, shakily clutching myself up.
"The child that survived." The noise seemed to poke its way through my mind and soul, searching for something. I had no idea what, but I was unable to fight as I caught my breath.
"Survived what? What the fuck.." my breath cut out again as I sucked in oxygenated air. My body started to regain function as the oxygen debt I built up paid itself off, and in doing so, allowed me to look at how far I had to go.
Twenty steps. That's all it will take.
Looking behind me, I noted the thousands of steps I'd taken to get up here to where I was.
"The one who survived. Someone... must've told you." The voice faintly buzzes my ears, but I was too busy focusing on escaping.
"I... I really don't know what the fuck your on about." I replied, still heavily inhaling. The more breath in my system, the better.
If I make it, I'm ordering the fattest McDonald's I can.
"Your parents are dead, are they not?" The voice asked me, the noise seeming to ring my ears that little bit more.
"Y-Yeah... why?" I replied with another question, trying to keep neutral tones with the thing.
Keep heavily breathing. Keep. Breathing.
Finally, after a few more, I felt stable enough to sprint again. My adrenaline started to run through my veins, sending short shocks through my body whilst I paced myself.
"Ah, so no one did explain the part your parents played." The voice concluded itself, and snarled.
"You'll die confused."
"Fuck you." I replied.
"You should stop swearing. It doesn't make you look tough." The voice raised its hands, revealing those fingers again.
Meat hooks. That's what they remind me of. Razor-sharp, Rusted, and ready to murder.
"These make you look tough."
My brain melted. My legs shook. My mind finally drilled itself. Clearly, it was time.
Maybe this thing can actually kill me?
"Is it possible for you to kill me?" I asked aloud, ignoring whether it could read my mind or not.
"Kind of..." The reply was vague. It didn't really tell me anything, but the creature wasn't exactly on any sort of animal chart. I didn't see this thing next to the elephant in primary school.
"I'm sorry, I should probably explain myself..." the creature lowered it's hands and stepped towards me.
Is it actually surrendering? My god.
It stopped in front of me, it's face a mishmash as I watched it continue to whirl, and leaned in towards my head. I was frozen in place, terrified to move, and simply waited for whatever was going to happen next. I could feel the breath this thing emitted. It felt like a hot knife being pressed sharply into an ice block, and it only got hotter as it whispered:
"But I won't."
Realising what was about to happen, I kicked into overdrive, threw the thing aside by sheer force and luck, and scrambled for the stairs, screaming for help at the top of my lungs.
Fifteen steps away.
My legs returned to the state they were used to as they pounded through the stairs, each one another safe zone for me to cross. My arms simply threw themselves to my sides as I kept on my pointless mission.
Ten steps away.
I dared to glance back, and saw the creature approaching at its steady and rapid pace, clearly sick of wasting time. I only turned around for a second before resuming the pace I'd had moments before. The sweat glistening on my face became more and more apparent as I realised how quickly energy fleeted from my body.
Daring yet another glance out of fear, I noticed one of the creatures arms push itself out, and suddenly elongate itself. The arm, clearly having indefinite range, zipped towards me at an incredible pace. Like a gun hitting a target, I was stationary, and placed at the perfect angle.
I threw myself out of the doorframe that met my view, and just got a taste of above-the-earth oxygen before I felt my entire body stop, and become stock still. My mind froze for a second, and I looked down at my body to see what the fuck was the problem. As I did, I noticed what it was:
The creature's hand had embedded itself in my chest, ripping away a large chunk of my front and back flesh. It also caught my spine heavily, as my arms and legs suddenly dropped, as heavy as lead. I felt the arm lift me up, levitating me along the edge, a puppet's work, before the other arm snaked around to face my face. The arm seemed to sense it was in front of my face, and it bared it's hooks at me.
"Please... God no, please..." I managed to mumble out, blood gently dripping from a corner of my chin.
"You going to swear, to try and test your strength now?" The creature answered my pleas with a comical joke before the arm darted it's way into my face, instantly mashing it into pieces. I lost my eyesight to an extremely dark blanket that wrapped my senses into themselves. I felt my nose crushing itself, and then the thing was savagely pulled out, sending my cartilage flying and a few loose pieces clinging onto the edge.
I felt the pressure shift, then a sudden change as all the force of both of the hands fixed themselves onto the top of my chest. They seemed to push, and I felt the ground catch me half heartedly, as black turned to white, and I heard the creature snarl before a sickening rip of flesh could be heard. I couldn't tell at the moment, as the pain running through my was so extreme it built fires on my nerve cells and set them off, seeming to enjoy the hurt my brain registered. Another rip was heard before my ears began to ring, and my heart was forcefully gouged out of its chest.
I could feel the blanket-darkness of that place setting in again, and like a child taking a nap, I fell into it grateful and happy, as I knew there was no way I was coming back alive.

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